Daredevil #50

7.0Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

HARDCORE PART 5 Daredevil is unleashed! If his treatment of Bullseye was any indication, Wilson Fisk is in for a rude awakening.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 20, 2003

    This issue is so good, it redeems the ones leading up to it. It's the Daredevil character at his best, which can't be put into words, so you better pick it up to see what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, David Mack picks up the title soon, and I don't know if I want to be around for that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Aug 26, 2003

    Daredevil has grown both as a fighter and as a character. In the early Frank Miller run Kingpin was nearly omnipotent, well beyond Murdocks fighting skills. The modern day Daredevil is as vicious and capable a street fighter as anyone in the Marvel Universe, which Bendis proves without doubt in Hardcore. The revelation on the final page of this issue is not as remarkable as it has been built up to be, but the directions Bendis is free to explore are now limitless. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 24, 2003

    This is an interesting end to a strong storyline. Now I just wonder if we have to wait for Bendis and Maleev to get back before we continue with this story, or will Mack get us started with DDs new relationship to the neighborhood? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 29, 2003

    The Kingpin is one of the more physically imposing villains in the Marvel Universe, which is actually quite a feat considering he possesses no superpowers. However, after opening with a very solid display of how utterly ruthless the Kingpin can be, the issue proceeds to offer up a battle between Daredevil & the Kingpin in which Daredevil's raw anger & frustration essentially renders the Kingpin an ineffective opponent. Now I realize that the point of this battle was to act as big finish to a story that has been running through these pages for the better part of a year, and there is something to be said about seeing Daredevil in such a royally pissed off mood, with his final speech to the gathered criminals being a fairly intriguing status quo shift. However, I truly feel that the Kingpin was taken far too lightly in this issue, as the fight largely consists of Daredevil pounding away on the Kingpin. There's no real sense of danger established as the issue is too focused on selling us o Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 25, 2003

    Im sure thats not exactly dead on, but given that this issue is a spectacular failure I dont think Im far off. Read Full Review

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