Ben Penfold-Marwick's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 68
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Red City #1

Jun 10, 2014

Cal is an infuriatingly annoying character who seems to think he has so much charm, but really I just spent the whole issue wanting to slap him in the face. The idea of NSS with different races interacting under one government is a decent one, but I dont see anything here that makes me want to return and see what happens next. If youre desperate for a new sci-fi comic, this is definitely science fiction, but there are plenty of better comic book sci fi alternatives to choose over this one. I kind of feel bad, being so harsh, but when a character shits you this much, its hard not to react against it.

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Goof #1

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to like this more than I did. Even though its been done before, theres always room for a comedy superhero book. I like thatCaptain Gorgeous isa pervy creep because I havent really seen that done in this genre before, so Ill return to see where that goes, but the dialogue, possibly because of a language barrier, is clunky, and when it comes to comedy, that just doesnt work. Its still a great looking digital comic though.

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Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #1

Aug 19, 2014

This is definitely inaccessible to the majority of readers out there, but who the hell is going to pick up a comic book called Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 if they dont love both steampunk and Galactica? Anyone who has the urge to read this will find some fun, but for the rest of us, this is another cultural oddity that well only remember to reference in passing jokes to fellow comic book geeks.

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Chaos Holiday Special 2014 #1

Dec 3, 2014

I honestly feel like I'm 13 again every time I read a Chaos! book, and this Holiday Special is no different. As Father Xmas himself says as he watches Evil Ernie belting heads, "Sorta amazing to watch, isn't it? It's like a train wreck in so many ways". It's bad, yet I can't look away.

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Robocop: Hominem Ex Machina #1

Feb 12, 2014

Robocop:Hominem Ex Machinafeels like an alternate take or directors cut of a segment of the film that was not in the original. The themes and the emotional problems that Murphy has to deal with in his new robotic life in the source material are handled similarly here, but with a slightly different story. While it feels a little odd to jump into the middle of a film and add an extra 22 pages, its fun to return to the world of Robocop for a bit, and thankfully the task has been given to capable hands.

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Angry Birds Comics #1

Jun 11, 2014

I had a feeling this comic book would be bad, but its actually fine. If I was 8 and/or a huge Angry Birds fan, Id be pretty stoked to read this. It sort of reminded me of reading Madballs comics as a kid. The world has its own kind of logic that is not all that important. Its all about the last panel laughs and the little smirks that get you there. Definitely for kids only, but even kids with taste will enjoy this one.

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Archie #650

Dec 3, 2013

Its nice that there are still some comic books out there that can legitimately be called All-Ages. As much as I roll my eyes occasionally, I still buy and readArchieevery month, and I can hand it to my nephews and niece and know that they too will understand and enjoy the art and the story. This issue also includes some re-prints of old strips featuring the musical acts in the main story, making #650 a worthy pick up for any Archie fan.

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Black/White #1

Mar 26, 2014

This comic feels very underground in that its not perfect and shiny, but sometimes thats what you want. To be honest, perfect and shiny might ruin the mood. These short tales are unlike anything else Ive read, even within the noir comic book genre, so if you are fan of Fatale, Sin City, or any other notable noir books, this is worth a pick up to see something different.

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Purgatori #1

Sep 21, 2014

Purgatori #1 is a guilty pleasure. It's cheesy, dumb, and not the most progressive representation of women, but it doesn't claim to be either. It reads like a b-grade horror film and looks like a heavy metal album sleeve from the 1980s. If that's your thing, this is kind of great.

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X-Files Annual 2014 #1

Apr 16, 2014

X-Files fans have dealt with much worse looking comic books than this before in order to read the adventures of their two FBI heroes. Its not perfect, but it does have an interesting style about it. The writing is solid, and while this isnt the best X-Files story Ive ever read, it is an authentic one, a great way to celebrate one more year in comic book form, and a great jumping on point for fans of the television series.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel: We're Needed #1

Jul 24, 2014

This series has always reminded me a little of The Wicker Man in style mixed with 007; a straight forward mystery with dark undertones, featuring seemingly normal but bizarre characters and situations and spunky leads in sharp suits. Issue one sticks to that style. If youve ever read Steed and Mrs Peel, you know what youre going to get, but this mini-series is a nice, fresh start for new readers. If youre one of the many geeks who have recently discovered British entertainment and the eternity of Doctor Who episodes available, perhaps The Avengers is next for you.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #2

Dec 3, 2013

This is fun, if brief, and Im sure that fans of the series will not feel let down which, at the end of the day, is the most important thing when it comes to books like this. Its for the fans,and to be honest, this is worth picking up for Templesmiths cover alone.

