Spider-Girls #2

Event\Storyline: Spider-Geddon Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Andres Genolet Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 28, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 14
6.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

•  SPIDERLING's parents have gone to fight the Inheritors! Now she has to prove that MAY PARKER and ANYA CORAZON made the right choice bringing her on their mission!
•  The mysteries of the SPIDER SOCIETY have been protected for centuries, but our heroes are running out of time to unravel them!
•  And if the Inheritors learn about their mission, the SPIDER-GIRLS won't just be racing the clock - they'll be running for their lives!
Rated T

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Forrest Hollingsworth Nov 28, 2018

    A slightly unfocused Spider-Girls finds strength in fantastic character voice and expression, but struggles with wanting to tie in too many threads, instead delivering on none of them in a compelling way despite great, crisp writing and funny, balanced art. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Jenna Anderson Nov 28, 2018

    Overall, having a female-centric exploration of the various Spiders in the multiverse proves to be a delight. Read Full Review

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