Jackpot #1 View Preview
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Jackpot #1

Event\Storyline: Gang War Writer: Celeste Bronfman Artist: Joey Vazquez, Eric Gapstur Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 17, 2024 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 16
5.5Critic Rating
4.2User Rating

•  Mary Jane Watson, A.K.A. JACKPOT, gets her first solo super story since her debut in ASM #31!
•  New York City is in chaos as the super-powered criminal gangs are at war, and it's all hands on deck!
•  It's a baptism by fire, but, come on, this is Mary Jane. What CAN'T she handle?!

  • 10
    The Comicbook Dispatch - kcscribbles Jan 18, 2024

    Jackpot #1 is all-out action from beginning to end and feels like a classic Marvel comic, giving us a crossover with Spider-Man and She-Hulk (along with some great interaction between them), an explosive battle with a powerful villain and some quality downtime with MJ and Paul.   What could have been just another book mired in the seemingly endless Gang War storyline turned out to be my favorite book of the week.  Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 20, 2024

    It's a little odd, and will absolutely be retconned away in a few years, but Mary Jane's first official outing as a costumed superhero isn't bad at all, and the art is quite good. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Jan 17, 2024

    I'm still excited for Jackpot's future, but this issue didn't push the character forward in the way that I'd hoped. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 17, 2024

    Jackpot is a very basic superhero yarn. There's fighting and, primarily, a reminder Jackpot exists. The lack of character work or any real ramifications of the events in this story mattering makes this a relatively easy book to skip while we wait for Jackpot to have any relevance at all. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Weird Science Jim Jan 17, 2024

    Jackpot #1 takes a bad concept and somehow makes it worse!What little potential the book had is lost in an issue that lacks setup, pacing, character work and unfortanelty, a reason to exist.The art is ok, but it's hard to get past the clunky writing that dominates every panel.Plus, it has Paul in it! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SirCabirus Jan 19, 2024

    I totally agree to all reviews here so far: It‘s not typically MJ, why is it part of Gang War, no character depth, no story at all etc.
    BUT, as also some reviewers confirmed, the art is well done and the fights are amazing!
    And yes, it‘s an action-packed no-brainer comic book with heroine, hero and one villain in full bodysuits (and She-Hulk in swimsuit), so seriously: What else can someone expect by judging this book by it‘s cover?
    Finally I liked and enjoyed this issue, it was highly entertaining and a lot of fun to read!

  • 6.0
    Kenjamin Aug 8, 2024

    Art: 3/5
    Story: 3/5
    Total: 6/10

  • 6.0
    LeonReadsNRates Jan 18, 2024

    Being a complete normie to Marvel, I didn't know what to expect. Why is MJ a superhero? Who the hell is Paul?? There's a gang war going on in New York and they need Mary Jane Watson to help Spider-Man fight the thugs??

    Why? I thought NYC was filled to the gills with superheroes, so what's so important about this story? I will admit the art is solid and MJ looks good as a superhero but ultimately, why? If this artist sticks around, I'll probably pick up another comic.

    A completely inoffensive story, this really didn't need to be apart of an event, as it barely seem to have much relevance to it.

    Not recommended.

  • 5.0
    AmericanHealthcare Jan 30, 2024

    The idea of MJ as a cape with Paul as her Great Value Oracle is a workable one, but not with this execution. The narration boxes about her motives are generic to the point of parody, the dialogue doesn't land, and nothing of consequence happens. MJ wanting to do cape stuff to distract from losing her kids is a good enough motivation, but the way that it's handled here is equal parts boring and underbaked, and it doesn't have enough charm to get by on. And what were they thinking with that cover?

  • 5.0
    BirdmanG07 Jan 21, 2024

    Writing wasn’t bad but it was very stereotypical superhero tropes throughout the whole issue.

    2 things were done right, the art was great and 2 of the last 3 text bubbles from MJ - she was already a hero. That’s what made her great, she didn’t have powers and she was a force in what she did in her own way. This is forced and not needed.

