As the impossible task of redeeming himself to the universe begins to overwhelm him, the truth about Doom's reincarnated mother is revealed!
Rated T+
Other than fucking with the villain turned super-hero, just what do she and the alternate dimension's version of Reed Richards have in plan for Doom? I'm guessing whatever it is, it isn't going to be pleasant. But, given Doom's recent actions versus those of the “heroes” around him, just whose side with Ben Grimm end up on? Will he realize in a world gone mad the closest thing to an ally is his oldest adversary? Worth a look. Read Full Review
Ultimately, this issue functions as a brief interlude from the action and gives the creators a chance to do a little more character building. This run already feels like the closest thing we have to a Fantastic Four series and that is only further cemented in the more intimate moments of this issue. As a whole, it shows that "Infamous Iron Man" has the potential to become a notable and important part of the mythos. Four Stars! Read Full Review
Pieces move around and the story continues to simmer in the latest Infamous Iron Man. Read Full Review
Slow pacing and decompression are problems plaguing too many Marvel books right now. What makes it especially frustrating with Infamous Iron Man is the knowledge that this series looks to be ending with the Marvel Legacy relaunch. Read Full Review
Doom gets some really nice moments with what looks like his mom, but the jig is up and we're headed into a heck of a climax. Is it time for a Doom-Grimm teamup? I've had my issues in the past with the way this title is paced and drawn and written, but it is *really* firing on all cylinders at this point. I think one of the real keys that makes this issue work is that we get to see Victor do something clever, and it's shown with subtlety rather than told like a lecture. This issue is a big fat reward for sticking with Infamous, and the prospects for the finale look especially bright.
OK, so this issue was particularly slow. However, the writing is still good and I still feel really lucky that Victor was given the character development he deserved after the events of Secret Wars.
A nice issue that gives the reader more depth into the relay between Doom and his mother. Seeing the dynamics of Thing working his way through Doom's shift in alignment doesn't cease to he entertaining. And with The Maker appearing at the end to cause trouble, it cemented my desire to pick up the next issue. Disappointing that this series won't be included in the legacy relaunch.
This issue is a lot of character build. I thought it was fantastically done. The art in this series continues to be my favorite (besides Defenders) and is always a joy to look at. The story should be ending soon so I am curious as to how this all plays out. Infamous continues to be a must read.
This issue has good moments but an ending that is pretty unclear and muddied. The scene with young Victor and his mother was interesting, and I really liked the scene with Ben Grimm looking through the ruins of Doom's castle, and the encounter he has. This book has a strong Fantastic Four feel. It has good characterization. But things continue to move at a snail's pace.
I do enjoy the intriguing mother character but I dislike paying for little morsels of plot development, should have waited for the TPB.
Solid issue however it seems to take longer than it should to finish a story, Bendis definetly drawing the story out to meet deadlines. This entire series is really great but sometimes I feel the current arc should have been wrapped up 2 issues ago.