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Deep Gravity #1

Jul 29, 2014

This is very introductory, and while it feels like a somewhat familiar premise so far, it has a lot of promise. Even if it ends up being a well-played out riff on big corporations ruining everything, in the style of Aliens, whats not to love about that? Im keen to see what happens next.

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Hulk (2014) #1

Apr 17, 2014

Waids Indestructible run was pretty good, and that continues here, although the one on the cover is appropriate. This is highly accessible to new readers who have been watching the films, with almost nothing but familiar faces on the page, and a great mystery to hook into. I hope thatthese two Markscan finish this next run of comics together because its been started very well.

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King: Mandrake the Magician #1

Feb 17, 2015

This Mandrake seems to be have Stark's cockiness in performance only, while in private he's a much more sombre guy. This was a nice surprise and seems to balance fun with gravitas. The nods to warriors from Mongo and references to Ming give me hope that we'll be seeing more of those familiar characters in future storylines. I look forward to seeing what magical journey Mandrake will take us on over the next three issues.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone - Omega #1

Feb 12, 2015

While the story is far from over, it was a good, chunky read and felt as essential as any of the other Fire and Stone books. These books have taken the interesting elements of the Prometheus film and made them feel more linked to their origins in the Alien movies. It's still exciting to see the expanded Alien and Predator universe continue and I look forward to reading more of it.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #2

Jan 14, 2014

Im sure Im not the only die-hard Star Wars fan who saw multiple problems with the three prequel films, butthesemoviesset up a lot of things for other writers in other media to play with. Cry of Shadows explores how it feels to be a clone trooper, and fleshes out the reality of that situation. CT-5539 is an interesting character and this seems like it will be another great chapter in the building of the Vader legend. While he hasnt really been central in any scenes yet, his ominous presence is felt, and it seems like the story is building towards some direct interaction between Vader and our protagonist. I hope that Marvel takes this fantastic idea of filling in the enormous gaps between the films and runs with it in 2015,butuntil then, Cry of Shadows is another welcome instalment.

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Terrible Lizard #1

Nov 5, 2014

If I share any more of the plot, you won't need to read the issue. It is a brief but fun introduction, and Bunn's previous work should be promise enough that Terrible Lizard has some more twists and turns ahead. Bunn's current run on Marvel's Magneto has had some very dark moments (I'll never look at paper clips the same way again), but this book feels much more light-hearted. Moss' monsters have a menacing, larger than life feel, while still looking like they'd be at home on a Saturday morning cartoon. Telling the story through the eyes of a head strong, fourteen year old girl means that this is a good one for the nieces and nephews of the world to pick up.

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The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood #1

Oct 1, 2014

The title tells us that Wormwood is going to be damned. While we only see the seeds of that here, it is a tense and captivating introduction. This first issue reads a lot like the first season of Breaking Bad; a smart, innocent man turning to crime when it seems necessary. It's certainly a page turner and I'll be keen to see what happens next.

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The X-Files: Year Zero #1

Jul 17, 2014

Year Zero is not going to change the face of comics, but its a solid instalment for fans of the show. If youre already reading the main title, you should definitely check this out.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #2

Mar 21, 2014

This new creative team had some pretty enormous shoes to fill, following a run on the book that was excellent from start to finish. The ominous threats of the future provide a great backdrop for the soap opera that a good X-book should have, and the ties to X-continuity throughout will keep fans like me happy.

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Nightworld #1

Aug 5, 2014

Its great to see the crazy in comic books. There is no panel of interested parties controlling where comics like this go. The creators are able to just do what they like, and we are treated to some crazy worlds because of this. After the introductory chapter, Im still not 100% sure what is going on, but there is a nice sense of style here that will draw me back to see whats next.

