4aces Comics's Profile

Joined: May 02, 2014

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

May 3, 2014

These characters come to life, especially once you get past the odd way the seem to be moving. Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Storm in a book together and acting like themselves. It's the first time in over 20 years that XMEN felt like the XMEN

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3

Oct 25, 2014

except for a great parody of the Monkey's "I'm a believer" this issue was pretty bad. The same old, 5 years old Avengers vs. X-MEN arguments typical Marvel reasoning where the X-MEN put there own desires ahead of public safety and HORRIBLE DIALOGUE with reference to mainly crappy Remender stories. Probably because he can't be bothered look at anyone else's work. So yah.

Avengers (2012) #1

Jun 28, 2014

Great start. !! Hail Hickman !!

Batman (2011) #24

May 24, 2014

Great story, hints at who RED HOOD 1 is, but then creates a deeper mystery. It has all the hints to those masters and moments of greatness past. The dialogue is very good, the story logical and more down to earth than Batman has been since the 80s. A classic in the making, and rogues gallery who's danger level is worthy of the DARK KNIGHT. Art rocks as always. Capullo and Snyder are the modern equivalent of Byrne Claremont, Wolfman Perez or Gibbons Moore.

Batman (2011) #25

May 24, 2014

Great story, Very Good art. And a surprise as Bruce continues to grow into the role. Reads really well to the animated DARK KNIGHT RETURNS OST.

Batman (2011) #29

Jun 14, 2014

Really good. Worth it to hunt this one down if you don't have it. Putting Batman through his paces and up against stiff competition. Snyder continues to show great pacing and a more human side to Batman. No more BAT-mcguffin garbage.

Batman (2011) #30

Jun 14, 2014

"that's him, .... the &%**$# in the Batsuit" Great use of existing known Bat-Lore and in new ways. Art is great as always. Intelligent work. A true rarity in the business.

Batman (2011) #33

Aug 1, 2014

Continued greatness. Some interesting context to everything RIDDLER and all in a post-911 world. All this and very good art with DIVERSE DIALOGUE and conversations that feel real. And an ending that was triumphant and yet, made me sad.

Batman: Eternal #1

Jun 21, 2014

ART 10, STORY 7, good start and intro to a cool new character. Jim Gordon rocks in this issue and goes through an cool development.

Batman: Eternal #2

Jun 21, 2014

This is a great issue. Characterization is awesome and the art equally so.

Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 13, 2014

The best there is at what they do.

Death Of Wolverine #2

Sep 13, 2014

Great ART!! GREAT STORY !!! CHARACTERS NAILED AND TOTALLY IN CHARACTER !!! (i've read theses characters sin my formative years ) This book is what should be expected. McNiven is doing great work, some of his best stuff.

Death Of Wolverine #4

Oct 19, 2014

Great art, but the climax is so quick and deflated, nothing to transfer the pain of death, and that's appropriate for MARVEL, cause they are the masters of regurgitating characters. At least the villain is associated with an old, and logical wolverine story

Deathstroke (2014) #1

Oct 25, 2014

OK dialogue, gory action and killing in Russia. Some decent ideas but sitt, Daniel is not a great writer. But better than his pathetic Hawkman was a couple years ago. Decent art and story-telling. I wanna like it as a Deathstroke fan, but it needs work.

Justice League (2011) #31

Sep 7, 2014

This a fun issue. No political preaching here. Just superhero fun and LUTHOR BEING AWSOME !!!! I SWEAR, HE'S THE NEW BATMAN. BATMAN "HOW DID YOU FIND OUT WHO I WAS>??" LUTHOR " BECAUSE I'M LEX F@#%t^ING LUTHOR BITCH @@!!!!" and good art too.

Magneto (2014) #4

May 24, 2014

This book is good read filled with basic voice over and a back and forth scene change approach. The character is accurately thought not amazingly portrayed. Hernandez' art shows promise and skirts to borders more realistic gritty and cartoony at the same time. A darker book with which seems to have a discriminatory nature against religion. Follows up on theme Chris Claremont explored more deeply in the 80s, especially in Classic X-men back up stories.

Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Jun 14, 2014

The writing is ok and feels handcuffed. I get the feeling this was tossed together very quickly as the original advertised story was a Kurt Logan road trip story. The art drags down the book and makes the story feel like everyone is 10.

