As Doctor Strange continues to contend with the machinations of Nightmare in the framing story by Alex Ross and Steve Darnall, a bevy of other creators lend their talents to stories from all across the Marvel Universe: Daniel Acuña spins a saga of the Deviants in the world of the future; Doug Rice and Hilary Barta explore the earliest adventures of Doctor Droom during the time of the Marvel monsters; and Mark Waid and Lucio Parillo pit the Hulk against a fighting mad Wolverine in a brutal painted saga!
After all, what's not to like about a super-meta take on Marvel's oft-forgotten monster characters? Read Full Review
A great Acuna/Busiek story weighed down by three mediocre tales. Read Full Review
I just read the Thing's story in this and by that merit it was sad and filled with regret and self-loathing as the inside of the Thing's rock head could ever be, but it ended on a cheerful note as the Thing's heart tends to be so just like the Thing's life - it wasn't all bad.
A great story and art by Acuna that's stuck between 2 average tales. the Monsters story has some humor that can't save it and the Abbinanti Thing story has been done many times before and the art can't save that one either. What I need is the Acuna deviants story to be a 6 issue mini with him on art banging it out because I loved it.
These strips explore a Deviant-dominated AU, poke fun at the repetitive stream of giant monsters that filled Marvel comics before the arrival of the FF, and take a sour-then-sweet look at Ben Grimm's origin. It's all crafted well, but none of it really stands out as exceptional. In the end, the greatest part of this issue is the amazing cover, which answers the question "What would it look like if Alex Ross satirized Rob Liefeld?"
Some of the art was good?
This was good art, but not many good stories.
I honestly found this issue uninteresting. I liked the Ben Grimm story and the very short nightmare ones but the other two were an extreme chore that I kind of just skimmed them. They didnt seem to grab me in anyway.