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Clockwork Angels #1

Mar 19, 2014

Rush are not for everyone, and neither is this comic, but if you are a Rush fan, this is a must read. Its a worthy, well made tie-in. If you havent checked out Rush before and you think progressive rock might be your thing, then you have no excuse. Pick up this comic book and listen to the album as you read. What better way to introduce yourself.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #1

Feb 27, 2014

As far as first issues go, this is a nice enough introduction for new readers, but it still feels like a teaser for the main event. It reads like one of those issue zero prequel books, or a Free Comic Book Day pre-story. Its still good, but Im keen to just jump into what comes next. I guess thats a good way to be afterreading #1.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #12

Dec 30, 2013

Van Lente will be missed, but it seems G.I. Joe fans are in safe hands with Paul Allor writing the book. Building up a more complex and fleshed-out past for Cobra is a great idea, while also building on the tensions between the Baroness and Cobra Commander that Van Lente set up. This is a great read and one of the better handled anthology style books that Ive read in a while.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #7

Jan 21, 2014

This is definitely for fans only. There is no help given for newcomers to the Mass Effect universe, nor should there be. It is a complex and detailed background and the time it takes to play the three games barely scratches the surface of the stories to be told. If you have played the games, these comic books are essential reading. Walters knows these characters and worlds because he helped create them, and that shines through in his writing.

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Star Wars (2013) #15

Mar 13, 2014

Issue 15 continues a very well told saga. Its certainly for fans only, just like any other Star Wars book would be, but its not steeped in any confusing continuity and if you are familiar enough with the films, you could easily jump in at this point. Now that Disney owns the Star Wars rights, we wont have this excellent book much longer, so grab it and enjoy it while you still can.

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The Fuse #1

Feb 11, 2014

Science fiction and comic books go hand in hand, and Johnston and Greenwood have thrown cop show into the mix with winning results. The bleak world introduced in issue one of The Fuse is filled with a satisfying amount of mystery and I want to return and see it all unfold.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy: Supposed To Be There, Too #1

Sep 30, 2014

Sad little sock puppet man can't function too well, but he has girls fawning over him. Fantasy read? I'm sure many a lonely guy out there can relate to Li'l Depressed Boy's predicaments and feelings, and many girls out there are hope to find a guy just like him. If I read this when I was a lonely teenager, I would be shouting its praises from the rooftops. As an adult, it's a nice but painful reminder of what it was like to be in my 20s. With a few laughs and a cool style, this is a warm and fun read.

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The Midas Flesh #1

Dec 21, 2013

The quirk of it all might grate some, while others will latch onto it immediately. I think Im somewhere in between the two, but the storyline is solid, the characters are fun, and Im definitely going to read the next issue to see what happens. This is one of eight, and as much as I love superhero books from the Big Two, sometimes its nice to begin reading a comic book story knowing that the end is planned and not that far away. You can trust that the writer is plotting out the events in such a way that all will be resolved. I think science-fiction fans, and especially Adventure Time and Dinosaur Comics fans, should check this out.

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Transformers: Primacy #1

Aug 12, 2014

Ive watched all of the animated series (even the Japanese ones that came after American series finished), but I was lost at times in this because Im not up to date with the new Transformers tales at IDW. That said, this is well told and well put together. Im sure fans will be more than happy with it, and its still left me wanting to be more familiar with the comic franchise so that I can soak up all the fun too.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #1

May 28, 2014

Overall: There are no enormous surprises in the issue, but it is nice to see that we aren't just re-treading the same familiar Nightbreed storyline. Andreyko is enlarging this world, filling it with an interesting back story and history that adds to the mythology. Barker fans should be more than happy with this one, and if you've never checked out his work before, this acts as a pretty decent introduction.

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Concrete Park: Respect #1

Sep 3, 2014

This is Blaxploitation style in a science fiction setting and it works. Puryear and Alexander have created a fun, bleak world for their characters to traverse, and it reads like nothing else.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 19, 2013

This may turn out to be a very original take on an overly familiar genre, but the plot so far is not overly unique. That being said, the artwork, the dialogue, and the overall feel of this book are very much their own. I look forward to seeing where it goes from here.

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Dredd: Underbelly #1

Feb 1, 2014

As a huge fan of the film, I had high hopes for this comic book, and for the most part my hope were met. Its not hard to read this and imagine that you are seeing it play out on screen, which may have been the intention. Thankfully I ordered this one, because my local comic book stores sold out within minutes, and Diamond Distributors have also. If you are a fan of the film, then make sure you get your order in for the reprint. If you havent seen Dredd, then what are you doing reading this?! Go buy the blu-ray andsign the petition. The world needs a Dreddsequel, and at the moment Dredd: Underbelly is the closest thing we have to it. While its not on screen, its a decent and welcome substitute.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #200

Mar 25, 2014

The Joes that we know and love are Hamas. As far as Im concerned, he has artistic ownership over them and can decide to do with them what he will. The cliffhanger at the end of this issue shows that there is plenty in store for the Joes and that the future of this comic is still a fair way away. I hope that I can review #300 someday with a Hama credit still on the cover.

