8.9 |
Overall Rating |
8.9 |
Absolute Batman (2024) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #2
Nov 13, 2024 |
Snyder & Dragotta are Killing It!!! I really like the story. I like how new it feels, but also feels like Batman. The story is sound, and it feels like a Batman story. As I'm reading this, all I can see in my head is Alan Ritchman as Batman in this. Let's talk about the fantastic art as well. It works so well! I'll be going over this in my podcast, Lunchbreak Reviews," and probably talk about as much as I can. |
8.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #3
Jan 5, 2025 |
Snyder does not disappoint when doing Batman. This is some of his best work to date. TI love how this Absolute world is coming together. In issue 3 there was a lot of story to get too. There are plenty of story threads that are all starting to come together. I'm mostly looking forward to where Alfred is playing a part. I don't want to give any story spoilers away in this, as I don't think it is as good as the last 2 issues, but this one is more designed to further the story along, and it's fantastic. I'm starting to care more about the absolute world then I am Earth Prime. Make sure to check out my podcast Lunchbreak Reviews where I go over some reviews, and place it in the Lunchbreak Point System. |
9.0 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #4
Jan 25, 2025 |
Absolute Batman may just be my favorite thing that Scott Snyder has done in a while. The Absolute universe is better then everything that DC has to offer right now. I'm very much looking forward to watching it grow. This issue we get a glimpse of the ideas that are imprinted on young Bruce to create this universes Batman. I was a little confused by the art at times, with the art change, until it clicked for me, then it made the issue better. Read it and you'll know what I'm talking about! I will definitely be going over this book on an episode of Lunchbreak Reviews podcast. |
9.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #5
Feb 13, 2025 |
Every issues of this book has been Batman AF! This Batman is on a mission, and good to see. It's violent, and story driven. I prefer the art of Dragotta over issue 4. No spoilers, because you need to go to your local comic store and purchase all 5 of the issues. I'm very much looking forward to where this is going to go next! I'll be covering several reviews on my podcast Lunchbreak Reviews, as always reach out if you want to be a guest! |
9.3 |
Absolute Superman (2024) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Absolute Superman (2024) #1
Nov 6, 2024 |
First off, Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval did not dissapoint. This is a great new take on the mythos of Superman. I think this is a perfect time to release something like this. I felt that this is the Superman that I have wanted to get behind for a long time now. There was enough of the Man of Steel that we have grown accustom too, but there are so many more layers as well. Don't even get me started on the Art! The art was so fantastic. and the Lois Lane reveal was wonderful as well. I can't wait to keep reading this! |
9.5 |
Absolute Superman (2024) #2
Dec 4, 2024 |
This was EFN' AWESOME! So, I am not the biggest fan of Superman, but I really dig the Absolute Superman thus far. This issue was a great introduction to Lois Lane, and as a tough as nails Lazarus Agent, she may just find that she has a knack for writing. The 2 sided story between earth & Krypton is being told very well by Jason Aaron. Rafa Sandoval's art has to be seen to be believed. I'll definitely be talking about this one on my podcast LUNCHBREAK REVIEWS!!! |
9.0 |
Absolute Superman (2024) #4
Feb 5, 2025 |
Everything in the Absolute universe is really awesome. I'm enjoying all of the titles. I'm normally not a huge fan of Superman, as I feel like he is just too overpowered, and that there aren't any good stories with him anymore. Que Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval, and the Absolute universe. This new take is out at the right time, and it really feels like the Superman I want to route for. Jason Aarons story is great, the art continues to SLAY, and I love the layout of this book. I like when we meet the characters that we know, and see how they are different in this universe. I'm looking forward to many more amazing issues! Check out several reviews on my Podcast/Streamcast."Lunchbreak Reviews". |
8.8 |
Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #2
Dec 3, 2024 |
The Absolute titles are all amazing! Wonder Woman is no exception. I really love the voice that Kelly Thompson has for Diana. I Love how she put in the perfect amount of nostagia of the characcter and bringing her own flavor into it. We get to meet Steve Trever in this episode, and it was a perfect Meetcute. Gotta talk about Haydens art! WOW, I really dig this style. This is the movst BA version of Wonder Woman to date! |
8.5 |
Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #4
Feb 5, 2025 |
Kelly Thompson is creating such an amazing Wonder Woman, and is some of the best work that I've ever read for the character. Creating the new status quo for a line that I hope will ABSOLUTELY be around for awhile. I love that we are starting to meet Wonder Woman's supporting cast, and can't wait to see how everything plays out. If I had to criticize anything about this book is that the art lacks a little for me on this issue, especially in some of the faces. The layout of this comic was ABSOLUTELY beautiful though! keep it going, I'm hooked. Check out several reviews of this comic on the podcast "Lunchbreak Reviews". |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #154
