They were soldiers, misfits, mercenaries, thieves and a family. They were heroes... but times have changed. The galaxy no longer needs heroes.
It needs super heroes! Now, when the call goes forth - whether it's from a stranded team of planetary explorers or Emperor Hulkling and his Kree/Skrull Alliance - the Guardians of the Galaxy answer!
The New Age of Space brings a new artist! New headquarters! New costumes! New teammates! And an all-new enemy you'll have to see to believe! Get on board, true believer - it's going to be the ride of your life!
Rated T
I also loved the addition of magic to the science aspects of the story. In particular, Starlord using it to help Groot out. Overall. A fantastic start and some really nice setup for a new story arc. The cliffhanger is magic. Read Full Review
With a new look to the classic team, Guardians Of The Galaxy #13introduces an exciting new antagonist and new characters. Despite the visual change, the Guardians are still their loveable selves, if just a tad less chaotic. This new arc in the Guardians' story should prove a fun read, and I'm excitedly awaiting the release of the next issue. Read Full Review
Al Ewing and new series artist Juan Frigeri set the Guardians of the Galaxy up for an exciting new status quo. And, that's all before [redacted] shows up! Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #13 is a near-perfect jumping-on point. There's just one sequence between Peter and Gamora that feels really out of place. But, beyond that, the comic is a fun adventure. There's a certain energy and excitement about the issue that jumps from the page. If you've wondered about the Guardians of the Galaxy, this is the point to hop and because it looks like it's going to be an awesome ride. Read Full Review
My point: Ewings GOTG are supercharged, overpowered, and very well may be the new top dogs in the universe… somehow. Plus, theyre not the only supercharged juggernauts in the universe. Look no further than the new Emperor himself as well as the Alliances Court Wizard for more proof of the unrealistic, dominated ridiculousness that Ewing bestows to his characters. Read Full Review
An exciting new direction brings new members, new challenges, and a great new artist. Even with the creative team shifts, this continues to be one of Marvel's most consistently great series. Plus, the creative team is able to pull off an ending that surprises even when we should have all seen it coming. Read Full Review
Without spoiling any of the issue's surprises, what I can talk about (with enthusiasm!) is the tremendous velocity this title has developed. Even with momentary character digressions, the Guardians are now on a rocket ride to cosmic superheroing. This is loud, fast, exciting action, perfectly balanced and delivered with superlative skill. The destination isn't clear yet, but the journey is already well worth taking. Read Full Review
There's plenty here to make any fan of Marvel's cosmic heroes excited about the future. Read Full Review
Juan Frigeri replaces Juann Cabal on art starting with this issue, and unfortunately itll be a tough act to follow. Cabals GOTG run cemented himself as an emerging VIP in Marvels rolodex of talent, but thats not to say that Frigeri isnt up to the task. I like his art style here; its very clean and appealing, accented by Federico Blees bright colors. He just has the misfortune of coming in after career-making work by his predecessor. Id like to see Frigeris art loosen up and play with form more as his run develops, because Guardians of the Galaxy is precisely the kind of title that allows for it. Read Full Review
This comic goes for capturing a truly cosmic scale of adventure, trying to establish the intergalactic jurisdiction of the team. It creates stakes that at once fee large but also impersonal and distant. Al Ewing and Juan Frigeri provide a timely reset for these characters, giving themselves the ability to re-establish who and what this team is. But by taking this moment to do that, Ewing and Frigeri lose a bit of sight of the magic of this cast. By showing them as galactic superheroes, we end up missing the more personal and established interplay of these characters that all of the incarnations of this title have been built on. When you make the Guardians of the Galaxy into a superhero team, that's what they are - just another superhero team. Read Full Review