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G.I. Joe: Special Missions #9

Nov 26, 2013

While I enjoy the long plotlines of other G.I. Joe books, its sometimes nice to be able to read a comic from start to finish and not feel like youre missing the beginning and the end of a story. Special Missions has had longer stories in the past, but theyve still only been mostly self-contained two issue tales, rather than massive, year-spanning epics. It harks back to the comics of my childhood, and its nice to have a G.I. Joe book that does that.

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Hack / Slash: Son of Samhain #1

Jul 2, 2014

Hack Slash certainly isnt for everyone, but if you appreciate Buffy the Vampire Slayer but thought that it skimped on the gore factor, then this is definitely the book for you. With such a long past to get through, its nice to be given an easy jumping on point. If you were fan of Tim Seeleys very long run and were afraid to read on without his involvement, dont be. Tim Seeleys name could very well be printed on the cover because this feels like the series I remember and its return is more than welcome.

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HaloGen #1

Mar 3, 2015

After issue one I'm not really sure of anything, but I know we're in safe hands.There is a plot, with the body of the god missing and HaloGen interested in finding it, but why? And what's the deal with these suits? After issue one I'm not really sure of anything, but I'm sure that Tierney and Chan know what's going on and that we're in safe hands. This feels like the first glimpse into a much larger world with its own logic and reason, and with only four issues to flesh it out, I'm interested to see what comes next.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1

Dec 3, 2014

The atmosphere created by Maleev is thick and dark, and it's both fun and tense to see Hellboy's first venture into the outside world.

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Judge Dredd #13

Nov 26, 2013

This Dredd series has been fantastic and this issue is no exception. Its great to get that British-style science-fiction fix in an American comic book format, rather than the oversized, weekly instalments of 2000AD. The historical write-ups by Douglas Wolk in the back which discuss how elements of the story link to Dredds published past make these single issues well worth picking up, rather than waiting for a trade. This issue is not the best Dredd Ive ever read, but its a lot of fun and definitely a good place to start for new readers.

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Judge Dredd: Mega City Two #2

Feb 5, 2014

This is the funniest Dredd has been in a while. A real fish-out-of-water story where we get to enjoy watching him squirm when faced with the flippant and extravagant lifestyle of those around him. The cut-out, dress up doll cover and the Terminator 2 variant cover make this a definite pick up for any Dredd fan.

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Postal #1

Feb 3, 2015

Postal #1 does a lot within its 30 pages. While the premise of a town of criminals isn't quite fleshed out just yet, the characters within are very well established, especially Mark (a nod to Haddon perhaps). The issue feels like Twin Peaks, Copland, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time thrown in a blender, but accompanied by Goodhart's excellent visual storytelling, it becomes its own beast. The title is so ominous, 'postal' referring to when a post office worker who becomes crazy and kills everyone, and after getting to know Mark the postman, it's unimaginable how he could hurt anyone, let alone kill them. Is this series going to slowly turn the caring man into a psychopath? I, for one, am keen to keep reading and find out.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 9, 2014

Prometheus: Fire and Stone is a welcome addition to the Alien mythos. Tobin and Ferreyra haven't re-invented the wheel, but they have recreated the tense feel that is such a vital part of the film series. This could easily have re-tread similar ground to the film, but the threats are higher and this first issue promises something different. Dark Horse Comics have again shown that comic books of film franchises can sometimes surpass their source material. I can't wait to see what the rest of this crossover has in store.

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Punks: The Comic #1

Oct 7, 2014

This has the humour and feel of a Young Ones episode, mixed with the Xeroxed aesthetics of a punk 'zine and the animations of Terry Gilliam. It's crazy stuff, crammed with knowing humour and a bazillion pop culture references. If the cover appeals to you, the innards will also. Punks: The Comic is heaps of fun.

