World War Hulk #5
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World War Hulk #5

Event\Storyline: World War Hulk Writer: Greg Pak Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 14, 2007 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 17
4.9Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

The millennium's most massive Marvel smashfest careens towards its cataclysmic conclusion! Four so-called Marvel "heroes" shot the Hulk into space. Their exploding shuttle destroyed his people and pregnant queen. And the Hulk has taught them what their arrogance has wrought. But now the Hulk faces the puny humans' greatest champion. And as the terrible battle rages, who will stand revealed as the hero and who will be proved the monster? Who knows the difference between vengeance and justice? And who will pay the terrible price of anger?

  • 7.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 14, 2007

    For his part, Pak is able to craft a satisfying climax to his story that involves more than just Sentry knocking Hulk unconscious (or vice versa). Still, the utter sense of confusion in the last few pages is as much his fault as Romita's. Pak sets up at least half a dozen new mini-series and ongoing books with this one issue, but I can't say I'm particularly interested in any of them. More than anything, Pak is guilty of not being nearly ambitious enough with this story. I wanted a World War, and all I got was a lot of punching and screaming. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Nov 18, 2007

    Overall, this is an okay end to a great story. While it sets up many interesting things to come, I just felt things played out too conveniently in this issue and it just seemed kind of stock. Either way, John Romitas Jr.s artwork has been very well done throughout this series, and he continues to be at the top of his game in terms of his unique style and his ability to draw great action. Greg Pak has done a great job with his first two Hulk epics, and I hope that he continues to deliver. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 18, 2007

    I would also have preferred it if Marvel had been a little less obvious with their plugs for future material in this final issue. Yet again, the end of an event comic feels like little more than an advertisement for forthcoming books from Marvel (there are at least three full-page trails for new series and story arcs which spin out of World War Hulk at the back of this issue, and the book itself finishes with a scene which exists solely to set up a new miniseries). As with Civil War, it feels as though the desire to set up future stories comes at the expense of a completely satisfying ending for this one. Hulk fans will probably be in heaven, but for everyone else, this might feel like a crass conclusion to an otherwise unpretentious and shamelessly enjoyable miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Nov 18, 2007

    I subscribe to The Incredible Hulk, so I have enjoyed Greg Paks writing throughout his run on the title. However, this conclusion to Planet Hulk was a cop-out in so many ways for those fans who still look for intelligent entertainment in the mainstream Marvel Comics. Plus, on a personal note, I dont know how I feel about the current Hulk series being transformed into the Incredible Herc next month. Does this guy, and Amadeus, deserve a series? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Nov 26, 2007

    A finale that is unsatisfying on its own but still whets your appetite for another helping of Hulk from Pak. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 15, 2007

    I said this before in my review for World War Hulk #3, but it bears repeating since I think it is the perfect summation of World War Hulk. This "big event" can be best described with a quote from Shakespeare's Macbeth "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing..." Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    IGN - Bryan Nov 14, 2007

    World War Hulk ends the way it began: the equivalent of a hollow, dumb action movie with not a lot to say. Those hoping for a climax that would rocket the story into the league of classic Hulk stories will be sorely disappointed. Unfortunately, a story meant to have me cheering for our "hero" has, in the end, just left my scratching my head as to why the pitch was okayed if it was going to end like this. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 14, 2007

    What the hell kind of ending was that? I guess it was too much to expect any definitive ending conisdering every other book in the Marvel Universe has already moved on from this "event" and showed no signs of any major, lasting effects. Maybe the Skrulls will give us a decent event next year. Read Full Review

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