Dagstar's Profile

Joined: Jul 30, 2015

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50 Oct 7, 2015

Hopefully Slott keeps up this type of writing for the post Secret Wars ASM, and I wish Kubert was drawing it.

I don't know what had my attention more in this issue: the art or the writing. Both were excellent and work so well together. I like where this story is (probably) going.

Southern Bastards #11 Oct 7, 2015

Aaron, Immonen, and company continue to make this series a well paced, fun, and enjoyable read with great visuals.

Wow, great start to this miniseries. The full page artwork is flat out gorgeous (as well as the rest).

What a fun issue! Unlike #1, I was prepared for the humor and the somewhat campy feel this time around, which made this second issue much more enjoyable. The dialogue shines! Even the lowliest of henchmen have character.

Great so far, makes me wish Williams was drawing the ongoing TMNT series...

Loved the throwback style of writing along with Captain America's narrative. The art fits the story well too. Good start!

I haven't been disappointed with this series yet and this issue doesn't change that. The art, setting, and dialogue(especially Cap's and Fury's banter) are great.

This book was in my "B"(i.e. might get) list of new Marvel titles to collect, and I'm really happy I picked it up. Aaron's writing is on point as usual and the art is fantastic with a story matching surreal quality to it. The atmosphere reminds me of the new Constantine: The Hellblazer series, but better executed. Great first issue.

Doctor Strange (2015) #2 Nov 6, 2015

I'm glad to see they're sticking with established X-Men for the team and not throwaways I had no interest in caring about like in recent series. Great writing and art!

Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #2 Oct 23, 2015
Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #3 Nov 13, 2015

Great ending. My only little quibble is it feels like this could easily have been a 5 or more issue mini series considering the changes they mention having happened between #'s 3 and 4.

Star Wars (2014) #10 Oct 8, 2015

Fun issue!

The Mighty Thor (2015) #1 Nov 20, 2015

Another very solid issue.

Batman And Robin Eternal #1 Oct 7, 2015
Batman And Robin Eternal #2 Oct 15, 2015

The exchanges between Batman and The Joker make this book. The story is good also as is the art (especially the use of color).

Captain America: White #2 Oct 2, 2015

Continues to be one great ride issue after issue.

Daredevil (2015) #1 Dec 5, 2015

A nice startup issue. It's both well written and drawn (some great full page art).

If anything, this issue makes me want to check out the Martian Manhunter series (mission accomplished DC).

With everything going on it's pretty chaotic, but manages to not be a big mess. I'm eagerly awaiting the final showdown.

Southern Bastards #12 Nov 13, 2015
Star Wars (2014) #8 Aug 20, 2015
Star Wars (2014) #11 Nov 6, 2015

This series (and the Darth Vader series) has been a consistent stream of great writing and art.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #10 Oct 8, 2015
Star Wars: Darth Vader #11 Oct 23, 2015
Star Wars: Darth Vader #12 Nov 13, 2015
Star Wars: Darth Vader #13 Nov 26, 2015
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #3 Oct 15, 2015

The execution of this issue definitely had a classic Star Wars feel to it and that's what made me love it. I agree with some reviews where they state inconsistencies in how Luke's face is drawn, and that some of these story elements could/should have been introduced earlier.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #2 Dec 17, 2015

Better than the first issue. Art and writing are equally nice. The whodunit murder mystery story does its job of keeping the reader on edge for the next page and issue.

I've never been much of a fan of the art style, but the story keeps me wanting more.

Not quite as good as the first issue story wise, art is excellent.

A nice finale, some of the dialogue seemed a little "eh" though. Art is great and I didn't realize until later but one key frame appears to be a homage to the original AOA storyline. :)

A nice way of introducing these upcoming post Secret Wars series.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1 Oct 7, 2015
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #3 Nov 6, 2015
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #4 Dec 10, 2015
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4 Aug 20, 2015

I'm happy to see this series looks like it'll be more focused than Batman Eternal was.

This issue is mostly the beginning of a build up for what's inevitably to come, and it's done pretty well. I expect the next issue to really take off.

A solid ending to a good series. To go along with what Supercoolyeah said, I must have also missed the explanation about Wolverine becoming the Hulk.

Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #3 Jul 31, 2015
Justice League of America (2015) #4 Oct 15, 2015

Nice finale to this mini series after a few issues with excellent art but iffy story.

Secret Wars (2015) #5 Aug 13, 2015

The action really picked up in this issue.

The "weakest" story of the series so far: shock without substance. It just seemed too generic and hollow for what Aaron is capable of, and what we've seen so far. Then again, maybe the point of this issue was to show us just how empty and lost Esaw is, and that he's just a bad guy without any twist or understanding behind it. It was entertaining none-the-less.

I enjoyed this look into Ben Kenobi's time on Tatooine and his struggles over acting as a Jedi would versus keeping his identity hidden in addition to watching over young Luke Skywalker.

Star Wars: Shattered Empire #2 Oct 7, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #51 Oct 29, 2015
Thors #4 Nov 13, 2015
X-Tinction Agenda #3 Aug 24, 2015

Not bad, just nothing to write home about.The art, especially on Spider-Man, was very nice.

An improvement over the first issue(which was ok at best). Dialogue heavy but was an interesting read and I'm now looking forward to the next one.

Constantine: The Hellblazer #3 Aug 13, 2015
Constantine: The Hellblazer #4 Sep 19, 2015
Deadpool vs. Thanos #2 Sep 25, 2015

Better than the first 3.

Inferno #5 Oct 2, 2015

Once again this book peaks my interest with its art but is somewhat of a let down with its story. It could have been better overall if it began by focusing more on only a few locations than consistently having the Old Man bounce around and meet and leave familiar characters in what seems like the blink of an eye. I'm looking forward to the ongoing series this fall.

Secret Wars (2015) #6 Oct 7, 2015
Star Wars: Darth Vader #8 Aug 6, 2015

Very different and unexpected tone than the first issue, but it was still pretty good.

Not horrible, but not great either.

I think I turned a blind eye to whether the ending was actually good or not mainly because I just wanted it over.

X-Men '92 #2 Jul 30, 2015
Years of Future Past #4 Aug 13, 2015
Years of Future Past #5 Sep 25, 2015

I enjoyed "Spiral" overall but this finale left much to be desired.

Batman And Robin Eternal #4 Oct 29, 2015
X-Tinction Agenda #4 Sep 25, 2015

The art's nice, but the writing is a mess.

Reviews for the Week of...



