Wolverine #66

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 18, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 18
7.5Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

MARK MILLAR and STEVE MCNIVEN (CIVIL WAR) bring us the most important WOLVERINE story of the 21st Century. Nobody knows what happened the night the heroes fell. What happened to Wolverine is the biggest mystery.

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jun 19, 2008

    Unless you hate meaningless alternate future storylines or anything written by Mark Millar, there's no reason to skip this issue as it was just a great read made all the better with McNiven's beautiful artwork. I can't wait to see what madness Millar has in store or one of McNiven's fight scenes from upcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 10, 2008

    "Old Man Logan" suffers a bit from a derivative feel even as it charts new territory for the character. In the end, it's still a huge improvement over everything we've seen from the Wolverine books since last time Millar was writing. I'm hesitant to add another Millar book to my pile of recommended reading, but I honestly have no choice. This story is already shaping up to be a wild ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 20, 2008

    I totally enjoyed Wolverine #66. I found this to be a very strong first issue to what should be a highly entertaining story arc. Miller and McNiven make a fine team and deliver a comic book that is as fun to read as it is too look at. I would certainly recommend giving Wolverine #66 a try even if you have never been a huge Wolverine fan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jun 16, 2008

    Old Man Logan is not a mind-blowing debut, but it will fill you with lots of intrigue. The story's properly set up and the production values are top notch. Coming from the team who did Civil War it's hard to really doubt the lack of quality we'll be receiving as the story progresses. I can't wait to see how this ties into Millar's Fantastic Four run and/or 1985. This is like Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven – but Wolverine style! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Jun 17, 2008

    However, there's a very simple reason why I haven't rated this issue more highly, despite enjoying it, and that's that it feels like the story has only just got started by the time the issue ends. It's a clich, but I genuinely had to flip backwards to check that there weren't fewer than 22 pages of story here (in fact, there are more). Whilst I appreciate that this is just the first chapter of a longer story, and that things are sure to kick into a higher gear in later issues, I can only evaluate the story based on what we've seen so far, in this instalment. That's not enough to convince me that this story is guaranteed to be an entertaining read, even though I expect that it probably will be, based on the pedigree of the creators involved. However, the fairly interesting premise, the solid characterisation, and the good-looking artwork will at least ensure that I pick up the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Daniel Crown Jun 10, 2008

    When it comes down to it, I'm a sucker for alternate timeline superhero stories and I'm sure that I'll eventually love this one as well. It's just that while Wolverine #66 is certainly a good read, Millar gets a little too cute a few too many times for my whole-hearted approval. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend, because ultimately, there's a lot to like here and this arc has the potential to become one of the more memorable Wolverine stories in recent memory. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jun 10, 2008

    What it does to right, however, is make me anticipate the rest of the storyline. Like I said, there's plenty of places to go with the setup established here, and it's more or less out of continuity so Millar can presumably go nuts with his crazy concepts and whatnot. After the eight issues are over, there's no doubt in my mind that "Old Man Logan" could turn out to be a wild ride, and this semi-nondescript first issue will make more sense as a piece of the bigger picture. But for now, there are a few small missteps that keep it from completely selling me from the word go. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 23, 2008

    Writer Mark Millar has been responsible for some rather inventive work over the last few years. Chosen comes to mind, but even his super-hero work has shown some innovative thinking. Civil War, though hindered by problems with execution, was a great high concept, and his new creator-owned title, Kick-Ass, is a strong character study and an interesting deconstruction of the super-hero concept. Sadly, none of the originality is to be found in his latest foray into the world of Marvel's most popular mutant. This quick read is diverting for fans of the genre and the character, but it's not compelling or memorable. Maybe Millar has something twisted and imaginative in store. I certainly would hope so. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jun 16, 2008

    Like Millar's other recent Marvel work, "Wolverine" #66 certainly isn't dull, but it's so absurdly campy as to render itself meaningless. It's an insubstantial daydream of a future world where cities of today have been replaced by "Paste Pot Creek" and "Pym Cross." It wears its cinematic and comic book influences too openly, flaunting them at the expense of originality. This may be the most interesting comic of the week, but only because of the absurdity of its failures. Read Full Review

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