Nov 7, 2024 |
I love a great Mystery for Batman to solve. This one here is pretty good, as there are several that Batman needs to figure out. Who killed the Mayor? Who is Commander Star? What does Edward Nygma & the Court of Owls have to do with it? i really enjoy Chip's Batman, and I've been a fan of Jorge Jimenez's are for a long time now. If I have to give some critisim on this one, is I felt it ran long, and found myself going back to read the page prior a few times, but that is it. Batman seldomly dissapoints, but I'm looking forward to the next issue, what more could I want. |
10 |
Black Canary: Best of the Best (2024) | 1 issues |
10 |
Black Canary: Best of the Best (2024) #1
Dec 4, 2024 |
I absolutely LOVED this issue. The team of Tom King & Ryan Sook are perfect. I really love how the WWE style commentary is the catalyst for Dinah, with her mom. I hope we get to see more from the Lady Shiva perspective at some point. This just felt like a movie playing in my head as I read it, and then read it again right away to make sure I didn't miss anything. The book was living rent free in my head all day yesterday, and even going to buy a copy for a couple of people that I think will enjoy it as well. Everything about this is amazing. The Art, the story is just so well done, I can't wait to see where this goes! |
9.0 |
G.I. Joe (2024) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
G.I. Joe (2024) #1
Nov 13, 2024 |
Man, the energon universe is really, really good. If you are thinking about picking this up... Do it. It is fantastic. If you were a fan of the cartoon you will absolutely love this book. It's a good start to a story, and it'll be really cool to see when GI Joe and Cobra really go at it! The way they are introducing everything is briliant in my opinion. I really like the art as well. This is a fast read, that I'll probably read again. |
9.0 |
G.I. Joe (2024) #2
Jan 5, 2025 |
G.I. Joe is one of those books that I look forward to every month. I absolutely LOVE the Energon universe! Let's start off with the story, much of this is the aftermath of issue #1 where Cobra attacked the Joes. Duke is coming to the rescue, Baroness, kicks ass, there are a few casualties, and RISK is introduced. Tom Reilly's art is really what shines in this issue. This is a fast paced book, and I love it. I'm sure I'll be reading this one again! I highly suggest you get this one in your pull list ASAP! I can't find anything I don't like about the book, but I have a hard time making anything perfect. So that's why I gave it a 9. Check out more review on my podcast Lunchbreak Reviews, and hit me up if you want to come on and talk comics! |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) #17
Oct 30, 2024 |
As much as I loved the Williamson run, we all knew that he would be handleing Ollie over as soon as he could find someone worthy of running this title. This is one of those books that you just got to read and enjoy. The aftermath of Absolute Power is something I am very interested in. You really get a look inside Olivers head in this issue. I am a big fan of the conversation that he has with Bats. This issue ended the way a new start for Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow should with an amazing splash page, that I want tattooed, and Ollie saying, "...I"m coming for you." I can't wait to see where this will go! |
9.0 |
Justice League Unlimited (2024) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Justice League Unlimited (2024) #1
Dec 4, 2024 |
Justice League is back! I loved the Justice League Unlimited back in the day. There are several things that I really loved about this comic. The story that they are setting up, sounds amazing. The art in this is top notch! The creative team on this hits this one out of the park. My favorite panel on this book is with AIRWAVE & Flash as they are hitting top speed. There is also quite the cliffhanger at the end, that I should have seen coming, but was pleasantly surprised. |
8.5 |
Nightwing (2016) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #119
Oct 29, 2024 |
This was a subtle reminder that this is turning the page with a new creative team. I was a fan of Tom Taylor, but found myself really enjoying Dan Watters go around. I'm looking forward to where this story is going to go. The dialog felt witty just like I love from my Dick Grayson. The banter between him and Oracle was great! I would continue to collect Nightwing anyway, but this issue was great enough for me to sign up on comic book round up, write my first review, make a tiktok about the book, and upload it to my podcast! Tom Taylor couldn't do that! |
7.0 |
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku (2024) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku (2024): Republic Under Siege #1
Nov 26, 2024 |
I'm a huge Star Wars Fan, and I'm willing to go along with a lot, but I'm not a huge fan of this series. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to get it, but it's just meh at times. The writing is fine, same with the art. "The Acolytes of the beyond," don't really do that much for me. Will this be another "Knights of Ren"? I'm interested in the story that Luke is going on with his new friend, Rynn Zenat. The name Adlehard makes me giggle like I'm 12, and I have a hard time taking anything with him seriesously. Am I the only one that is confused with the numbering of this one??? Is it Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #5 or is it Republic Under Siege #1? |