New York City has fallen to Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin - Daredevil's greatest and deadliest adversary. Matt Murdock has the law and he has his superhuman abilities - but Fisk has an entire city on his side. What can one man do? If he's Daredevil, he can FIGHT. PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES!
Rated T+
I could spend plenty of more time singing the praises of Soule's work, but I don't want to come off as too much of a fanboy and maintain some objectivity in my review...but, I don't think I would be successful in the latter. Let's just say that Daredevil is one of my favorite titles right now and if you like the gritty realism of the Daredevil Netflix series, and realistic and smart legal dramas (like the original Law and Order series) then you'll love Daredevil as much as I. Read it. Read Full Review
This is the right story at the right time by the best team who could be telling it. Read Full Review
This is a true to form, almost classic style Daredevil story with Matt going up against Kingpin. It will be interesting to see how Matt overcomes a city that's siding with the Kingpin. Great, clean artwork throughout adds to the tension in many scenes. Read Full Review
Despite the hang-ups Marvels recent stories bring to the context of this issue, Daredevil #595 is a great read and the start of an enticing new arc for the Man Without Fear. The beginning of Mayor Fisk establishes the premise well and lays on the tension in large servings. I highly recommend this one; give it a read. Read Full Review
If you've been waiting for a chance to hop aboard the Daredevil train, now is the time. Read Full Review
I highly recommend this book, especially as a great jump on point for new readers or longtime readers who may have exited the book for a number of years. Read Full Review
Daredevil #595 is a great start to what could be another classic battle between Kingpin and Daredevil. Charles Soule is a fantastic writer who really should be getting more praise for his work on this series. The art has some hiccups, but overall it really enhances the story being told and adds to the drama. When Wilson Fisk is the Mayor of New York City, you know things are bad, and they are only going to get worse unless someone stands up. Read Full Review
If you haven’t been reading Soule’s Daredevil, now is the time to jump on. The story is off to a strong start, delivering exactly what legacy promised, a return to classic stories and classic villains. Read Full Review
This arc is shaping up to be a satisfying culmination of the preceding stories with a major shake-up thanks to Fisk. Readers who haven't been following Soule's stellar run should have no trouble diving into this arc here. Soule's been telling classic Daredevil tales long before Marvel Legacy began, but now he seems to be raising the bar even higher. Read Full Review
Daredevil #595 delivered a strong start to the Mayor Wilson Fisk-era of the Marvel Universe. This is a major change that changes the landscape of a lot major comic books Marvel is publishing. And Charles Soule does a very good job at getting over how big of a change this is and how it affects all Marvel superheroes. This in turn gave more weight to what Soule has done with Daredevil and what is to come for this series in the future. Read Full Review
The issue is good and has a lot of interesting concepts and for me this feels like a superhero comic that'll be cerebral going forward with not as much action but getting into the roots of superheroes being outlaws in some ways and the public turning against them. This is a different type of superhero comic away from big battles, the action, is a little different and very welcome. Read Full Review
There are some intriguing story elements here that can be built upon, hopefully Soule takes advantage of them. Read Full Review
Daredevil #595 stumbles and takes a couple of bombastic leaps of logic in the new storyline which still features fantastic art and the classic current vibe of the book. Read Full Review
As far as new status quos go, having Daredevil confront a world where New Yorkers have just elected Wilson Fisk their mayor is pretty swell. It's essentially Dark Reign in microcosm. Unfortunately, this series doesn't immediately make the most of that premise as it enters Marvel legacy. Read Full Review