Raise your swords! When Apocalypse learns the fate of Krakoa's ancient sister-island of Arakko, it's up to the X-Men to take up arms and save it from the warlord of Polemachus, Arkon the Magnificent! Everyone's favorite X-team of the '90s gets caught up in a realm of blades and magic in this sprawling one-issue crossover!
A fun stand-alone story to break things up a little. I look forward to next month when the next chapter will be unleashed. Read Full Review
This series continues to show off the creative teams marvelous talent at adapting serious events and concepts from the current X-Men Krakoan era and turning them to something fun , original, often hilarious, while being deeply dipped in a heavy dose of nostalgia from the e92 era. Delightful fun is a perfect description for it! Read Full Review
Fans, the only thing X-MEN '92: HOUSE OF XCII has going for it anymore is its dynamic art style that amazingly parallels the ANIMATED SERIES. If you're into that, I guess give it a buy. However, if you want a story and continuity within both universes that make sense and is less a retelling or book report, this isn't the series for you. Read Full Review
There's nothing exactly fresh about House of XCII, it's not doing anything to reinvent the wheel. But it remains a good time, especially if you're an X-Men fan who grew up in the 1990s. Read Full Review