Sky788's Profile

Joined: May 27, 2020

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Batman (2016) #92

Jun 10, 2020

Ok. So...the big takeaway is that this is the first Punchline major-role in any story and if this wasn't the most underwhelming intro to a character I've seen in sometime. Her couple of lines serve to only show us that she is not Joker's girlfriend, just a partner...maybe, and she is real edgy. That's how she comes across. Idk her role was so minor she might turn out to be a fun character, I just see nothing interesting yet. Speaking of that the Batman plot is just Bruce effortless solving a Riddler puzzle. I was expecting more giving than the setup than just a puzzle Batman can easily trounce through. I was hoping for less effortless from Batman in Tynions run. The ending is the most interesting thing. I have been waiting to see what the designer is made of, now we get to find out.

Batman (2016) #93

Jun 25, 2020

Ok. Ok. Call me easily impressed but gosh darn did this ending really impressed and suprised me. To begin I have...thoughts on the last issue. Thoughts that have mellowed but are still there. I was however excited to see just who the designer was. Why was he deserving of all this hype? Why he was even still alive. Tynion not only failed to answer my question but instead told me that my questions didnt even matter with the bombshell reveal that the designer has always been dead both dead and the Joker. Ok. Then he tells me that the A plot is actually the B plot and vice versa. Oh. Now Joker also has all of Batmans money and is planning on destroying him after already destroying his relationship with Catwoman. This was a Catwoman story arc more or less in everything but POV and I was shocked. Tynion successfully subverted my expectations, set up his next story and fulfilled all remaining plot threads with this one. Masterfully I might add. I still need more characterization from punchline, whom I only care about the possibilities and downfall of the spiteful Zillenial. This book went from a palette cleanser in between runs, to the most excited I've been in the possibilites of Batman in FOREVER!

Batman (2016) #99

Sep 15, 2020

Batman / Superman (2019) #10

Jul 31, 2020


Cable (2020) #2

Jul 31, 2020

I am reading this book for the art let's be honest. The only exciting story stuff is in the return of adult Cable. I'll keep buying it though.

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1  
Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1  
Doomsday Clock Vol. 2

Jun 26, 2020

So Good.

Empyre: X-Men #1

Jul 22, 2020

This book was just simply an enjoyable read. Edit: Ignore all the Wanda stans review bombing this book.

Empyre: X-Men #2

Aug 5, 2020

Empyre: X-Men #3

Aug 16, 2020

Empyre: X-Men #4

Aug 19, 2020

Flash (2016) #756  
Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Feb 16, 2021

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Feb 16, 2021

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Magneto #1

Jul 17, 2020

What a chill book to return to the Dawn of X with. I keep looking at the score for the issue on the front page of the website and I keep saying to myself that "that's such crap", and yet as I come to rate the issue I cant in good conscious rate this above a 7. I...liked the art? I liked the environments, but the people looked consistently off. Like I said this book is well paced, I felt like the book was sweeping me into the ocean with Namor and Magneto on a merry journey, yet the confrontation with the sea witches left alot to be desired. Their was some clear set up and yet I also cant say that any of it excited me like every issue of X-Men can. At the end of the day these are artist showcases that highlight key plot-points and yet I didnt like the art all that much so I was hoping for the denseness of an issue of the main book but I cant even say it gave me that. So what am I left with pretty landscapes, good characterization and good pacing. Competent but not excited.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Fantomex #1

Aug 5, 2020

Hellions (2020) #2

Jul 22, 2020

Eh, seeing Maddie Pryor was nice. Not much else happens but it was pretty enjoyable.

Marauders (2019) #10

May 27, 2020

The review syestem for this site says a 7 is the first number which is in the brown or a mixed review, and I think that is accurate for this book. I didn't hate it, but it's a bad sign when the suplementals are more interesting than the book itself. The plot wraps up a few elements but also has an awkward, overly sexualizing scenes from a women who doesn't need more sexualization and a wierd explanation for such a scene to boot. The book ends up leaving an underwhelming impression by the end but I didn't regret my purchase. Worth buying for those still reading, to everyone else, there are better X-Men singles than this in the last NCBD alone.

Marauders (2019) #11

Aug 16, 2020

Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 7, 2020

Stillwater (2020) #1  
Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 17, 2020

I think this issue will be better once read within the whole of the series. I believe sprinkled within the conversations between Terrific and his T-Spheres we will find the answer to the point of the whole series. That's the only reason I rated so highly. What this issue WILL mean later on. For now, I do enjoy the characterization of Mr. Terrific and the Rann stuff is neat albeit intentionally confusing. Either way I cant wait to read this in full come a year.

Thor (2020) #5

Jun 25, 2020

I feel like we haven't learned much more or seen much more than we knew we were going to get in issue one. Not that predictably is always bad, I've just been waiting for something...more. Cool reveal at the end though, weird how it just causally upends Marvel cosmology but if it has a neat wrap up I'm down. Remember folks, these things can always be retconned.

Venom (2018) #27  
Wolverine (2020) #3

Jul 22, 2020

I have been waiting for a good Logan ongoing for some time. While the last Wolverine ongoing starring Laura Kinney was fantastic, I grew up with Logan and having good stories starring him are a joy to read.

Wolverine (2020) #6

Oct 7, 2020

Wynd (2020) #1  
X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1

Sep 23, 2020

X Of Swords (2020): Stasis #1

Oct 29, 2020

X-Factor (2020) #1

Jul 31, 2020

This is a book perfect for both new X-Fans and old ones. The book serves as a great showcase for every character and their power sets while also seeking to rectify forgotten aspects of characters. Not to mention that for a group who often exemplified minority groups, seeing a book which will serve to focus on the queer experience is as much a treat as it is necessary in our modern world.

X-Force (2019) #13  
X-Men (2019) #9

May 27, 2020

To start, I am a big fan of the X-Men's space faring adventures and this has it all. Even more so it all plays a role into what could have made for a amazing story. Where this issue falls flat is in pacing and the ending which both only bother me rather than ruin it for me. The pacing is too quick, the issue flys by in a story which really needs to take a break in order to have the proper impact. Then there is the ending. It's too abrupt, all we needed was some hints by broo that it was calling to them but instead the ending comes off as a missed comedic beat.

X-Men (2019) #10

Jul 29, 2020

I have never cared for Vulcan. I now care for Vulcan.

X-Men (2019) #11

Aug 26, 2020

X-Men (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

X-Men (2019) #14

Nov 4, 2020

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #4

Jul 22, 2020

Zdarsky does it again! Consistantly well written characters, exciting plot, and fantastic additions to both the FF and X-Men world. The end compromise just serves to further legitimize the Krakoan nation but also complicate it. The scene with Reed shows off Zdarsky's talent, heartpulsingly tense and morally dubious. What a great ending to a great book!

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