Eaglekent's Profile

Joined: Mar 25, 2021

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Eaglekent added Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) to their pull list Jun 28, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020)

Once, they were a team of misfits. Now they're a family, and they've earned their peace. But the universe is not a peaceful place -- and it's only getting worse. The Great Empires are in turmoil. The rule of law is dead. And amidst the chaos, the Gods of Olympus have returned -- harbingers of a new age of war, reborn to burn their mark on the stars...

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Eaglekent reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #14 May 13, 2021

Just everything you’d want from a guardians book, laughed out loud at drax, I dropped my jaw at moments and I felt pride when reading star lord talk at the end, I love that guy. The art is also amazing. Having been collecting every single guardians issue from #7 of Donny cates run this is a good time to be a fan.

Guardians of the Galaxy #14

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: May 12, 2021

•  As half the team defends the Kree/Skrull Throneworld against a deadlier threat than they've ever faced before...
• ...the other half investigates a terrifying sacrificial cult on a mysterious planet...with the power to plunge the universe into war.
•  Plus: A new space he...

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Eaglekent reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #13 Apr 15, 2021

This book was very very good, It continues nicely from the last series and yet provides a new visual for it to stand on its own so far as well, I’m so exited to see how the hints and new players in this book all collide as the story continues. Also Peter Quill having a son?? I really hope we get to one day see this son and potentially have him on the team? I don’t know how or if that would wor more

Guardians of the Galaxy #13

By: Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri
Released: Apr 14, 2021

They were soldiers, misfits, mercenaries, thieves and a family. They were heroes... but times have changed. The galaxy no longer needs heroes.
It needs super heroes! Now, when the call goes forth - whether it's from a stranded team of planetary explorers or Emperor Hulkling and his Kree/Skrull Alliance - the ...

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Guardians of the Galaxy #12

By: Al Ewing, Juan Cabal
Released: Mar 24, 2021

•  Since day one, the Guardians of the Galaxy has been a rag tag group of mercenaries, survivors, and oddballs surviving by the skin of their teeth.
•  Will it finally be their undoing?
•  Liftoff in ONE...
Rated T+

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Eaglekent commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #12 Mar 24, 2021

At the end of the day after all the hype, Ewing achieved absolutely nothing with his run so far, we're back to square one.

Guardians of the Galaxy #12

By: Al Ewing, Juan Cabal
Released: Mar 24, 2021

•  Since day one, the Guardians of the Galaxy has been a rag tag group of mercenaries, survivors, and oddballs surviving by the skin of their teeth.
•  Will it finally be their undoing?
•  Liftoff in ONE...
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (32)
Psycamorean - Mar 30, 2021

I get that it's your schtick to deny reality, but don't try to make it mine.

Kreniigh - Apr 10, 2021

“Tramps and hobos are commonly lumped together, but see themselves as sharply differentiated. A hobo or bo is simply a migratory laborer; he may take some longish holidays, but sooner or later he returns to work. A tramp never works if it can be avoided; he simply travels.”

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