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Joined: May 07, 2019

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Danger Street (2022) #9

Sep 12, 2023

I can give Tom king a lot of flak, I think a lot of his books rely on hitting you over the head with faux-gravitas, kind of like being a Neil Gaiman but without the depth or talent. while feeling like he overstayed his welcome on Mister Miracle, was dealing with his own issues in Strange Adventures, and Human Target wasn’t as good as Milligan’s retool of him but still a decent read. - I was really looking forward to Danger Street. I’m old enough to have many of the original issues (anyone want to sell their copy of Lady Cop?). The series has been Tom King, but at least fun. This issue, on the other hand, is Tom King at his worst. He’s either pulling a fast one on the readers by knowing he’s sounding obnoxious, or he’s simply writing obnoxiously. This is a case of someone trying way too hard to be “meaningful”. Just write a good story and the meaning will come. My minor was in Philosophy and most of this dialogue is ripped out of first year reference books. I won’t even get into his characterisations of Mark Shaw, Manhunter and Code Name:Assassin as it’s clear he doesn’t want to use their original portrayals anyway (Shaw isn’t bad, but Assassin is someone else entirely). Simply put; this issue is a load of hooey and classic bad King writing. Hope for better next time around.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Aug 11, 2020

TBH I stopped reading and just glanced through the pictures, mostly, about 1/3 of the way through. This just seems like a mess.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 5, 2021

someone else on here said it well - it feels like Snyder slapped the word "hope" on a dialogue balloon for at least one character every other page, and crammed the book with....stuff. From that we're supposed to ignore the messy, stretched-out storyline over two similar events, and all we get at the end is a reinforcement of Morrison's "Multiversity" (which was great) by saying there are other multiverses out there to explore. Well, let's just get on with it. This book could have been done as an oversized special/conclusion to the original Metal.

Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 18, 2019

I really don't understand how people can like this. Well, maybe on one level, which is as fan fiction. I'm not so precious as to say that Moore's wishes should be respected and Watchmen characters should never be seen again....mind you Before Watchmen was a pain (despite beautiful Darwyn Cooke material). But this...I won't get into the entire series and just mention a couple of things about #12. #1 Rorschach II - really? Talk about a childish move of trying to redefine Rorschach a 'hero'. "I'm taking you to jail, Adrian!" - sounded much better in the otherwise excellent HBO show, coming from 2 different characters who we gave a damn about. #2 Dr. Manhattan as an omnipotent supergod who doesn't understand hope. Ugh. #3 Punch and Jewelee (I mean Mime and Marionette) - not a bad homage, but too much screen time even here. I could go on....lovely, wonderful cheesy costumed superheroes (like the JSA which I love) and Watchmen just don't mix well.

Flash (2016) #768

Apr 1, 2021

While I'm thrilled to see Wally back as Flash, the way the writer describes Wally - "always been a wisecracking guy, like in the cartoon" - shows very little knowledge of comic-book Wally. The guy's been approachable and at times fun, but never like the cartoon. It's the same way writers try to tell us John Stewart is a tough-as-nails Marine. Well, he was in the cartoon. When he first appeared in the comics and for decades he was an architect from lower-income housing, who always tried to do good - you might even label him as a SJW, which I wear as a designation proudly. When he blew up that planet and after his wife died, he got more somber, but still a thinker more than a tough military man. I wish the writer would actually read Wally's Titans years and the first run of his book from Mike Baron through to Waid. He'd get a better idea of who Wally is then.

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 29, 2021

For all the writers hailing the work of Ostrander and company from the 80s Suicide Squad glory days, rarely do you see a writer who will actually capture that flavour. Strange - the Ostrander-style Squad is so good but we never get it much anymore.

Ghost Machine One-Shot (2024) #1

Jan 29, 2024

Art= nice otherwise, Geoff ("only ever read comic books") Johns repackaging his planned Killing Zone for DC... The Atomic Knight (I mean "Geiger") G.I. Robot (I mean "Junkyard Joe") The Immortal Man (I mean "Redcoat") etc. etc.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #6

Aug 11, 2020

Back to another great issue after one or two that were a bit softer, which is a real rarity in this run. Morrison and Sharp continue to nail Hal and have a blast doing it, with lots of easter eggs and new ideas bursting off each page. One line from a given character works perfectly with Sharp's designs to tease story possibilities for years to come, but in this case I'm just happy to see so much GL goodness. Great job, looking forward to the last half of the run.

Green Lantern (2018) #7

May 7, 2019

Fantastic issue by a team that brings it every month on time! And Morrison digging into Hal's history with this one again too...

