Devastation in Gotham City! Following the events of a massive explosion in midtown, Batman and Superman pick up the pieces to learn who rigged the Atomic Skull like a bomb...and will they do it again? All will be revealed as the horrific plan of the Ultra-Humanite rains terror down on the lives of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel!
Clayton Henry's art really works well in this issue. The style is great and there are some awesome visual moments throughout including the fight in the warehouse as well as the depth and detail in the batcave. A great looking issue. Read Full Review
Readers looking for a streamlined, easy to follow along title that isn't bogged down by crossovers and trade-focused storytelling definitely need to check out Batman Superman as it keeps delivering the goods. Read Full Review
With a great last act twist that doubles as a callback to Watchmen, it's a gripping and exciting issue that continues to show off how well this book switches genres at the drop of a hat. Read Full Review
It a decent comic overall and I look forward to what comes next! Read Full Review
If unadulterated fun is your thing, then read this book. Read Full Review
As I said, Henry's art is fantastic. I like the attention to detail (like creases on Batman's gloved hand in the above panel) and the horror. This does feel a bit like a Cronenberg film. So not a bad read. The art alone elevates. Read Full Review
Batman/Superman #10 - Ultra-Humanite's gorilla body bites the dust. Or does it? We can't be going into the toy closet only to let the family pet destroy our antiques. Come on DC"let's keep all of our action figures in pristine condition! Read Full Review
Batman/Superman #10 is the definition of an ok issue. Not a ton happens, and the pacing is off at times as we slowly get to the all-important cliffhanger. I love seeing the Ultra-Humanite since he doesn't make a ton of appearances, and I will be back next issue even though I'm not very excited right now. Clayton Henry's art was good enough, and Joshua Williamson didn't piss me off. I guess that's something, right? Read Full Review
Batman Superman #10 succeeds in delivering a pure and focused superhero story. On the other hand, it doesn't ask you to think too much. At different times of the day this dichotomy strikes me in differing ways, but I at least never find it boring, and that isn't nothing. Add Clayton Henry's versatile art style into the mix and you're left with a book that doesn't aim to challenge, but still ends up feeling worthwhile. Read Full Review
It all makes for a fun if relatively light adventure featuring two of DC's biggest icons, and that's plenty to warrant some of your time. Read Full Review
This book desperately needs more energy, and a little bit more originality wouldn't hurt either. The writing and the art get the job done, but it's all rather lackluster and formulaic. If the problem was strictly bad art or bad writing, then that would've been a bummer, but at least it's something that creators can improve on. When the problem is lazy writing, however, even when readers just perceive it as such, then that's just frustrating. Read Full Review
A great continuation from the previous issue. Seeing Batman fight Humanite made this issue better!
Salty Ultra Humanite is fun.
This was fine but like... everybody was speaking exposition. Also is it just me or did everybody have really long faces? I loved the art otherwise though.
I'm not a fan of the "Heroes are responsible for the evil that villains do" trope, and both protagonists seem to have come down with a case of stretching forehead syndrome.
Honestly, this was fine, but I had trouble keeping my attention focused on it. It reminds me a lot of Joshua Williamson's Flash run but with ever so slightly more interesting protagonists. Unfortunately, they're not really that present here. Sure they're in most of it, but only to exposit. To set up the Ultra-Humanite. The solicitation description of this issue is all you need to read, and that's a bit of a problem. The art is a showcase of foreheads. And yes, that is a bit mean. The art is good aside from heads, I'll give them that. All in all, this issue is insipid and I wish there was more here.