Spinning out of the pages of IRON MAN, Hellcat travels to San Francisco to get her house in order...only this house is an aging Victorian manor left to her by her mother Dorothy. The house and its secrets will reunite Patsy with old friends like Hedy Wolfe - as well as others she'd hoped to leave dead and buried. When a supernatural crisis arises, will Hellcat and Iron Man combined be enough to beat back the flames of Hell itself?!
Iron Man and Hellcat Annual #1 is a wonderful love letter to Patsy Walker... Throughout that first arc, Patsys trauma and history with Hell and marriages have been violently reminisced about but never shown. This annual brings that to life in a chilling fashion. Those demons (some literally) are put in front of her to face through incredibly intelligent scripting and artwork. Read Full Review
This issue is definitely a turning point for both Tony and Patsy and a great one at that. Read Full Review
Coleman delivers some great visuals that beautifully play on the dark tone of the story and its setting. Read Full Review
Iron Man/Hellcat Annual #1 is a good Hellcat-focused one-shot spinning out of Iron Man and offering some much-needed focus on the character. If you dig the supernatural and Marvel deep-cuts, don't pass on this great one-shot. Read Full Review
If Maryjane and She Hulk can get their own comics I guess other characters in the Marvel universe can too these days. It will be interesting to see how this story develops and what else Black Cat ends up doing as there are only so many things she can steal and still have it be interesting. Read Full Review
Whoo, *somebody* wants to get his Patsy Walker solo book green-lit!
Though I think this gets off to a shaky start (in both scripting and art), it firms up as it goes and by the end, it's sketched out a promising direction for Patsy. So what the hey, I'm on board if Marvel wants to do that solo.
Fun one shot
It was ok. Personally I'd prefer a 'happy-go-lucky' Hellcat, with not particularly strong powers, and without the links to hell.