Whateverman's Profile

Joined: Jun 27, 2016

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4001 A.D. #1

Jul 31, 2016

4001 A.D. #2

Jul 31, 2016

Animosity #1

Aug 8, 2016

Animosity #3

Nov 20, 2016

The first issue was good, but kind of hated the second. It was all over the place. Almost dopped it, but glad I didn't. I really liked this. Hope this issue is a sign of things to come. Also, I just want to point out that Deer has grenades hanging from it's antlers and that koala looks like he's not about to start taking shit from anyone.

Batman (2016) #2

Jul 11, 2016

So far this series is a little underwhelming, but I see a lot of potential and have faith in King.

Batman (2016) #3

Jul 31, 2016

Batman (2016) #11

Nov 20, 2016

I've been disappointed by this series since the start, but with that said, this is probably my favorite issue so far. This better be all part of Bruce's plan or Bronze Tiger just got jobbed like a mf. lol The art was delightful. I especially liked the sewer layouts.

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 11, 2016

I was pretty close to dropping this before I Am Suicide started, but I'm enjoying this arc immensely. King's finally hitting his stride.

Black #2

Nov 21, 2016

This shit goes HARD.

Black Hammer #5

Nov 20, 2016

Right up there with King's Vision series. I want more superhero comics like this.

Black Panther (2016) #3

Jul 11, 2016

This is probably the smartest superhero comic on the shelves right now. The only negative critique I have for this series is so far T'Challa kind of feels like a guest in his own book. There's a lot going on here, but I find it all pretty fascinating.

Black Panther (2016) #8

Nov 20, 2016

Coates delivers another solid issue. Loved the Crew banter that turned serious. I knew Storm could control weather, but damn, she can throw shade with the best.

Bloodshot: Reborn #15  
Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

Jul 5, 2016

It's been many, many years since I've been this interested in Steve Rogers. Plus, any comic that manages to piss off as many morons as this one has in just 2 issues deserves my kudos.

Death of X #4

Nov 23, 2016

For the most part I liked the ending even though I saw it coming. I really wish some of these reviewers would leave their bitch-ass fanboy feelings at the door and just review the comic in front of them.

Deathstroke (2016) #6

Nov 21, 2016

This and Detective make the whole Rebirth thing worth it to me. Slade is complicated and Priest gets it.

Doom Patrol (2016) #3

Nov 20, 2016

It's growing on me.

Empress #4

Jul 11, 2016

Millar continues his pretty incredible killstreak. This is a really fun series.

Future Quest #2

Jul 11, 2016

I'm a little surprised by how much I like this.

Gamora #1

Dec 22, 2016

Well, it's the best solo GOTG title I've read in a while (I haven't read the new Star-Lord yet). I really dug the art.

Green Arrow (2016) #2

Jul 11, 2016

I thought this & the first issue were pretty good, but I'm still hesitant about adding it to my pull. I feel like the next issue could make it or break it with me.

I Hate Fairyland #7  
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1

Nov 10, 2016

Good first issue. Normally I would've given it an 8, but I gave it a 10 just because a prick gave it a 1. I'd be willing to bet he didn't actually read it. Fuck you, dude.

Joyride #3

Jul 11, 2016

This is a really fun read. Lots of action and slick character development.

Joyride #4

Jul 31, 2016

Justice League (2011) #50

Jul 17, 2016

I liked this arc a lot right up until this issue. Meh. This and the Rebirth one-shot were both letdowns far as I'm concerned. I'm weird that way.

Justice League (2011) #51

Jul 17, 2016

I could have done without this one-off.

Justice League (2011) #52

Jul 17, 2016

If I wanted to read Action Comics, I'd pick up Action Comics. And the description is wrong. That was 51.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 22, 2016

Considering I think both current runs of Suicide Squad and Justice League are trash I didn't expect much from this. I'm really surprised how much I liked it. This could be fun.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 17, 2016

I didn't hate it at all. A decent one-off.

Kill Or Be Killed #4

Nov 20, 2016

I think it's weird how many reviewers of this book don't even acknowledge the possibility that the demon might only exist in Dylan's mind. To me, that possibility makes the book scarier.

Monstress #6

Jul 16, 2016

I thought things got a little wobbly in the middle of this arc, but here's how you stick a landing. Fantastic damage.

Moon Knight (2016) #4

Jul 12, 2016

This book is great. In the hands of many writers this story would probably be a convoluted mess, but Lemire makes it flow seamlessly.

Moon Knight (2016) #8

Nov 20, 2016

The good kind of weird. The big payoff commeth.

Moon Knight (2016) #9

Dec 11, 2016

I understand this is the type of (superhero) comic that's clearly not for everyone. However, it is definitely for me and I love it. This one plucks at the heartstrings a bit with a touching moment between personalities.

Motor Crush #1

Dec 11, 2016

I thought it was just ok. I'm gonna give it at least 1 more issue.

Nova (2016) #1

Dec 11, 2016

Damn. I liked this WAY more than I thought I would. A few more issues like this & I might add it.

Old Man Logan (2016) #7

Jul 14, 2016

A sweet conclusion to another solid arc. I feel like this book is grossly underrated and by grossly I'm not just talking about all the blood and guts ol' crotchety Logan spills on a surprisingly regular basis. It's beautiful raw.

Old Man Logan (2016) #8

Jul 31, 2016

Old Man Logan (2016) #13

Nov 20, 2016

Lemire nicely buttons up another satisfying arc. This comic has a horror-with-heart kind of vibe. That kid did a pretty good Tetsuo.

Rai #15  
Reborn #2

Nov 20, 2016

It's ok. Maybe it's just me, but so far, it feels kind of like the old lady version of Starlight. The art's pretty. *shrug*

Rom (2016) #1

Aug 8, 2016

The exposition was exhausting.

Satellite Falling #2

Jul 11, 2016

I just read both 1 & 2 today, really enjoyed it. Hell, that #2 cover alone is worth the price of admission.

Spider-Man (2016) #6  
Thanos (2016) #1

Nov 20, 2016

Lemire captures Thanos' 0-fucks-given personality perfectly. Corvus was holding shit down too. lol It was great to see Champion and even greater to see him walk in on Eros doing exactly what you imagine Eros would be doing.

The Unworthy Thor #1

Nov 20, 2016

I'm not really a Thor kind of guy, but I liked this. Beta Ray Bill is as always a welcomed addition. If this book is a hit can we expect a Toothgnasher spin-off? Christ, I hope so.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #10

Jul 23, 2016

It wasn't the most satisfying conclusion, but it wasn't horrible either.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #15

Nov 21, 2016

Not a bad little Psylocke buffer before IVX, but I have to think if Psylocke, or any other telepath she's ever come in contact with, all this time could've helped Mystique with such minimal effort, then telepaths are selfish bastards.

Vision (2015) #8

Jul 17, 2016

I don't think a superhero comic has ever creeped me out as much this one does on a monthly basis. And I mean that in the very best way possible. Masterpiece theatre.

Vision (2015) #9

Jul 31, 2016

Vision (2015) #12

Nov 21, 2016

Classic material wall to wall.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jul 11, 2016

It's a beautiful comic. I'm intrigued.

Wonder Woman (2016) #10

Nov 10, 2016

It was cute. At first I wasn't a big fan of the Year One stuff, but its been growing on me more with each issue.

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