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Rogue Trooper #1

Mar 4, 2014

Science fiction comic book fans must be used to emptying their wallets by now, as there is quite a slew of decent sci-fi fare on the shelves at the moment. It seems publishers have discovered that we like this kind of thing, with titles like Black Science, Judge Dredd, Sinister Dexter, Saga, The Fuse, all of the Star Wars books, and many more harking back to the future worlds of my childhood and selling well. Rogue Trooper sits very comfortably alongside these titles and is well worth adding to your pull list.

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The New Ghostbusters #13

Feb 27, 2014

Ghostbusters is yet another solid IDW comic book based on a well-loved property, adding to the mythos while still respecting the source material and the fans. Mass Hysteria calls back to the well-known events of the film and the plotting gives the unfamiliar faces a chance to be introduced while still moving the story forward. This is a great jumping on point and, I suspect, this series is closest thing we'll get to new Ghostbusters stories in a long time. May Egon live on in our hearts, our memories, and the comic book page.

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Judge Dredd Megazine #345

Feb 20, 2014

As I stated earlier, compilations are sometimes a hard sell; especially when some of the story chapters are so short. Personally, I love them. Dipping in and out of different stories is one of the things I love about being an avid comic book reader, buying weeklyissues and devouring them, and its books like this that offer that experience inside one cover. This particular issue is a must-read for anyone interested in Judge Andersons story, and its a fine jumping on point for any sci-fi comic book fan, linking back to stories of the past while not being seeped in confusing and off-putting continuity. For something that has reached 345 issues, thats pretty impressive.

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All-New Doop #1

Apr 11, 2014

Again, this is not new-reader friendly, but Im sure X-fans will be more than okay with that. If you are a regular X-Men reader, or a fan of the awesome X-Statix run, then this is a must. Its great to see Milligan writing X characters again; especially Doop, his own co-creation. Marvel are not afraid to take chances with books like this at the moment, telling very different stories within the superhero universe, and fans are being treated to excellent books like this one.

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Black Science #1

Nov 27, 2013

First issues can be tricky. In a world where there are multiple new comics to devour every week, its tough to stand out on the crowded comic book store shelves. Black Science has set up a world and a conundrum that could very easily continue for years, which is a solid place to start from. Scalera and Whites cover will hopefully pop when put alongside other titles. The pulp, sci-fi leanings are obvious but very entertaining, and matched with Remenders broken characters, this is an action-packed read that leaves me wanting more.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 12, 2014

This is not an amazing story yet, but it could very well be the start of a strong run. While there is a focus on who Black Widow is, the action moves at a snappy pace. Again, the artwork pops off the page, making every frame and every page worth hanging on the wall. Its great to see Marvel pushing its female characters into the spotlight again, and I hope it is something that continues. The quality of this issueis a good sign for Marvel comics in 2014.

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Dark Engine #1

Jul 16, 2014

Dark Engine #1 is a very promising first chapter for an ongoing book. In a sea of sci-fi fantasy comics, it has a very original voice. This book doesnt spoon feed you or hold your hand through the chaos with a nice, quirky, familiar voice, but it promises to reward readers who give it a chance.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 11, 2014

Magnus Robot Fighter #1 sets up a world that is kind of steam punk, but not exactly. Admittedly, I havent read the other takes on this character, but it seems that Magnus is a property that has changed hands multiple times, with various levels of success. Lets hope that Van Lente, Smith and Dynamite can continue to make this one work. Its a solid first issue.

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Sinister Dexter #1

Dec 10, 2013

Im a sucker for 2000AD and its great to see yet another title make its way into an American comic book format. There is a European feel to books like this that separate them from other science-fiction titles. They seem more sarcastic and harsher in their approach, which youll either warm to or not. No prior knowledge is needed to jump into this issue and it is definitely worth picking up. I hope that future stories will include stronger female characters to balance the lack of them in #1, but even with their absence, this is still a lot of fun.

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Think Tank: Fun with PTSD #1

May 14, 2014

This could have been a weighty tome, but the quirky title hints that there are still lighter moments. That being said, Hawkins confesses that he does not take the issue of PTSD lightly. 25 cents from every book sold goes to the Wounded War Project. 23 pages of comic book, followed by copious amounts of interesting notes and discussion on the reality of PTSD and the science "fact" of the story, another mini story involving an SMS conversation, and a preview of another Matt Hawkins book, Wildfire, all comes together to make a memorable read. Bring on Think Tank Season Two (now in full colour!)

