stormgerlock's Profile

Joined: Mar 08, 2017

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #1

Apr 1, 2017

This was great! I felt like I was missing some information, but I'm not a regular Spider-Man reader. I loved the back ups and I'll be picking up the next issue.

Archie (2015) #17

Mar 10, 2017

Cheryl Blossom has arrived in Riverdale and she is there to take down Veronica… By seducing Archie? Her plan is elaborate and well planned, until it actually comes time to talk to Archie. And then she can’t go through with it. And just as Veronica arrives to save the day. Ronnie has been working hard at boarding school in order to get back to Riverdale in time to save Archie from Cheryl’s seduction. It’s been a long time since I’ve read Archie comics and I don’t remember if I was rolling my eyes as much when I was a kid. But I’m willing to pick up the next couple issues and see what there it. I picked up this issue on a whim and it’s a fun read.

Archie (2015) #18

Mar 16, 2017

This was so much better than the last issue! Now that Veronica is back in town, Archie is sprucing himself up in order to take her out and rekindle their romance. But they have nothing in common. Of course. Meanwhile, Betty is hanging out with Dilton and we think they have nothing in common, but nope. They both love cars. I actually really loved this storyline and thought it was perfect how it paralleled Archie and Veronica. The Blossom Twins are still trying to figure out why their dad is saying they have no money and they know who to figure it out. Jughead. His methods don't make the twins happy, but he got some free burgers out of it, so he's not worried. I liked this issue better than issue #17. Betty is my favorite character so I'm always happy to see more of her. Archie is always great for a nice quick read that's a lot of fun. So I'll stick with this for awhile.

Batgirl (2016) #1

Apr 1, 2017

I thought this was a great start. I'm excited to see where this goes.

Batgirl (2016) #2

Apr 1, 2017

Another great issue. I'm interested to see where this story goes.

Batgirl (2016) #3

Apr 1, 2017

Batgirl (2016) #4

Apr 7, 2017

This issue had Batgirl racing against time to protect Kai. As she had always suspected, Kai is a part of a biological bacteria smuggling operation that is supposed to help our villains pass a college entrance exam. I liked the issue and I enjoyed seeing Barbara working through the mystery. One think I really enjoyed in this episode was Batgirl's confrontation with Kai. It was nice to see Batgirl speaking up for herself and acting as her own protector. I'm slowly reading this book issue by issue. I'm interested enough to keep reading and I don't want to wait until the trade comes out, I like having the issues. But I'm in no rush.

Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 16, 2017

Am I missing something? So many of these Rebirth titles frustrate me so much. They have an AMAZING Rebirth issue, and then when it cuts to the actual #1 I always feel completely lost. This issue picks up on Batwoman tracking down the last of the Monster Venom and trying to figure out who is selling it. You are thrown into the story and while I thought it was going to immediately make sense, the person Batwoman was chasing down is killed my a mystery assassin. Batwoman seems to have a past with the assassin, which I'm assuming we'll get more information on in the next couple issues. I love Batwoman, but this issue kind of made me stutter a little. We'll see, I'm really hoping the story picks up and I start to like it.

Black Cloud #1

Apr 7, 2017

I'm not really sure what this is, but I kinda liked it. I'm very interested in the magical elements of this, and there is a tad of mystery, but it's seems kinda of thrown in. I need to know more. But I'm not 100% on board. I don't even know our main character's name. Honestly, I'm pretty bad at remembering names, but still. I'm intrigued, but I'm not ready to put it on my pull list quite yet.

Black Widow (2016) #9

Mar 16, 2017

I've always wanted to get into Black Widow comics because I love her in the movies so much, but I might have jumped in at the wrong issue. I picked up this issue after it was recommended by someone, but I still felt a little lost. It was a better reading experience than some other comics I randomly jump into. Black Widow has been called somewhere... Cold... And she stumbles upon Recluse holding the Winter Soldier hostage. Together they are able to break free, but not before Recluse escapes. This issue is filled with unsubtle depth between Barnes and Natasha, which is mostly the reason I picked this up. I have been keeping a couple issues to read all in one sitting so I'll be sticking with this for a couple issues, at least.

Black Widow (2016) #10

Mar 16, 2017

When will I ever feel caught up? I'm still little lost, I missed almost all of the Weeping Lion stuff, so this still felt new to me. I did enjoy the interactions between Bucky and Natasha and I hope to see more of that in the future, though this issue made it seem like it might be awhile. There were some funny lines through this that I loved. I have one more issue before I'm caught up on my mini stockpile, so I'm sure I'll be sticking with this for a while longer. I'm hoping I'll stop feeling so lost eventually.

Black Widow (2016) #11

Apr 4, 2017

This was just okay for me. :(

Black Widow (2016) #12

Apr 4, 2017

Brave Chef Brianna #1

Mar 10, 2017

This is so much fun! I loved the story and the characters are great! Can't wait to read the next issue and find out more about this world.

