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Joined: Nov 03, 2021

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Smock948 rated Wonder Woman #7 Jul 21, 2024

Wonder Woman #7

By: Tom King, Guillem March
Released: Mar 20, 2024

FOR THE BATMAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING! Amidst their adventures as Superman and Wonder Woman, Clark and Diana take a thrilling journey into space to get a birthday gift for their dear friend Bruce.

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Smock948 rated Wonder Woman #9 Jul 21, 2024

Wonder Woman #9

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: May 22, 2024

THE ULTIMATE TEST! As Sovereign's grip on Wonder Woman's psyche tightens, she retreats into the arms of Steve Trevor. Will their love for the ages prove victorious over the web of Amazon lies weaved in Man's World? Plus, Trinity lets the dogs out!

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Smock948 rated Wonder Woman #10 Jul 21, 2024

Wonder Woman #10

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Cheetah enters the fray as the Sovereign recruits Diana's greatest foe to deal the killing blow! Meanwhile, the Wonder Girls may have promised their mentor that they'd stay out of her fight, but well-behaved heroes seldom make history. Will they reach Diana before it's too late? Plus, Trinity takes to the skies...literally!

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Smock948 rated Wonder Woman #11 Jul 21, 2024

Wonder Woman #11

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 17, 2024

WALLER'S WAR! Wonder Woman's quest for the truth is placed on hold as she comes face-to-face with Amanda Waller's latest toy, a TASK FORCE VII robot ready to take all her powers for good! Do the Justice League Dark have enough tricks up their sleeves to save our Amazon princess? Find out as this tie-in to Absolute Power begins!

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Once again this series has exceeded my expectations whilst breaking my heart

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #2

By: Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey
Released: Nov 29, 2023

Alan's search for the killer framing him continues! But why are the murder victims people from Alan's past, and how does this connect to his brief stint in Arkham Asylum?!

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Alan Scott is my favorite Green Lantern and this first issue makes me feel like this'll be one of my fav GL series ever

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1

By: Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey
Released: Oct 25, 2023

A POWERFUL TALE OF ALAN SCOTT'S EARLY DAYS AS GREEN LANTERN! Alan Scott's early days as the Green Lantern are seen in a new light! The Green Lantern is the most powerful member of the JSA, beloved by all of America, but his personal life is a well-kept secret. This is a story about love, about fear, and most of all about courage to stand up to that...

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Jon is such good Superman

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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This is probably my favorite Ra's story ever. Really great stuff.

Batman: One Bad Day: Ra's Al Ghul #1

By: Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis
Released: Mar 22, 2023

WHY WON’T BATMAN SAVE THE WORLD?! For centuries Ra’s al Ghul has wanted to save the Earth from the worst of humankind, and for centuries he has failed. Recently his greatest obstacle has been the Dark Knight Detective, Batman. Ra’s offered Batman a chance to be a part of his new world order, but Batman refused. For years their cold war has ra...

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Smock948 rated Nubia & The Amazons #1 Dec 31, 2021

Nubia & The Amazons #1

By: Vita Ayala, Alitha Martinez
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the thrilling events of Infinite Frontier, Nubia becomes queen of Themyscira, but the new title also brings challenges. With the unexpected arrival of new Amazons, our hero is forced to reckon with her past and forge a new path forward for her sisters. Little does she know, a great evil grows beneath the island and it's up to this former guar...

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Justice League Infinity #6

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Ethen Beavers
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Both Justice Leagues arrive at the nexus of all realities, the Mirrored Room. Though they had hoped to find their old friend Amazo, what the League finds left behind in the ruins of the shattered mirrors is a far cry from the sentient android!

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Justice League Infinity #5

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Ethen Beavers
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Superman, trapped on Earth-X, teams up with the Freedom Fighters to help them liberate the world from Vandal Savage’s control. Thanks to the added power of the newly arrived Superman-D, the Freedom Fighters might just have what it takes to break into Savage’s stronghold. But what secrets has the immortal tyrant hidden within its walls?

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Justice League Infinity #4

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Ethan Beavers
Released: Oct 6, 2021

After being whisked across the Multiverse, Wonder Woman finds herself trapped on a desolate and barren planet with the last person she'd ever expect to find: DARKSEID! What does the former ruler of Apokolips want with the Amazonian warrior? And what lurks in the shadows of this devasted world?

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Justice League Infinity #3

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Ethen Beavers
Released: Sep 8, 2021

As the worlds continue to bleed in and out of each other, the Justice League looks to the cosmos to learn how to stop the chaos that’s been wrought. Meanwhile, Superman’s journey through the Multiverse brings him face to face with another Man of Steel, but is this one friend or foe?

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Smock948 rated Nubia & The Amazons #3 Dec 22, 2021

Nubia & The Amazons #3

By: Vita Ayala, Alitha Martinez
Released: Dec 22, 2021

After their fight club battle, Nubia believes she has gained an ally in the warrior Andromeda. Little does she know, this new prospect destined to become Champion of Doom’s Doorway is a little too eager to prove herself, and it has led to a bargain with the evil she swore to protect Man’s World against!

