Phillucifer's Profile

Joined: Aug 05, 2017

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank Vol. 1  
Astonishing X-Men (2017) #1

Aug 7, 2017

If you are going to read any ResurrXion titles, make it this one. An engaging story with some great characters, all brought together with that great Soule charm.

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #5

Nov 9, 2017

Black Bolt #4

Aug 7, 2017

Who would think that the team up of Absorbing Man and Black Bolt would end up tugging on my heart strings so? Absorbing Man recounting his backstory in theory is nothing new for a villain, but Wards art brings a surrealist aesthetic that just draws me in and makes me feel. The mysterious figure in the prison also provides a compelling threat that I hope we see again. And damn you BB how could you let Lockjaw leave him behind?

Daredevil (2015) #595  
Falcon (2017) #1

Oct 13, 2017

Incredibly engaging and great to see Falcon in the spotlight once more after Secret Empire. Also I loved the new Patriot glad to see him here.

Falcon (2017) #2

Nov 9, 2017

Falcon (2017) #7

Apr 11, 2018

As we fully move into the second arc of Sam Wilsons solo book, the characterization of Both Sam and Lucas for me have come to resemble a powerful Batman and Robin sort of vibe, albeit with less development simply because its only been 7 issues. I can't particularly pin down why, but I am loving the supernatural take that Barnes is using on this book, and Cabrol's wondrous art makes the vampire fight scenes feel the right amount of creepy and rad as hell. The only real complaint I have with this issue is the lack of dialogue in comparison to action. Hopefully this will change in the coming issues, and balance out. I also really hope this book doesn't get lost in the wave of Marvel fresh start titles, I love Sam Wilson, I personally wish he had never stopped being Cap. But having a Patriot as his protege heals the burn slightly.

Generation X (2017) #5

Sep 2, 2017

Really refreshing and fun mini-story that expands and humanizes the relationship between Eye-Boy and Animal Girl that's existed since Aaron's X-Men run. Also as an eye-boy fan I love that he got some personal development.

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #10

Aug 7, 2017

A nice issue that gives the reader more depth into the relay between Doom and his mother. Seeing the dynamics of Thing working his way through Doom's shift in alignment doesn't cease to he entertaining. And with The Maker appearing at the end to cause trouble, it cemented my desire to pick up the next issue. Disappointing that this series won't be included in the legacy relaunch.

Master of Kung Fu (2017) #126  
Moon Knight (2017) #188  
X-Men: Blue (2017) #13

Oct 13, 2017

Fantastic art, great storytelling, we get to see Longshot, and tons of references for hardcore X-Men fans. Easy 10

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