"THE BRAVE, THE OBNOXIOUS AND THE INEPT"! All Dick Grayson wants is a night to himself. But when Robin and Arsenal come calling in need of his help, Dick has to throw on his Nightwing costume and get to work. Before he knows it, he's neck-deep in League of Assassin ninjas and trying to stop Arsenal's sometime-girlfriend from killing them all-assuming Robin and Arsenal don't kill each other first!
Mikyu Jung has a fun art style that works very nicely with Nightwing with wide open layouts and expressive faces. According to Jung, this issue was on the back burner for a while before getting released. Nightwing, Robin, Arsenal and Teen Titans fans will likely be ecstatic it did. Id definitely like to see Moreci and Jung handle more Titans stories in the future. This book nailed the team dynamic down better than a lot of issues on the main title and itd be unfortunate if this was just a one-time deal. Read Full Review
There was atime when comic artists developed their skills on back-up features. Today, theydo it by way of the inventory stories, that helps editors refine the work andjudge their response to critique andwork ethic. I could be wrong, but MinkyuJung and Felipe Sobreiro seem ready for prime time. Their work together is as goodif not better than some of the regular artists featured in ongoing titles. Read Full Review
NIGHTWING #43 is a standalone issue worth reading. The story by Michael Moreci is fun, humorous, and loaded with awesome ninja battles. Minkyu Jung's artwork is fantastic, especially during the fight scenes. This boys night out is better than a night of Netflix alone, if you ask me. Read Full Review
With issues #42 and #43 delivering two tasty starter dishes, readers' appetites have been whetted for the delicious main course thatNightwing #44 promiises to deliver. In two short weeks the new ongoing creative team debuts" and this reader is hungry. Read Full Review
Is this the best Nightwing story? No, but this is a simple story that's a ton of fun. While that may not sound like much to some people, it means the world to me! The banter between Dick, Damian, and Roy is a blast to read, and rings true to how my friends and I tease each other. For me, this was the perfect tone to present before jumping into an arc! Read Full Review
This is one of the rare cases where I wish a one-off comic story would get the chance to expand. I think there's a lot of good to work with here. Read Full Review
Some of my favorite issues of Batman are the standalone issues that Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle tended to favor in the early 90s. Those stories were more about the character than about plot and this story reminded me of those issues. Monthly comics seems to be focused on 6-12 issue epics that play better when collected in a trade and while those are great too, they dont all need to be big long-form stories. I hope to see more stories like this in the future. Read Full Review
It's not an essential read, but it's a fine fill-in before the new team kicks off and gets back to the big plotlines. Read Full Review
Nightwing #43 is another fun entry in Dick Graysons saga. The team-up is entertaining, the pacing is good, and the action is fun enough so that you can ignore that the book can get it a little wordy. Mix that with solid artwork from Jung and Sobreiro, and I can recommend this book. Check it out. Read Full Review
Here we are, the final issue before Benjamin Percy starts his run, and we of course have another inconsequential one-shot up on deck. Please forgive my dismissive attitude, truth be told, I enjoyed the issue quite a bit, but at the end of the day, it will be forgettable. Read Full Review
In many ways, it's diametrically opposed to The Untouchable story arc. It's short, team-oriented, and attempts to be comedic in a sharp contrast to the long, solo, serious musing that was Nightwing's struggle against The Judge. You may enjoy the issue more than I did. I just want a Nightwing that better blends the two extremes. Read Full Review
Nightwing #43 is a one-shot superhero story that was fun to read. But, it being a one-shot is a good and a bad thing. It is a lot of fun to read and the artwork is solid, but it is easily forgettable as well. Nothing really stands out after the issue is read and done with. I am a fan of one-shot stories and like having a one and done story being told in a single issue. Nightwing #43 delivered some thrills, but overall just lacked a truly gripping story being told. Read Full Review
This is a fun boys-night-out issue, but it's not especially memorable. Cool premise, solid but not outstanding execution. Read Full Review
Nightwing #43 isn't a comic book that will blow anyone away but is a fun one-shot story. This isn't an issue that you need to think about on a deep level. Trying to look deeper into what connections Nightwing #43 has to the greater DC Universe will only ruin your experience. Instead, this is a comic that you just need to just enjoy seeing how the rare mix of Nightwing, Robin and Arsenal tackle a mission together. If you approach it that way you'll find yourself greatly enjoying Nightwing #43. Read Full Review
"Nightwing" #43 isn't bad, it's just kind of boring. Read Full Review
This second one-shot in a row's biggest sin is being completely skippable. Michael Moreci tries to have some fun here, but the story is paper thin and the interactions are cliched and outdated. It does look good, but I'd suggest waiting until Ben Percy's run starts next month if you are looking to jump on this book. Read Full Review