Charmed (2017) #1

Mar 9, 2017

A new charmed series! And it’s not amazing! Shocker! I love Charmed, I grew up watching Charmed. And I couldn’t walk away from at least giving this new series a shot. I skipped out on all the other comics they’ve done for the show, but I wanted to give this one a try. Was it disappointing? No. But did I have high expectations? Not really. I struggle with Charmed because there has been a significant amount of time between now and when the show aired and so I think they could seriously do some cool things with the property. But they won’t. I would honestly love it if creators decided to pick up from the season finale of season 3 and try to tell the story that the writers might have told if Shannon Doherty hadn’t been kicked off the show. Do I think that will ever happen? Nope. But I can dream can’t I? So this issues suffers from the same problems that I had with the latter end of the Charmed show. In fact, I’m not even sure where in the continuity this is supposed to be taking place. I don’t think it’s after the season finale. The Charmed Ones are fighting another demon and it’s all very usual. I have so many hopes and dreams for what they could have done and the issue itself just falls flat. Piper is caught up in taxes, Phoebe is getting more responsibility with her job and Paige is mostly missing. Yeah… Nothing too original happening there. I also really did not like the art. It was inconsistent, and sometimes I had trouble telling the sisters apart. Which is a major problem in my book. I will pick up the next two issues (at least), because I really can’t say no to Charmed. But I don’t really expect to be sticking with it past that.

Charmed (2017) #2

Apr 16, 2017

This is another okay issue. I'm just not enjoying this series. I keep hoping they are going to do something new and awesome with the property, and I think I'm just going to be eternally disappointed. This issue takes a focus on the demon fighting and it's the same soul stealing demons from the previous issue. We did get a little stuff about Paige and one of her charges. But it's pretty mediocre. I'm giving this one more issue, just hoping it will all turn around. But I'm not holding my breath.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

Mar 10, 2017

I’m quite possibly the last person to read and review this, but I figured it was better late than never. This was amazing. Wally West has been pulled into the Speed Force since the events of Flashpoint and he’s seen enough of the New 52 universe to know something is wrong. And he needs to help set the universe right, before he is lost in the Speed Force forever. I knew almost all of the plot points of this issue before I read it, but I was still completely engaged and absorbed in the story. Wally West is a great narrator and this issue actually made me want to do some research on the character and read some of his past books. Wally has discovered that someone has been altering the timeline and forcing the characters in the DCU to lose hope, forget their loved ones and just pretty much go in a downward spiral. Wally tries to connect to those who could help either save the timeline or pull him out of the Speed Force but he keeps failing every time. Eventually he is able to connect with Barry Allen. This issue is what sets off the DC Universe Rebirth launch and it’s actually really great. I loved the insight into both the pre flashpoint universe and the New 52 world. I don’t know if my pre-knowledge affected how I read this, but I loved it. Way more than I was expecting. It’s actually probably my favorite stand-alone one shots I’ve read in awhile. The only thing the issue loses a point on is the Watchmen tie-in in the end. I haven’t read Watchmen (I know, I suck), but I’m a little weary of how that will be incorporated into the DCU.

Detective Comics (2016) #943

Apr 1, 2017

I forgot how much I like this series. So glad I'm getting back into this book.

Detective Comics (2016) #944

Apr 1, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #945

Apr 1, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #946

Apr 1, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Apr 7, 2017

This was awesome! I can't begin to explain how much I love that they are paying off on the emotional affects of Tim's death. This issue, I think, is the conclusion of the Victim Syndicate storyline that has the first victim taken down. Except that already happened. This pits Spoiler against the Bat Family. She is done with the world as it is, and the destruction Batman has caused. I believe her and feel for her and hate that she is hurting. I almost lost it during the transition between Stephanie and Tim's funny photos towards the end of the issue. I can't wait for when Tim renters reality and I hope that pay off is AMAZING. It has to be this title that he comes back in, because it's the only Batman book I'm reading.

Elektra (2017) #1

Mar 17, 2017

This was okay, I was expecting more. I do like the idea of her hunting down the abusive boyfriend. The arcade stuff, I'm not so wild about.

Green Arrow (2016) #11

Mar 17, 2017

I really liked this. There was so many great panels and lines in this issue. It's such a fun read.

Green Arrow (2016) #12

Mar 17, 2017

This was a really strong issue. I really liked seeing how Seattle was reacting to Green Arrow and how that will play into future issues.

Green Arrow (2016) #13

Mar 17, 2017

Black Canary continues to kill it in Oliver's book.

Green Arrow (2016) #14

Apr 8, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #15

Apr 8, 2017

Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #1

Apr 1, 2017

Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #2

Apr 12, 2017

I was really happy with the first issue of The Big Lie, but this issue left me wanting a little bit more. I enjoyed the change of point of view to Nancy's POV, she definitely knows more than what she is talking about, but I found myself a little lost. I'm not really sure what her end game is, and I understand it's supposed to be a mystery, but I wish there was a little bit more information given. The first issue focused on Joe and Frank and being under investigation for their father's murder. But this issue started going in a different direction. I'm interested to see what other people think about this book, but right now, I'm going to give it one or two more issues and then I think I might pass.

New Superman #5  
Sex Criminals #16

Mar 29, 2017

Amazing issue! I'm so happy to have this back! This issues does a great job of reintroducing us to our beloved characters and I'm excited to see where this arc goes.

Sex Criminals #17

Mar 29, 2017

Another solid issue of Sex Criminals. This is my favorite comic book coming out right now. It never disappoints. I didn't love this issue as much as other, but it was a fun side to get and I'm excited to see where this new person will play a role.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #13

Mar 11, 2017

I picked this up based on a review I heard on a YouTube channel, and I was convinced I would be able to jump in randomly. I was wrong. I have no idea who Gwenpool is so I was completely lost this whole issue. So I'm sorry, that completely affected my review. For fans of the character this might be a perfectly good issue. I might pick up the next issue to see if I can eventually understand what's going on.

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