Odin06's Profile

Joined: Jan 01, 2016

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Action Comics (2016) #960

Aug 4, 2016

Action Comics (2016) #993

Dec 17, 2017

After many dark years of DC´s New 52, Rebirth has brought us the real Superman, and written by writers who actually know the character. Action comics is one of the best superheroes book we have nowadays, and this issue is an excellent example of the great job Jurgens is doing with the title. Highly recommended for any DC/Superman fan.

Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 19, 2018

This issue shows exactly what a true hero is. Excellent work.

Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 22, 2017

Excellent job in terms of writing and art. Personally, I didn´t like Abnett work of the character so far, and by each issue, I missed Geoff Johns" run more. Abnett’s Aquaman, to me, was to “Surface focused” an didn´t pass the image of a true king. Sometimes, I could even notice the terrible agendas that have infested Marvel in the last years. The whole idea of Arthur naming a regent to the kingdom and his “progressive ideas” was ridiculous and completely misplaced in my opinion. But now, I was really pleased with the direction the whole Aquaman universe is taking. Not only Aquaman is changing back to a more strong willed character, but there is a better development of Atlantis its culture and its powerful magic, something wrongly neglected until now. Of course, despite Abnett´s better direction for the character, much credit for this needs to go to the gorgeous new art style, which is perfect for this book. Aquaman’s look is the best I´ve seen in many years (the long hair and beard really suits the character as a warrior king from an ancient culture) and thanks to Stjepan Sejic amazing work, Atlantis seems really alive and exotic. A great time for Aquaman and his fans, and a perfect jumping point for new readers. Congratulations and thank you very much for the excellent job.

Aquaman (2016) #32

Jan 18, 2018

First of all, I know this grade seems to be unfair, or exaggeration, but I would like to make a point here that I know some will agree with. Aquaman is an important character in the DC Mythos, but, for many years, he´s been target of mockery everywhere. Some years ago, Geoff Johns has made a superb work with the character, presenting a powerful and imposing hero, a warrior and a born leader. If you remember way back in the first issues of Justice League, the was the only league member to challenge Batman´s leadership. And above this, maybe the most impressive feature of the character is that he was the king of Atlantis; a good king, because he had a powerful presence but at the same time, was caring and concerned about his people. Abnett´s run of the character was disappointing since his first issues, and he, willingly or not, is erasing everything that Johns did; The amount of bad ideas along these last 30 issues is overwhelming, and I see no reason to point it all out now, but the point is that Aquaman is shown as a “progressive and liberal” person who puts an unprepared woman as a steward of the Throne jut to stay more time in the surface world. He didn´t even act properly as a diplomat, leaving this role to Mera. Now, he loses the throne for incompetence and Mera will be the new queen, leaving Arthur with nothing., as a mere “generic aquatic hero”. Abnett is destroying this character and soon, Aquaman will once again be a joke. About 20 years ago, Abnett was a good writer (or perhaps, it was Andy Lanning, his partner, the one who deserved all the credit for the good Guardians of the Galaxy old series), but now, he is sinking everything he puts his hands in; the Titans are completely lost and going nowhere, and Aquaman is a mere shadow of what he was 2 years ago. The art of the title is superb, but we need a new writer, before it is too late.

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1

Jan 27, 2018

Very good art and story. Since it is the first issue featuring a character that is not present in the DC universe for some years, I think it would be good to best explain his powers, but this is a very good issue nonetheless.

Captain America (2018) #1  
Flash (2016) #40

Feb 14, 2018

Excellent story and art. I am very happy to see Wally West (the original one) getting a central role in this saga. This storyline promisses to be one of the best modern Flash sagas in many, many years.

Flash (2016) #65

Mar 10, 2019

It is very good to see Barry standing up like a man a little bit. Very nice story and great art.

Infinity Countdown #1

May 4, 2018

Compared to Jim Starlin's previews Infinity series, this one doesn't bring anything new or really exciting in my opinion. And although I am happy to see Adam Warlock finally getting some attention, his new costume is terrible.

Justice League (2018) #1

Jun 12, 2018

This is what the Justice League was supposed to be since the beginning of Rebirth. I didn't like the humor around Batman or the several mentions to the old Superfriends cartoon (which I consider bad because it remembers the terrible days of DC before the first crisis), but overall, it was a very good edition. Also, I would like to add that Martian Manhunter is the best leader this team ever had. Congratulations to Snyder for realizing this.

