JacqueK's Profile

Joined: Apr 13, 2016

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Overall Rating
Batman (2011) #51  
Batman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

That was brilliant and tragic but still left so many questions. Oh, Bruce... ;_;

Batman: Rebirth #1  
DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

I did not believe I'd give this a ten before I read it, but it had me in tears with the reunion. The love in it is amazing to so deserve a ten. Plus I appreciated the meta-digs made. Well done Geoff Johns. I'm certainly looking forward to Rebirth Titans.

Earth 2: Society #12

May 12, 2016

I enjoyed this resolution of stopping the war and the further promise of Atlantis and the Amazons making contact again. I also really like how Batman and his team reasoned their actions and the resolution with Hourman. Would hope that there'll still be more after rebirth.

Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 10, 2016

Excellent start to a new arc and what a set up for the reunion of father and son.

Earth 2: Society #14

Jul 13, 2016

The Fury / Batman interaction was an unexpected delight. I was also blown away by this interpretation of Dick Grayson as a widower and a hurting father seeking his son. I do hope this story arc doesn't end in heart ache for him.

Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 7, 2017

Sorry to see it end, but this was a nice feel-good wrap up issue. I really liked what they'd done with the Bat family.

Earth 2: Society Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

I really enjoyed this story. And what a significantly different batman Dick is; one who speaks with his son. And the Huntress fight was badass. Loved the final panel too.

Grayson #19

Apr 27, 2016

Grayson #20

May 25, 2016

Dick's spy arc ended, and his anonymity restored in a nice neat package. Wish it hadn't needed to be so rushed an ending, but I am looking forward to Rebirth and his further adventures. Hope this isn't the last we see of the students and the other support cast of Grayson

Grayson Annual #3

Jun 29, 2016

This was a fun read. Can't place it in continuity, but so what. I liked how it all came together.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1  
Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1  
Justice League (2011) #51

Jun 15, 2016

This was a very enjoyable read. Was especially happy to see the moments Robin had to shine and the confidence Batman expressed in him.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 6, 2016

Er... What? I was disappointed. It felt like just set up for an epic storyline to come. I expected more. There was acknowledgement both sides that Clark/Superman wasn't the friend they knew. But Superman didn't stay to talk after he joined the team and help drive the alien menace away. Why not?! Where's the beginning to show both sides reaching out to understand the familiar stranger in their midst? I enjoyed Titans Rebirth because there was a renewed sense of family, which I always associated with the Titans. But I've always thought of the Justice League as a team of super-friends. I did not get that with this book. Art was attractive and I liked the Lois and Clark chat, but ultimately this won't be on my pull list. And I'll wait for the reviews before I consider the tpb when they come out.

Love is Love #1  
Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

I enjoyed this. And I appreciated Batman's acknowledgement that he respected and trusted Nightwing to makes his own decisions and plans for taking down the PoO. I have to admit that I liked Babs and Dick being out of sync in their expectations with regards to their meeting. I rather hoped it means they'll finally move on from each other and just connect as friends vs. restarting a relationship.

Nightwing (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

The plot builds. I wasn't too impressed with Raptor in the previous issue, but I found him interesting in this installment. It's a rather good hook to keep me interested to see where Nightwing's journey leads to. I appreciated the Babs mirror too.

Nightwing (2016) #3

Aug 17, 2016

I enjoyed the character interactions. And the hinted adventures through the maze house was fun. The art could have been clearer, especially with the last puzzle. But otherwise the art didn't bother me that much.

Nightwing (2016) #4

Sep 7, 2016

I enjoyed this for a first Arc and plans have clearly been littered in for further development. I'm definitely hooked to read more and to see how Dick reacts to learning about Raptor double crossing him.

Nightwing (2016) #7

Oct 19, 2016

Whoa! Feel sorry for Dick. But Raptor keeps getting more interesting as an opponent. Will be looking forward to the next issue.

Nightwing (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

Great issue. Neatly resolved and adds character to the history of Dick's mother.

Nightwing (2016) #9

Nov 16, 2016

Nice tie in story to bring perspective to Dick's importance to this new 52 verse. Good intro of the Pre New 52 Superman to Nightwing and smooth intro of Bludhaven to this verse. Am eager to see Bludhaven now.

Nightwing (2016) #10

Dec 8, 2016

Interesting set up. Eager to see how this develops.

Nightwing (2016) #15

Feb 15, 2017

Wasn't so sure about this new relationship but I liked the issue with the way Dick touched base with friends and ex-lovers and the organic development of the relationship. Sorry that Damian didn't make it in it though and that last panel... spoiler to say more, but was not keen at all on the suggestion.

Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 7, 2017

Oh, I loved this set up. Good to see that Dick's still numbers among the few who can shut Damian up and make him set aside his Drama Queen issues to be unselfish and offer to watch Dick's back.

Nightwing (2016) #17

Mar 15, 2017

You devious wondrous writer! This was an excellent draw into the story. Despite knowing Pyg was returning I didn't expect this twist. I haven't been this intrigued and impatient to read the next part of a comic in a long while. Waiting 2 weeks for #18;shall be agony.

Nightwing (2016) #18

Apr 5, 2017

Nightwing (2016) #19

Apr 19, 2017

Whoa... That was trippy. Impatient to see what happens next. Though... I'm going to admit that while I do think Dick will make an awesome dad, I want this pragnancy scare to be a false alarm.

Nightwing (2016) #20

May 3, 2017

Liked how the pregnancy issue was resolved. Great character moments for Shawn, Dick and Damian, but the conclusion with Hurt and Deathwing left me going 'Huh?'

Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

I enjoyed the book. I thought it was a good bridge from the Grayson era back to the Nightwing era, and I appreciated seeing many loose ends tied up and new possibilities being set up for the future.

Superman: Rebirth #1  
Titans (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

I liked the protrayal of the re-emerging relationships among the Titans. Good set up and the villain revelation at the end was unexpected, so I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Titans (2016) Annual #1

Mar 29, 2017

Nice bit of character study. I enjoyed seeing the interactions between them and their approaches to the issue at hand. Edit Even mote so, I like the distinction made between Batman and Nightwing's leadership styles. Batman's 'Do as I say.' Vs Nightwing's take charge to brainstorm as a team and come to a consensus.

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 15, 2016

I loved the feeling of rediscovery and hope in these friends remembering their friendship and connections that ties them together as a family more than a team or just colleagues.

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #12

Aug 18, 2016

Not a good day for a Pym fan. Yes, it was good to see the Avengers work in sync and cooperation to take down Ultron, but not a fan of how Pym has been treated as a character.

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1  

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