Secret Avengers (2014) #1

Sep 7, 2014

This one had it all!!!! Who thought I'd like it better than Hawkeye !!!!! And I'm talking the Early Issues.

Secret Avengers (2014) #2

Sep 7, 2014

Best yet@@@##!!! Great use of characters, great fun, and better art than several other MARVEL books out there. This is the writer who should take over hawkeye if they relaunch it. Total Fun. And great art in the vein of AJA but not aja.

Secret Avengers (2014) #3

Sep 15, 2014

caramel jelatto !!!

Secret Avengers (2014) #4

Sep 15, 2014

Just great stuff. Fun and yet it has a serious side. This is the NEW HAWKEYE !!! As in that type of book, but with spy awesome instead of OLD BOY AND SIENFELD.

The Mercenary Sea #1

Aug 1, 2014

Great. An excellent on a great era of adventure and looming war. A great group of fun, yet not entirely original characters. The ART ROCKS and has a 1930s non-disney animated style.

The Mercenary Sea #2

Aug 1, 2014

the plot thickens, the fun oozes and a great cover !! Again!! GREAT ART

The Mercenary Sea #3

Aug 1, 2014


The Mercenary Sea #4

Aug 1, 2014

Let me put it this way. I finally issue 6 and can't be happier.

The Mercenary Sea #5

Aug 8, 2014

Great fun. Best read with the soundtrack to INGRLORIOUS BASTARDS.

The Mercenary Sea #6

Aug 8, 2014

YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT TILL NOVEMBER FOR MORE !!!!! IS THERE NO INJUSTICE !!!!!!! great great great stuff. Great twist, and a great romance line: "the problem with complex women like her is, after she leads them on a chase through the maze, they usually find a MINOTAUR at the center." BRILLIANT LINE

Thor: God of Thunder #15

Aug 25, 2014

Not a bad read. The art and story are below the par of GOD BUTCHER. The characters are ok.

Thor: God of Thunder #16

Aug 25, 2014

not bad. the story continues apace and the art is passable and somewhat suitable. A mix of Frazetta and Goofy. Ya, that's this one.

Thor: God of Thunder #17

Aug 25, 2014

A decent ending. Gee, crown of thorns what %%%%%% means what? A view of a savior??? an evil savior????? Well, it has a better end than middle, with more goofy but kinda Giffen goofy.

Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW

Aug 25, 2014

GET READY FOLKS !!!! HEAR COME THE HEAVY HANDED ENVIRONMENTISM AND EVIL CAPITALISM STORY THAT HAS MY LIBERAL ENVIRONMENTAL BUDDY SCRATCHING HIS HEAD. Thor's girlfriend ?? is a very annoying character that is indistinguishable from every other new MARVEL female character. kate bishop clone??? but not as cool. gets the 7 just on RIBIC'S ART.

Thor: God of Thunder #20

Aug 25, 2014

Story gets better. BEST BUSINESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM EVER! COOL RIBIC MOBIUS GALACTUS. AND MORE EVIL. EVIL. EVIL. BAD BUSINESS PLANS !!!! there are easier ways to make boatloads of money than this. I mean really. Well, at least the art is the best. Don't ARGUE RIBIC IS THE MAN.

Thor: God of Thunder #21

Aug 25, 2014


Thor: God of Thunder #23

Jun 21, 2014

Great Art, good showdown. A fitting end to the arc. The evil businessman villain (which is more overdone the Nazi villians) was passable. Great fight scenes and art get a 12 out of 10. Ulik steals the show.

Winterworld #1

Jun 28, 2014

Gritty artwork, good start to a story. This would fit better as a graphic or double sized issue to do more development but the humour and setting rocked. Heck, I told my boss to order the graphic the minute I put the book down. (there was a previous graphic release which clearly introduces these characters).

Winterworld #2

Aug 8, 2014

The story seems disjointed, like the team is trying to meld novel style drama with the current no descriptions style of comic book story telling that unfortunately dominates today. The art is fabulous and 2 very interesting characters show up. Still enjoyable but it doesn't feel like the team has enough pages in the issue to do what they wanted.

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