Deathbed #6

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Riley Rossmo Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: July 18, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
9.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

This is it. The end of your life. As you lie in your deathbed, staring into the distance, you may wonder how you could have lived your life differently. If you had the chance to do it all again, who would you have told you loved them? What could you have apologized for? How would you like it to end? Antonio Luna has taken Valentine Richards on the adventure of a lifetime-Luna's, to be specific-and now Luna must decide if his final act on this plane of existence will be revenge, or if he wants to give his life a happy ending.

  • 10 - Adam Barnhardt Jul 18, 2018

    As the finale of a six-issue mini-series has now come and passed, Deathbed creators Joshua Williamson and Riley Rossmo should take pride in their ability to tell several splendid stories over the past six months. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Konrad Secord-Reitz Jul 18, 2018

    Deathbed #6, the finale, was an incredible end to this six-part mini-series. It brought the whole story full circle without leaving any loose ends to the lives of Luna or Val. Be sure to pick this issue up now! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jul 18, 2018

    I'm sorry this book is ending. These six issues are memorable, however. I'll be buying the trade when it comes out. Thumbs up. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Brazen Bull - Dave Robbins Jul 18, 2018

    The life and times of Antonio Luna meant both more and less than we thought, but at the end it is the people you meet and the choices you make that matter. Deathbed is a crazy romp that is absolutely one of a kind and I will miss it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Josh Vermillion Jul 18, 2018

    This series has been all about insane fun since the beginning, and that continues here in its final issue. If you've been enjoying the series so far, this one feels like a pretty satisfying conclusion. If you haven't picked it up and are considering giving it a shot, it's well worth a read. It's not the deepest story out there, but it is enjoyable and a breath of fresh air in an industry that seems to be going more and more towards the dark end of the spectrum. Read Full Review

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