X-Factor #1

Writer: Leah Williams Artist: David Baldeon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 29, 2020 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 64
8.0Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

MUTANTS HAVE CONQUERED DEATH! By the grace of The Five, the resurrection protocols can bring back any fallen mutant. But such a huge enterprise isn’t without its problems and complications… When a mutant dies, X–Factor is there to investigate how and why to keep the rules of reincarnation. Writer Leah Williams (AMAZING MARY JANE, X–TREMISTS) and artist David Baldeón (DOMINO, WEB WARRIORS) take Northstar, Polaris, Prodigy, Eye-boy, Daken and Prestige into the world of murder and missing persons…

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Jul 29, 2020

    Overall ‘X-Factor’ is everything I wanted and more. We are only on the first issue and it has already made itself a contender to be one of the best x-books in the 'Dawn of X’ line-up. If you don’t read it, then you are really missing out! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jul 29, 2020

    I continue to be a fan of David Baldeon's style and this issue showcases it beautifully. The characters are expressive and detailed. The panels are beautiful to look at and the art itself is filled with a sense of energy and fun. A great looking first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Ryan Pagella Jul 28, 2020

    Leah Williams understands these characters and writes them with the perfect level of snark. I would have never thought to put any of these mutants together, but it works and creates a very interesting dynamic. Plus Northstar is in charge, and that's awesome. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Aaron Phillips Jul 29, 2020

    Overall, X-Factor has made a sexy, messy splash. The team dynamic is lively, and fun, with an aggressive get it done mentality. There are many different elements here to get involved with, and it feels like Williams especially had an absolute ball putting this together, and it really shows on the pages. X-Factor are back! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 29, 2020

    X-Factor #1 is a fantastic read. The series plants a flag as to how it fits into the X-Universe and what it's about. This is a series that has no problem wearing everything on its sleeve for folks to enjoy. It also feels like a truly team book where everyone has their moments and stands out. The creative team has done a fantastic job in every way. The comic is both tragic, humorous, hopeful, and relatable. It's a damn near perfect start. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - Elias Rosner Aug 3, 2020

    Does what every good #1 does, even if it did have to go to a $5 price point, with only a few hiccups and bricks of text to hold it back. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Gabriel De Jesus Jul 28, 2020

    X-Factor #1 (Williams, Baldeon, & Silva) reads like a television pilot. The format of the plot functions the same. We have our hero introduced, the problem he must face, and then the assembly of the team. Each character gets their moment to showcase what skills they bring to the table. Then we end the issue with hints of what is to come. Like a TV pilot, there is boundless potential with some rough edges left behind, providing a perfect mirror to the internal chaos of this incarnation of X-Factor. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    411Mania - Jeremy Thomas Oct 3, 2020

    Williams, building off the work Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard started in Creation, proves herself well up to the task of laying out the next steps. Those steps are monumental for Krakoa going forward and seismically raise the stakes for what's to come in X of Swords. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Chris Aiken Jul 31, 2020

    Leah Williams writes a damn good investigative book. I especially like how this new incarnation of the team ties so well into the X-Men's new status quo. Just about every member's power is built for solving mysteries, and the cases are sure to get more interesting with the world looking at mutants differently. Also, Daken to the team as a wild card is already proving it's worth one issue in. For me, X-Factor is off to a good start with a premise that's sure to grab any fan of the X-Men. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Jul 29, 2020

    X-Factor #1 is a very good book. The existence of such a team on Krakoa makes perfect sense, and it will be fun to see where it goes. Williams gives the book a very entertaining vibe; the characters' banter makes the book's dark subject matter- investigating mysterious disappearances- and lightens it up just enough without making light of it. Baldeon's cartoony art shouldn't fit the book, but it does. X-Factor #1 is a lot of fun, and it will be great to see where the creative team takes it. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geek'd Out - Nico Sprezzatura Jul 29, 2020

    This is also the second go-round for artist David Balden, last seen in the X-Men world drawing Gail Simones fun Domino series from a few years ago. Balden also recently worked with Williams on Gwenpool Strikes Back, and theres a pretty good sense of writer-artist synergy throughout. His style is a bit more cartoony than some of the other Dawn of X titles, but thats a good thing; his art helps lend a sense of levity to the otherwise grim premise of the book. Im really looking forward to seeing what kinds of stuff hell get to draw in the coming issues (also, his costume designs havent gotten to show up just yet, but they are stellar). Im a little less enthusiastic about Israel Silvas coloring, which is occasionally a bit too heavy and textured for my taste, but overall it works for Balden linework. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jul 28, 2020

    Thanks to a keener understanding of the Five's process and an explicit story reason for the new incarnation to exist, X-Factor #1 stands as a substantial and impressive opening issue. Though a bit exposition-heavy and light on set pieces, Leah Williams, David Baldeon, and Israel Silva look deep into the new state of mutant death and give us a team just broken (and fun) enough to stand the sight. The road back to Krakoa might not be easy, but X-Factor is here to try and make sure every mutant " even the currently dead ones " has a home. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 1, 2020

    Great start to the new series as it finds little ways, here and there, to try and set it apart for every other identical X-Men comic. This one shows real promise to be its own thing. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Matthew Brake Jul 28, 2020

    X-Factor is a solid new X-title. It clearly defines its purpose for existing as a title, and I for one am happy to add another X-title to the queue! Read Full Review

  • 6.7
    Major Spoilers - Christopher Rondeau Jul 31, 2020

    X-Factor brings back an old X-men title and gives in a crime investigation flair! Check out Northstar, Polaris, Prodigy, Prestige, Daken, and Eyeboy solve mutants who have been killed. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dispatchdcu Jul 28, 2020

    Williams was tasked with resurrecting the X-Factor team but provided very little substance and no real reason for anyone being together that had meaning or significance. I understand what the team was doing this issue but their motives for joining were purely for $&@$ and giggles. David Baldeon and Israel Silvas art was weirdly unique and reminded me of X-Men anime in a way, which I really wasnt a huge fan of. The faces and people were stretched and elongated at times, which along with the heavy dialogue, made this an extremely difficult read for a number one thats supposed to draw new readers into the comic. X-fans, I really wanted to like this but it came across hokey, contrived, and honestly a bit ridiculous. That said, its hard to judge a series on one issue so Id like to read an entire arc before I decide to give this series a hard pass. Nonetheless, if you're looking to save money on comics, this would be a series to wait on the trade while the jury is still out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Christian Hoffer Jul 29, 2020

    It's an interesting premise that provides the team with a strong direction from the outset, even if the comic struggles to make good use of it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Bleeding Cool - Theo Dwyer Aug 1, 2020

    X-Factor #1 brings a team of dynamic mutants together for a compelling reason, but is there time for the characters to shine? Read Full Review

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