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #7

Sep 8, 2020

Wow. One of the best issues yet from Morrison and Sharp. A real understanding of the character, and an explosion of ideas page after page, all nicely fit into a story that leads up to a big finale soon enough. Old GL fans will see basically every interpretation of Hal in here, and how Morrison weaves it all together in a page and a couple of balloons passes over the overdone hero in crisis motif for a guy who just knows he has to get the job done. Love it. Absolutely love it.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #8

Oct 13, 2020

Another visionary issue by Morrison and Sharp. Morrison really gives the Anti-Matter U. a character of its own after decades of existence...and the perspective on the "Plus-Matter U." GLs was hilarious and unique.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #9

Nov 10, 2020

Wow. Absolutely fantastic issue, this is Heavy Metal for pop-culture folks. Although Hal's proposal idea comes a little too abruptly for my tastes, Morrison again shows he's otherwise showing a complete understanding of Hal and celebrating every era of his existence with this series. The little bits of history and new ideas that pop out make for a read and read again kind of story. And love how he's bringing in other earths, deeper cuts on other GLs as we build to a crescendo on this beautiful series. And as for Sharp's art and colours - my god, I can't say enough.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #10

Dec 15, 2020

Lots of fun and the Hal/Carol moments in the book are timeless and true; Morrison nails it again. For those just joining it it will be bit of work to orient yourself, otherwise Sharp's beautifully evolving style and Morrison's story are a perfect match once again.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #11

Feb 9, 2021

My god this is great. And Hector Hammond too - I love how despite DC changes on a whim sometimes, Morrison rolls with it, explains it away in a sentence or a panel, and moves on to the story he was telling. Man, I'm going to miss Morrison and Sharp on this series.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #12

Mar 9, 2021

First read takes some concentration, but second read (as usual with Morrison, especially as he's writing in shorthand these days) benefits and boy, what a run this was. Gonna miss this series terribly. Morrison and Sharp get Hal and all his history, and push the character and concept farther than anyone has including Johns in quite some time. Respect!

Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

Back to referring to the ring as a "weapon" and featuring a Teen Lantern, while branding the book as "Ages 17+". Plus, we get a writer who loves John Stewart but has apparently only watched the JLU cartoon and is writing him as a tough Marine, instead of the multi-nuanced, socially aware architect from the majority of his publishing history. I'll give it an issue or two but this feels like a real step back with too much forced gravitas.

Green Lantern (2021) #12

Apr 13, 2022

wow, don't know what to say about this one. well, I do. Felt like a 90s comic in the worst way. I give John's new status by the end of the issue, a year or two at most before it's forgotten and retconned. The art looked more cartoony in this one too - hoping for better things when the main GL title comes back at some point!

Green Lantern (2023) #2

Jun 15, 2023

Agree that Hal is written a little too cocky here, and wish Adams wouldn't rush to go back to the Kilowog well and bring him back in his more modern "tough guy" characterization rather than the pacifist, communist-sympathizing medical engineer he was originally meant to be (back in his first appearance in GLC #201). But the free spirit of Hal is written very well and I look forward to some world building with him on earth - been too long! He's the most interesting and popular Lantern for a reason.

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #1

Sep 19, 2023

Man, ever since JLU turned John Stewart from a radical architect with a social conscience to a tough-as-nails marine, his character has been pretty one-note and has suffered as a result. Plus how clichéd is it to have a GL member be a military guy. At least this writer has said he's going to refocus on the architect part, but there's a lot of character salvaging to do here. Not there yet.

Junkyard Joe (2022) #1

Sep 7, 2023

Ah yes, GI Robot...I mean, "Junkyard Joe"... Geoff Johns' move to tweak DC properties and try to make them his own continues in the Geiger/Atomic Knights tradition... "Reading a Geoff Johns comic is like reading a book by a writer who's never read a non-superhero book in his life." Nice looking, but this is just sad.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

Great issue. Folks who are complaining about 'lack of action' have to remember this series has needed a switch up for some time. Jurgens' run was fine but took its sweet time getting back to DG. Taylor is a great writer, this issue cleanses the palate while setting up what's coming. Great art, looking forward to a well-written Dickie again!

Shazam! (2023) #6

Dec 8, 2023

Ah, lovely! Waid (And Mora) are elegantly restoring Cap to what makes him special and unique. While the "Shazamily" was a fun diversion for a moment, it was in no way sustainable and the new roles (?) for the family look more interesting, whether they stick or not. Cap has never seemed more Cap in a loonnnngggg time. Hooray! Glad Johns is on to other things (turning his Killing Zone line into Ghost Machine, turning DC characters into barely-disguised other versions of themselves...Geiger = Atomic Knights; Junkyard Joe = GI Robot, etc. etc....best quote I've heard in a while: "reading a comic by Geoff Johns is like reading a comic by someone who's never read anything other than comic books in his life":)

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 17, 2020

It's hard for me to review this without knowing about King's previous works, specifically Vision, Mister Miracle and Heroes in Crisis Among his other work. But this just seems like same old, same old. And trying to 'show' Mr. Terrific's genius by simply having him answer a series of trivia questions? That's so reductive it hurts. I love the characters of Strange and Terrific, hope the series does something with them other than make them the same as characters already seen in King's other works. And the Doc Shaner art is nice.

Strange Adventures (2020) #8

Jan 29, 2021

The art is great, but the story? grim and gritty Adam Strange, just what the world needs. If King wants to do a story on truth,, trauma and the Trump era, why not write a book or an indy graphic novel? Choosing to do it with Adam Strange might be ok, but this book has been a bit full of itself for a while.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #1

Oct 18, 2023

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #3

Dec 27, 2023

Once again an amazing issue, love what Venditti and company are doing here and heck, they even brought back Klein the coroner!! Anyone who's interested in where this interpretation of Dodds came from check out the excellent Sandman Mystery Theatre. More please!

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