The concluding chapter to this special WAR OF THE REALMS story, as Iron Man finds himself struggling against the ancient mystical forces he has the LEAST power to resist. Tony fights an ancient winged calamity AND his own technology with the lives of everyone at STARK UNLIMITED hanging in the balance!
Rated T+
There are moments in this issue that will hopefully please diehard fans and casual readers alike. Read Full Review
A fun issue that is by no means required reading in the War of the Realms (in fact it takes pains not to overlap with the main series), but still recommended if you like seeing Iron Man a bit out of his wheelhouse. Read Full Review
This issue's focus on Tony's personal and emotional problems in the middle of a battle with a literal magical dragon works pretty well, and the combination of snappy dialogue and old-school armor makes for a satisfying ending. Read Full Review
With another art team in play, Gail Simone's pit stop on Tony Stark: Iron Man might have marked a new high point in the series' tenure - that said, one of the other pitfalls of tie-in comic books is that they're often proving grounds for untested talent, giving the main artists a chance to regroup and rebuild their margins for deadline. But with some uneven artwork, Tony Stark: Iron Man #13 isn't quite tapping into its considerable potential, escaping the dragon with a good storyline rather than a fantastic one. Regardless, Simone's memorable work transcends the usual stigma of a tie-in book - she does such a superlative job at capturing the essence of a post-RDJ Tony Stark that one hopes we'll see her returning to this title sooner rather than later. Read Full Review
TONY: And there she is. Janet Van Dyne. Every good thing worth fighting for in the world. And also my girlfriend.
"Tell her she deserve to know. Tell her that when you were in the Escape, you drink alcohos a lot alcohos. And wanted more. Damn you, Tony. The dragon was right."
Both the script and the art have an improvisational feel. They make for a breezy, fun read on a casual level, but the storytelling doesn't hold up to close scrutiny. The characterization does, though!
This tie-in arc is a strong (albeit not Invincible) argument for giving Gail Simone an ongoing Iron Man book.
About as good as the last issue. Feels just as inconsequential, though.
This whole 2-part story feels like filler instead of a War of the Realms tie-in. Heck, this story takes place BEFORE War of the Realms, yet Marvel still advertises it as a tie-in. The best moments of the issue are when either Janet or Tony are fighting Sadurang, but unfortunately Simone takes time away from that to show how Tony’s armor is mystified or something. Simone writes Tony’s narration horrifically, and it does not sound like Tony at all. Pretty cool art though and nice action
Well, okay.