Over the years, the same hitchhiker has found Danny Ketch, Robbie Reyes and now Johnny Blaze! Join us for this stand-alone tale of terror that threatens the past present, and future of the Ghost Riders...
Rated T+
Ghost Rider #16 functions like a ghost story told by a campfire with a narrator detailing the narrative of a mysterious hitchhiker who crosses paths with all three of Marvel's most prominent Ghost Riders. The concept makes for an intriguing one-shot, especially with the tightly paralleled trio of stories providing plenty of material to reflect the broad strokes of this new villain's origin. Read Full Review
This is a good example of what "high concept" means: A neatly encapsulated storytelling gimmick. It also demonstrates that a high concept isn't inherently bad; this issue's absolute commitment to its gimmick makes it a fun, novel one-off.
The art could be a little stronger (particularly when it comes to character anatomy), but it gets the job done.
A good read, but I do still feel like this issue could have been used to make the conclusion that was the previous issue felt less rushed. Either way, I enjoyed this for what it was and I was glad to see Robbie.
The visuals were cool. I think that's what makes me like the book more than I should. It's an ok story that's a little empty.