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Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business #1

Apr 5, 2014

It's great to see Parker back in the suit with his witty one-liners, and this is a story that had to be Peter's. It's an effective one-and-done storyline, but I'm sure that Dan Slott is already concocting a way to tie the events of this book into a future Spider tale. Family Business is essential reading for any Spidey fan and it shows that Marvel's decision to produce these original graphic novels was a wise one.

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G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #9

Dec 19, 2013

While I wish the story was continuing, this is a fitting end to one of the best Joe series Ive ever read. Costa has written Joe series before this one, so fingers crossed well see more work like this from him.

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Juice Squeezers #2

Feb 6, 2014

Lapham has created a group of kids that are immediately likable. This is such a strong story and, as much as I hate to say this because comics are fantastic in their own right, I could totally see this working on film. This is a comic book that you could hand to any reader, new or old, spandex fan or not, and they will find it hard to not hook into the Juice Squeezers.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #6

Nov 26, 2013

While the later seasons of the television series and the second film were watchable for hard core fans, they would have been terrible introductions to what was once a fantastic, eerie, and fun franchise. The X-Files: Season 10 has given Scully and Mulder the treatment they deserve and gives fans some decent content that they have been missing for some time. Issue 6 sees the X-Files officially reopened and is a good jumping on point for old and new fans alike.

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Jupiter's Legacy #4

Mar 6, 2014

Millar and Quitely seem to be setting Jupiters Legacy up to become an epic drama, spanning decades of story time.The comicinvites reading analogies into it, but at the same time it is a dramatic page turner with plenty of Millar-esque action and violence. Millar may be a walking, talking billboard for himself, but when he backs that up with books this good, its hard to not agree with his ostentatious ways.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #1

Aug 6, 2014

Ive never read the original Little Nemo strips, but thanks to this new take, I want to. It feels like fans of the original series will be more than happy with this new, in-continuity incarnation, and for the rest of us, this is a surreal treat for the eyes. Sure, its kid friendly, but its no way boring or dull. This is the sort of comic book the cool kids read, and the cool adults join them.

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Regular Show Skips #3

Jan 8, 2014

Being a fan of Regular Show would make this book more of a treat as you get to see Skips take the main character role, but its honestly a solid, funny book for any reader, fan or not. I would happily give this book to my nephews, but only after Id read it and laughed through it all myself.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Oct 9, 2014

Like Afterlife with Archie, this is an odd mix of styles: the naivety of the Archie-verse with the dark and bleeding content of a Dario Argento film. Thankfully, Afterlife worked really well, and so does Sabrina. For some reason I can't put my finger on, it all feels like it was meant to be. This comic has all the fun of the original and the well-loved television series, but I'm sure the sweet Melissa Joan Hart herself would find it hard to stomach where this book is headed. With welcome reprints, sketches, and a letters page in the back, and such a great looking cover design, there are no reasons to not buy this book.

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The Goon: One For the Road #1

Jun 24, 2014

Reviewing something so excellent is tough because its The Goon and if you havent already checked it out, you need to. Its surreal, but also strangely grounded with the humour of the characters. The timing of the jokes is snappy and perfect, and this one shot is as good a place to jump on as any other.

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Black Dynamite #1

Jan 14, 2014

Being a fan of the film, the last comic book, and the animated series, I have a very biased opinion (as does fellow RWG writer Wesley Messer), but I honestly think that a knowledge of Black Dynamite is not necessary to enjoy this book. If you are at all familiar with cult blacksploitation films and you have a sense of humour, then I cant imagine you not completely loving Black Dynamite #1.

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Sex Criminals #4

Jan 10, 2014

I unashamedly love this book. The premise is original, but reading #1 I fell in love with the characters almost immediately. Now that we are at #4, a larger story is unfolding and it is fantastic. This is definitely a book worth reading in single issue format, rather than waiting for the trade, for the letters column in the back. There are 8, yes 8, pages of written material in the back this issue, and they are all hilarious and interesting. If you are a mature reader who doesnt shy away from stories involving sex, then you need to be reading Sex Criminals. Perhaps not on the train though.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #1

Nov 26, 2013

I really hope that this revamped re-issue brings new readers to The Maxx, but it is also a huge pleasure to go back and revisit. It is a surreal world that Keith and Messner-Loebs have built and it is unlike anything else you will ever read.

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Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5

Feb 12, 2015

It's all about style and a shared love of 1980s animation and toys. If you call yourself a fan of 1980s animation and you're not reading this, then you're not doing it right.

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