Justice League (2018) #19

Mar 10, 2019

I´m very sad to write a review like this one, since the Justice League is my favorite superhero team. But I can´t stand Snayder treating it like a plaground anymore. Batman is always making jokes, John Stwart is completely out of character (specially if you followed him in the recent Hal Jordan and Green Lantern Corps excellent series) and Flash is acting like a teenage boy that makes Impulse looks mature. The characterization of almost all the heroes is poor, with few exceptions like Martina Manhunter and Superman. And above everything, this looks like an adaptation of the terrible Superfriends show, made for 7-11 years old kids. A confunsing story that after 19 issues is going nowhere and a team that has so many characters that it is impossible to give each of them a proper attention. In the beggining, I had great hope for this series, but now, I´m dropping it.

Justice League: No Justice #1

May 9, 2018

Simply perfect. An epic story worthy of DC's mith and legacy. And also very important: This is the start of a new and improved era for the Justice League and Earth's heroes.

Nightwing (2016) #29

Sep 24, 2017

Nightwing is one of my favorite DC characters, and it was very good to see him portrayed like what he truly is: A born leader, who uses empathy to gather his group together and give them hope. A man who is able to hide his own fears and insecurities not for the sake of pride (like Batman does), but to be able to give the moral support he knows his team needs. His "metal costume" was amazing and the art was great too. A very good story, specially if you are enjoying the Metal saga.

Nightwing (2016) #35

Jan 13, 2018

Humpries started well the story, and Chang art is very good. Personally, I didn´t like Dick Grayson new "profession", but let´s wait and see how things go.

Nightwing (2016) #36

Jan 13, 2018

I like the art of the book, but the story, although not bad, isn´t very interesting, unfortunately.

Nightwing (2016) #37

Jan 21, 2018

The story is developing in a very slow way, what isn´t very good even for a bi-montly book. The art cover and the present-time story art were very good.

Nightwing (2016) #38

Feb 7, 2018

As happened in the preview issues, the art is very good, one of the best this title had in the Rebirth era. But the story and the character characterization, in my opinion, are not going well. One thing that is really bothering me in this arc is that Nightwing is suing absolutely nothing of the arsenal/resources he has in his costume. The costume (that is bullet proof and impact resistant according to the character´s lore), seems made of paper; Also, Nightwing is a master tactician, and that isn´t being properly used. Humpries is a good writer, but I think he should study the character a little more.

Nightwing (2016) #43

Apr 18, 2018

Personally, I got very relieved when Humpries left the title because I wasn't liking the way he was working with Nightwing. I found last issue interesting, but this one, I really liked. I am a big fan of Minkyu Jung art and liked very much how Michael Moreci portrays Nightwing; a calm and light person, but also a leader and someone who can put people together through empathy and respect. I hope we can see Moreci and Jung again in this title or in the Titans.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 23, 2021

This was simply the best Nightwing issue that I have read in the last decade. It describes the core of the character perfectly.

Ragman #1

Jan 27, 2018


Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #1

Feb 12, 2018

Excellent story and art. It is very rare nowadays to see something with this quality level from Marvel. My most sincere congratulations to the writers and artists involved.

Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #2

Feb 12, 2018

Excellent story, character´s characterization and art. I was really impressed.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1

Jan 1, 2016

Very solid writing and art. This was a great start for a series that has much potential. Not just because of the great characters involved, but because of Soule and Checchetto´s work. Worth reading.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #4

Jul 19, 2018

Good story, interesting characters and a really gorgeous art.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #5

Jul 19, 2018

I´ll miss Obi Wan. I really liked the way he was worked here.

Super Sons (2017) #11

Jan 21, 2018

Excellent story, and I was very happy to see Conner and Bart again.

Teen Titans (2016) #15

Jan 21, 2018

Excellent characters, very nice story and great art.

Thor (2020) #1

Jan 4, 2020

I read comics for more than thirty years, and in my youth, Thor was by far my favorite hero; he was a true warrior, honorable, brave; as the Norse God in the mythology, he was the stern protector of mankind. But in the last decade, because of internet agendas and incompetent writers and editors, the character got completely lost. For more than seven years, the God of Thunder was humiliated and disrespected; he lost his pride, honor, worthiness and even his own name. We lost the honorable and ancient warrior who lived epic adventures in the talented hands of Stan Lee, Walt Simonson and Tom DeFalco to get a generic Viking drunken barbarian written by a writer with almost no true knowledge of Norse Mythology. But fortunately, the dark days seem to be over. In a single issue, Gates has given me hope to see the true Thor back, something I have honestly gave up five years ago. In a discussion, I remember a female reader saying that the only way to fix Thor was through a reboot. Gates is working in a true miracle, bringing back the character to his roots even after all the bad plots and wrong decisions that cursed Thor in the last decade. Great story and gorgeous art. A very promising start.

Thor (2020) #2

Jan 29, 2020

Amazing. After 8 years of complete disrespect, the God of Thunder is back. Thank you, master Donny Gates.

