Series Premiere. The biggest comic book launch of the decade! Conrad Hauser, Codename DUKE, has assembled a special force known as G.I. Joe to battle the rising power of the mysterious COBRA in the aftermath of the Autobots and Decepticons' arrival on Earth. But the enigmatic Cobra Commander has unleashed the power of Energon like never before! Featuring many familiar faces and the first appearance of an all new character, this is the comic that will change everything you think you know about G.I. Joe... and that's only half the surprises in store from the chart-topping Energon Universe dream team of Joshua Williamson and Tom Remore
G.I. Joe #1 delivers an action-packed start to a new era in Skybound's Energon Universe. It culminates everything that was built up in Duke, Destro, and Cobra Commander with a character-driven issue that never lets its foot off the gas pedal. Read Full Review
G.I. Joe #1 invites you on an all-new mission where life and death are on the line. Are you in? I amand I cant wait for issue two. Read Full Review
Mission accomplished. With its debut EU chapter, G.I. Joe delivers on every aspect fans could want. Williamsons phenomenal writing weaves in the action and drama with ease. Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton construct some of the most high-octane action images in recent memory. Wherever your fandom starts, this issue will exceed your expectations (and its only the first issue)! Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #1 grabs your attention as soon as you open the comic book and does not let it go until you reach the shocking final page. It is an experience that expertly builds off its Energon Universe siblings. The experience is such that it will grab both new and long-time fans all the same. A must-read for sure. Read Full Review
G.I. Joe #1 is a wonderful start to the final puzzle piece to Skybounds Energon Universe, showcasing the rise of G.I. Joe and the sinssster Cobra. Read Full Review
After giant alien robots made Earth their battleground, a psychopath raised a formidable army overnight. Duke and his team are under the gun to prove their worth to their commander and protect the Earth from destruction in G.I. Joe #1. Read Full Review
Whether you're a long-time G.I. Joe diehard or a curious newcomer, this action-packed series comes highly recommended. And if you've been following the Energon Universe to this point, then it should be considered downright essential reading. Go Joe! Read Full Review
The book build momentum through the issue and the hope is that the momentum keeps ramping up through this series. The artwork makes this book stand out but the hope is that we gain some more personal stakes between the heroes and the villains. This may come though the inevitable connection of Baroness with Destro but we need this conflict to feel personal for each and every character featured here. For now the classic setup and incredible art are enjoyable, but one hopes there are some major twists to come to give our heroes some emotional stakes. Read Full Review
If knowing is half the battle, then the other half is the collaborative power of the G.I. Joe creative team! This book is crazy in the best possible way. G.I. Joe #1 easily exceeds expectations and shines bright as another impressive Energon Universe release from Skybound Entertainment. Read Full Review
'G.I. Joe' #1 gives you everything you'd hope for in a relaunch: huge battles, colorful heroes and villains, and a compelling cliffhanger to lead into the next issue. It's felt harder than ever to believe in heroes as of late, but I'm happy the Joes are back in fine fighting form. Read Full Review
Despite some initial uncertainty due to redacted review pages, the final reveal leaves readers eager for more, hinting at a series that doesn't shy away from intensity. This relaunch captures the franchise's colorful roots while introducing a darker narrative, blending absurdity with sincerity. ‘G.I. Joe' #1 promises huge battles and compelling character dynamics, striking a balance between nostalgia and contemporary storytelling. An exciting new era of 'G.I. Joe' has arrived. Read Full Review
Even if the idea of diving into the deep end of the Energon Universe feels daunting, I'd encourage you to take a chance and give this new universe a shot. You won't be disappointed. Read Full Review
Reilly offers some great minimalistic art throughout the issue and there are some key moments that are brilliantly detailed to set the tone of the scene. Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #1 is a hell of a start that's great for long time fans and new readers. Skybound really has done an amazing job in its Energon Universe building it one chapter at a time and through four mini-series, a fresh new take on a property that has been around for decades. Yo JOE! Read Full Review
It is undeniable and inevitable that things will be moving in a direction greater integration as the Energon Universe continues to develop. What had been a simple and pragmatic solution to gunfire in cheap animation back in the 1980s becomes a central plot in a first issue of a new series. The laser rifle style action of the old animated series is given a bit of a sinister look here in an issue that lends considerable darkness to the final splash page. It is that final page that really drives the fact that the new series is NOT a weak iteration of the old franchise. Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #1 is a perfectly serviceable start to the Energon Universe's version of G. I. Joe. Joshua Williamson leans heavily on introductions and setup, which existing Energon readers may find redundant, but the setup works well enough. Tom Reilly's art is rock-solid, but it's hindered by Jordie Bellaire's off-putting coloring style. Read Full Review
While still a solid issue, I would have personally liked more bombastic action for the first issue of the new G.I. Joe comic, as well as more connections to the other prologue comics. This should have been an Avengers movie-style event, considering all the build up. Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #1 ties together what came before with something new in a thrilling story, from an exceptional cast of creators, featuring a team of characters familiar and fresh coming together to face a threat they don't stand a chance against. Read Full Review