bcgocubs's Profile

Joined: Nov 01, 2018

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Action Comics (2016) #1000

Nov 16, 2018

An excellent oversized-issue that is worth the extra material it takes up as well as the extra price (I'm looking at you Marvel). Well done DC!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #8

Nov 1, 2018

I don't claim to have read a lot of Dan Slott in my lifetime, but so far, this series is so much better.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Dec 11, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #10

Dec 11, 2018

Batman Vol. 1: The Court Of Owls

Nov 1, 2018

Batman Vol. 2: The City Of Owls

Nov 1, 2018

Batman Vol. 3: Death Of The Family

Nov 1, 2018

Absolutely phenomenal story for the ages. Perfect plotting and excellent characterization. Every Batman fan should be required to read this.

Batman (2016) #57

Nov 1, 2018

As much as I like King's style, his choices just don't work in this arc. The fairy tale is cool but a little difficult imo to connect to the story. Not to mention how Batman almost says nothing thing the ENTIRE ISSUE. I get that fighting is loud and can sometimes take a while. But seriously, an entire issue where the dialogue is just grunts?! Because of this, what could have been a potentially great final issue is hard to take seriously. It just doesn't serve the story right and is hideously anticlimactic. What's more this has become a pattern with King. Is he just trying to be different (which can work wonders sometimes for his style) or is he just being lazy? Truth be told, I can't tell anymore and it makes me worry for this series.

Batman (2016) #58

Nov 8, 2018

A good return to form for the series. I'll have to wait to see how long it lasts, but this is good solid writing in my opinion. It has a complex plot and interesting details as well as excellent artwork as always from Mikel Janin. The one complain I would have is that I'm too dumb to understand the poem at the end of the story (turns out its an obscure Shakespeare poem) and so that was a bit frustrating for me.

Batman (2016) #59

Dec 19, 2018

Batman (2016) #60

Dec 19, 2018

Not an amazing issue or anything but I felt it was a solid evolution of the character. The story starts to acknowledge that Batman has been acting so callous and out of character. People are starting to realize that he isn't quite right. King has created this development on purpose as part of this arc, he is just doing so very slowly. In my opinion this is an interesting step for the character and it will be interesting to see how he finds his way back. Also, the cliffhanger at the end was good. Seriously, though, what is it with superheroes and their dads nowadays. First Superman's dad (Mr.Oz) hates humanities guts, now Flashpoint Thomas Wayne seems to hate Batman even more.

Batman (2016) #61

Dec 20, 2018

I really enjoy this new character a lot. I think he has an excellent backstory and unique attributes that would make him a villain that really stands out. I give King credit for creating this excellent twist on the Batman mythos. But it's hard to enjoy take seriously when you have a whole issue that basically rehashes what has already been told. Essentially, all this issue does is give us the same backstory this time except... it's fake?? I'm not sure but I'm confused if the whole story was just made up in the kid's head or this was somehow another tale of how he convinced people his parents were murdered again. Regardless, this would probably read better in trade format, but as a single issue there is a lot left to be desired. Rehashing an identical plot and then making it unclear is poor writing in my opinion.

Batman (2016) #62

Jan 12, 2019

This issue is out of place and it's annoying to see the main storyline take such a long time. But, personally, I felt that this issue was excellent. It was an inner look into Batman's psyche like nothing I had read before and the art was phenomenal. The art added much more to the atmosphere than other art I usually see. To me it feels wrong to judge this issue solely by its place in the story arc (which is excruciatingly slow). It's too good not to.

Batman (2016) #63

Jan 27, 2019

I dont have a problem with King taking his time. He simply takes a different approach to writing comics than others. His stories are meant to be immersive and they read more like a long term novel. There is nothing wrong with that and people should cut him some slack for trying something different. That being said, I understand why some would not like his style. It can stretch your patience and is confusing sometimes. But I think people should start to view his style more as a whole and not individual issues. I dont think that approach does his work justice.

Batman Vol. 4: The War Of Jokes & Riddles

Nov 1, 2018

Proof that Tom King can write a good Batman story. The art is uniquely awesome. KITE MAN IS DA REAL MVP!!!!!!!!!

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 13, 2018

Solid story, but not amazing. The best thing about the story is the fact that it is told from Alfred's perspective for a change. Both character portrayals are spot on, rather than King whose characters seem to always undergo an identity crisis. The story is not tangential and meandering either, which is a wonderful departure from current batman stories. That being said, nothing really stood out to me as truly outstanding in this story. It was just a good solid tale that is a nice break from King's strange tendencies.