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Smock948 rated Catwoman: Lonely City #2 Dec 22, 2021

Catwoman: Lonely City #2

By: Cliff Chiang
Released: Dec 22, 2021

If Selina Kyle is going to break into the Batcave at her advanced age, she’s going to need a crew to help…and luckily for her, some of Gotham’s craftiest former villains have time on their hands and bills to pay. But who is the mysterious OGBeast? And with political pressure mounting, how long will Mayor Harvey Dent let this cat stay out of t...

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Smock948 rated Nightwing #87 Dec 22, 2021

Nightwing #87

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 22, 2021

This special Nightwing issue is ONE CONTINUOUS IMAGE! That's right-if you placed every page next to each other, you'll have one poster image with this story! Now that billionaire Dick Grayson has publicly dedicated his funds to save Blüdhaven, he's a wanted man-and that's why he finds hired killers breaking in to steal his dog, Haley!

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Smock948 rated I Am Batman #4 Dec 15, 2021

I Am Batman #4

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Dec 15, 2021

Fear State aftermath! Following the collapse of the Magistrate program, Jace Fox is still doing damage control from the events of Fear State. There’s a dangerous new player in Gotham, however, and they’ve set their sights on bringing down the Dark Knight!

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Smock948 reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 26, 2021


Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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Smock948 commented on this:

Yeah, sorry, Brandon Thomas doesn't really get what being a hero means. There's a panel where Arthur chooses to save only one of the two pilots. It's true, it's implied the other was a traitor, but at that point Arthur had no idea that was the case. This being Brandon Thomas, a writer absolutely obsessed with race, I do think that in his disgusting mind, he thought a hero would prioritize saving a more

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #2

By: Brandon Thomas, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Nov 24, 2021

As Aquaman and Green Arrow work to piece together the mystery of the altered timeline, Scorpio’s General Anderton gets an upgrade of his own.

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UxasIs - Dec 3, 2021

@FuzzyCracker Im starting to think Merlyns just a troll, I don't believe this is actually serious

Merlyn - Dec 3, 2021

@UxasIs: You repeatedly said you don't want to comment here, yet you keep commenting here. Take a break. You're blocked.

Smock948 reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 Nov 3, 2021

The scenes between Clark and Jon were wonderful, including the last one that broke me emotionally. Tom Taylor is a master of his craft and shows an understanding of Superman that maybe even rivals Grant Morrison.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #3

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Jonathan Kent hasn’t been Superman for long, but he’s upset some powerful people with his heroism. And the underground news source known as the Truth is helping Jon open his eyes to evils in the world that could be more powerful than the new Man of Steel. Continuing the brand-new saga of Superman from Tom Taylor, the writer of Nightwing, and ...

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What an absolutely wonderful end. The inclusion of Lois was very sweet, the update to Ultra Humanite was cool as hell, and the cliffhanger at the end leaves me wanting more.

Superman and the Authority #4

By: Grant Morrison, Mikel Janin
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Is the team ready for what's next? Will the Man of Steel's new super-group fall apart before they even begin? The Ultra-Humanite has put together his own team of rogues designed to match the Authority fist for fist. This series comes to an explosive conclusion that will threaten to split the Man of Steel in half!

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Still going strong, but only one issue left to wrap up the story, which is a tall order for anyone not named Grant Morrison

Superman and the Authority #3

By: Grant Morrison, Travel Foreman
Released: Sep 15, 2021

Superman put the Authority back together, but why? What threat is out there that only this group can contend with? The Ultra-Humanite, of course! This fearsome foe is forming a team of his own, one designed to go fist-to-fist with the Authority. It will be their baptism in battle to prove if Superman is right that regardless of who we are, there is...

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I get good Midnighter and Apollo content, I give a ten. Nat is a great inclusion as well.

Superman and the Authority #2

By: Grant Morrison, Evan Cagle
Released: Aug 18, 2021

Clark Kent and Manchester Black continue to put Superman’s new team together, even though keeping Black in check seems like just as difficult a job as convincing the new recruits to come along. The pair hits different parts of the world looking for different types of heroes. While Midnighter, Apollo, and Natasha Irons only need to tie up some loo...

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Morrison still shows that he's the best Superman writer out there, and the alliance between him and Manchester is fun. Superman has a way of seeing the best in people and this is a great example of that.

Superman and the Authority #1

By: Grant Morrison, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 21, 2021

Sometimes even Superman finds a task almost impossible. Sometimes even the Last Son of Krypton needs to enlist help. Some tasks require methods and heroes that don’t scream “Justice League.” So Clark Kent, the Metropolis Marvel, seeks out Manchester Black, the most dastardly of rogues, to form an all-new Authority tasked with taking care of s...

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Smock948 reviewed I Am Not Starfire OGN Nov 3, 2021

Hooo boy are the bigots mad about this one

I Am Not Starfire OGN

By: Mariko Tamaki, Yoshi Yoshitani
Released: Jul 28, 2021

From New York Times bestselling author Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and artist Yoshi Yoshitani (Zatanna and the House of Secrets) comes a story about Mandy, the daughter of super-famous superhero Starfire. Seventeen-year-old Mandy, daughter of Starfire, is not like her mother. Starfire is gorgeo...

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