    Major L for Nick Lowe who still oversees the subpar state ASM is in.

  • 5.0
    Screaming Enigma Jan 17, 2024

    I just wasn't really into this one, unfortunately. While I didn't give this the same score as them, I still agree with a lot of what DerbyComics said in their review, so I would recommend you read that. As for what I can say about this, I just felt like Bronfman's dialogue was a bit too generic for my liking. It didn't really feel like any of the characters were truly authentic. The art was nice, but it too began to lose me a little as time went on. Also, I have to mention that this barely has anything to do with Gang War, despite it being listed on the checklist. I think I'll still check out the upcoming Jackpot & Black Cat series from Bronfman, but I'm not too hopeful about it after reading this, unfortunately.

  • 4.5
    Alias12 Sep 4, 2024

    Why does this even exist?

  • 3.0
    derbycomics Jan 17, 2024

    I just don’t get what Marvel is doing with Mary Jane’s new “powers” and Jackpot persona. They are literally the embodiment of a deus ex machina plot device that allows writers the ability to pull things out of thin air. Even aside from the randomness of her powers, how/where/when did MJ become trained in hand-to-hand combat or superhero agility?? There are a few scenes where she doesn’t use her powers but still manages to perform some Spider-Man ask moves that a normal person would never be able to do.

    For being a Gang War tie-in, there is hardly any connective thread aside from MJ’s battle with Francine Frye’s Electro. It doesn’t even make sense how these two come to blows. This felt like Marvel’s attempt to r more

  • 2.0
    ResearchReader Jan 22, 2024

    Character assassination in action. Or what I like to call "How to Turn Mary Jane into Mary Sue in just one issue."

    There is no functional story here and Jackpot is literally a character that has all their flaws fixed instantly, and Mary Jane who has no combat experience suddenly gets perfect hand to hand combat. This isnt Mary Jane, this is some random BS.

    Paul is still around for some reason just being a simp... I guess?

    This book is just filled with ever negative modern Marvel Tropes. This is what you get when you get a My Little Pony author writing spider man. Note to author, you are not writing to Bronies, you actually need to write a story.

    1.5 is for the art which is decent. I suppose you more

  • 2.0
    Afre Jan 18, 2024

    Oh boy. My whole idea for going into this was "I hate the idea, but this might work", since that has happened before. But gotta say, I hated this issue. Might be one of the worst issues I've read in a while. I have so many problems here. The opening pages do not convey at all that they are here because of their dead adopted children. They might've progressed through it, who knows. The last time we saw them going to therapy was almost 6 months ago.

    And MJ just feels off. Like she doesn't feel like MJ at all. The dialogue is so aggressively mediocre and Paul is still a nothing-character, that this didn't change at all. The fact this does not take accord any superhero stuff MJ has experienced before or even the identity of Jackpot more

  • 1.0
    Coops Jan 30, 2024

    This book was awful and a horrible debut with some of saddest, unfunny dad jokes it’s been my misfortune to read. The art was also choppy, pointing to Nick Lowe’s office being yet again highly unorganized and not knowing what it is doing with a second artist needing to finish the issue. Mary Jane’s powers were nonsensical and were just whatever writer Celeste Bronfman needed them to be - and since Bronfman apparently thinks having the power of vines makes one fly like Superman, the idiocy is flamingly bright. And Bronfman apparently can’t do even the most basic research because she turned MJ into a bad actress who couldn’t fool Francine Frye even though MJ easily took down Francine during the Nick Spencer run with only her acting more

  • 6.5
    pizzamain Jan 11, 2025

  • 5.0
    comicfan00 Feb 14, 2024

  • 3.0
    Swanktub Jan 23, 2024

  • 3.0
    Halodystroyer44 Jan 22, 2024

  • 1.0
    Wally West Jan 18, 2024

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