Catwoman (2018) #5

Nov 16, 2018

Maybe I just don't remember this story as much as the next guy but I really enjoyed this issue. Yes, I admit that it is a slower pace than most, but the story and characterization are excellent. The villain is truly evil. She is the world's worst wife and mother not to mention also the ugliest one out there too. There's also multiple things going on which tie together in the end. In that way, I felt this issue was actually pretty busy and not that "slow". Lastly, I really do have to mention how excellent the art is in this series. I'm not an art-centric reader but Jones' art really sets this story apart.

Dazzler: X-Song #1

Nov 1, 2018

This issue can be likened to Justin Bieber. Not only does it involve singing, it is also visually decent to look at. Unfortunately, everything else about it is complete suckage. The writing is extremely cliche and cringy, while the plot is derivative and boring. There's no depth and the annoyance level is hard to bear. Just like Justin Bieber, I couldn't wait for this one to be over.

Detective Comics (2016) #991

Nov 1, 2018

Judging only this issue itself, I have to say that I was impressed. The characterization was excellent and the dialogue was excellent and intriguing. Unfortunately, the rest of the issues in this story line fall much shorter.

Edge of Spider-Geddon #3

Nov 1, 2018

The most unexpectedly awesome comic I have read this year. I came in expecting nothing and came out legitimately touched with this story. Excellent writing.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1  
Justice League (2018) #1

Nov 1, 2018

Absolutely riveting introduction to a promising story of massive proportions. Unravels at a fast, enjoyable pace. Little confusing however.

Justice League (2018) #11

Nov 8, 2018

Great follow up issue! This kind of series is just impossible not to like. The scope is amazing and the story has plenty of plot twists and threads. Batman looks kind of ridiculous in his Hoverround chair but I digress so does Jarro and he's impossible not to like so who am I to complain.

Justice League (2018) #13

Dec 6, 2018

Superb, suspenseful and action-packed issue. Possibly the best single issues of this series yet. These Legion of Doom Issues are just as good as the regular Justice League ones. This is becoming a phenomenal series, now if I just didn't have to wait so long for this Perpetua chick to show up.

Justice League (2018) #14

Jan 12, 2019

Justice League (2018) #15

Jan 12, 2019

Justice League: Odyssey #2  
Martian Manhunter (2018) #2

Jan 12, 2019

The story direction is interesting. It's also REALLY REALLY wierd.

Mister Miracle (2017) #12

Nov 15, 2018

I don't think Tom King is capable of a normal ending... But it works here. We finally get the answer to why there are all those "Darkseid Is" panels and weird "glitches" throughout the story. And while the answer is predictable, it is still satisfying nonetheless and a unique ending to an expertly written story. What is also special is how Scott approaches the subject at the end of the story. It gives a truly different meaning to how Scott can "escape things".

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 13, 2018

Perfect intro to a title that hopefully follows suit. The Joker part at the end was a bit forced though. We are also introduced to yet another batman, this one is called "The Grim Knight". He's basically just Batman with guns. Maybe they'll make another one called "The Happy Knight" or "The Good Knight" (see what I did there :/) for a change. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this immensely.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 26, 2019

The story and characters remain fascinating but something felt a little off this issue. Just a little too cringey and hammy for me. I understand that's kind of the point but much of the dialogue felt forced. Snyder's prose at the beginning was brilliant though.

The Freeze #1

Dec 6, 2018

Decent enough but the story lacks immersion. Characters kind of just go with the flow and act differently than you'd think. Still has promise and an interesting concept though.

The Terrifics Annual #1

Dec 11, 2018

First story was alright but the last to in my opinion really topped off this issue well. Three solid, self-contained stories that kind of had 50's sci-fi overtones (bodysnatchers, cavemen, proms, etc.). The one with Java was my favorite, it was hilarious. This might actually be my favorite annual I've read this year, surprising enough.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1

Nov 15, 2018

Am I missing something here? I mean, I'll be honest, the issue wasn't bad, but for $7.99? Come on! If every other issue you put out is a cash grab, at least make it worth my while. What I got was unengaging writing on top of an admittedly interesting plot that was stretched out too thin, even when it took up only half the book. What was in the other half? It ended up being some sort of weird prequel-prologue from each characters point of view that does nothing to advance the plot. Was it interesting.... maybe... Does it contribute anything to the story?.. Not really. In other words... filler! It's so blatant it can't be more obvious. And now if I want to know the rest of the story I have to buy another issue for each the next nine weeks? So for $8 I'd say you get probably $3 worth of quality content. I'm not against these over-sized editions, I've read plenty of good ones but when you make it too obvious it really takes the magic out.

Venom (2018) #4  

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