Thor (2020) #3

Feb 12, 2020

Another excellent issue, bringing back the power and honor of the Thunder God.

Titans (2016) #1

Mar 30, 2017

Titans (2016) #19

Jan 21, 2018

The Titans were always my favorite superhero book, since I was a child and read the first run of Marv Wolfman and George Peres. Unfortunately, despite the excellent art this issue presented, the book has little to offer besides drama. I really hope things change for better in the future.

Titans (2016) #20

Feb 14, 2018

The story is moving in a very slow pace, and this is not something good when you are dealing with a montly title that features a team. Even though, the characters are well portrayed and Pelletier's art is simply stunning. I really hope he becomes the regular artist of this series in a near future.

Titans (2016) #21

Apr 18, 2018

Too much drama and a very empty story. Again. Roy "beating" Dick and Wally was ridiculous and VERY unrealistic. I won’t even comment the fact that there was no reason for him to attack them. But Paul Pelletier's art, as always, is very good.

Titans (2016) #22

Apr 18, 2018

Too much drama and a very empty story. Again. But Paul Pelletier's art, as always, is very good.

Titans (2016) Annual #1

Mar 30, 2017

Excellent story and art. The team dynamics were very interesting to see. If you are a fan of any of these characters, this a a very good story to read.

Titans (2023) #2

Jul 5, 2023

Like many of the older readers here, I grew up reading comic books. One of my favorites in my childhood was the New Titans, of Marv Wolfman and George Perez. This was my favorite team, because as a child I could relate with the characters and even learn from them. After Wolfman and Grummet's run in the 90s, the quality of the book unfortunately saw a deep decline, with very rare periods of exception, like when Geoff Johns worked with them. Now, I am very happy to say that thanks to Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott, a new generation of readers (and old timers like myself) can know the titans in their full glory. Everyone is "true to themselves" and Nightwing, in special, is being portrayed perfectly: A calm, wise and confident leader, that takes care of everyone, even without having superpowers. My only complain is about Cyborg's armor (personally, I dndn't like it), but the book is perfect. DC comics has taken some catastrophic creative decisions in the last two years, but now, everything is the way it was aways supposed to be: Superhero comics that are concerned in telling good stories about great and relatable characters, not social network's agendas. And even in this good new "Dawn", the Titans stand out as a great team and comics. Congratulations for the great work.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual #1

Jan 23, 2019

Perfect. Brisson developed a very good way to bring back such an important character that was severely disrespected over the last decade. Excellent art and a very good story, that bring back the first x-men and the true leader of this team.

Weapon H #1

Mar 22, 2018

I was really impressed when I read this issue. In the last years, marvel was infested by teenager social justice propaganda, and as a man who grew up reading marvel comics in the 80', I decided to put aside everything that came from the company. In this particular case, I was expecting an empty story, with a hallow character and no plot at all; just blood and senseless action. But Weapon H was, without a doubt, a very big and pleasant surprise. The lead character, Clay, is a man with honor and a good heart, and is trying his best to stay put so his wife and children can stay safe. And even wanting to isolate himself, he can't help to aid those in need, because it is his nature. He doesn't do that because "it's cool", or because he wants to let his rage flow on something. He does that because he knows it is the right thing to do. and the best part, everything looks real and sincere, not a social justice crap plot like what we unfortunately see a lot in Marvel books nowadays. Pak and Smith did a very good job here. It was at least 20 years since I got interested about a new character appearing in comics. Very good job.

Weapon H #2

Apr 18, 2018

This series is very good. Great leading character (he isn’t just an angry Hulk/Wolverine fusion, he is an honorable soldier, driven by his sense of duty and love for his family), and great story. If you are looking for something featuring adult characters in a more "traditional marvel way", give this book a try. I'm sure you won't regret it.

X-Men Prime #1

Mar 30, 2017

As a long time reader of X-men stories, I am not impressed. The fact that Shadowcat and Jean are put in leadership positions seems very forced to me, especially since that are more exprerienced characters who would naturally assume these positions. They try to mix today´s agendas with Claremont´s writting style during the 80's and the Blue and Gold teams of the 90's, but everything seems very shallow.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #3

May 14, 2017

In my opinion, the more we read these stories, the more obvious it is that there is no sense in Jean Grey being team leader; unlike Storm, she and Kitty Pride are not suited for leadership positions, and the whole thing seems to me VERY forced. They put Cyclops, the true natural leader aside just to show that "teenager girls are in charge" now.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #27

May 10, 2018

Bunn is doing a very good job with Magneto in this series, presenting a solid and convincing leader. I didn't like the original squad and just started reading this title after they disappeared, but I'm really enjoying this book now. And of course, Marcus To art is also excellent.

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