Brittany Anne's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Batman-News Reviews: 54
6.9Avg. Review Rating

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Prequel #2

Feb 6, 2016

Guys, you're like us comic book reviewers. You come here to read our reviews, because we all have one thing in common. Batman. When you take the time to read a comic book that was presented through a soda company, you're especially like us and we're like you. I enjoyed reading this comic book and issue that featured Lois Lane. Am I still going to have my doubts for the movie? Uh, duh! But this was pretty cool. Let's be hyped up for the movie together :)

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Robin War #1

Dec 3, 2015

Robin War started in an intense way, but one that makes you crave even more. This Robin Movement is affecting Gotham and these memorable Robins need to fix it. But can they withstand the Robin War? Especially when certain people are helping these individuals in the Robin War. Ahhh, really though. The continuation of this story will proceed in Grayson #15 and if I were you, I'd start catching up, because this stuff is getting juicy.

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Robin War #2

Jan 15, 2016

Do you need to read all the other side stories that are in the other comic books before you actually read the second part of this Robin War? Not really, but I recommend you do, because it's such a good story! Apparently, this is something that DC Comics will try to give us a new side of how we see the 'Robins'. Which is the reason why we had this Robin War; we are so used to seeing them as good and they are, but some things are going to change and that starts with Grayson.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #1

Apr 13, 2016

This is going to be an interesting read that is going to push the limits, in a good way. It's a comic book that you can relate to on every level, perhaps to even one of the characters. As far as the storyline of them finding out how much they can serve Harley, well. That's not the point. They need to be independent, while keeping that Harley attitude and as Jimmy mentioned in the interview, it feels pretty empowering.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #2

May 16, 2016

You get Harley Quinn and a bunch of misfits in society and bam, you got Harley's gang. You get someone who admires Harley Quinn and wants to fix what's wrong with more misfits, and BAM, now you got Harley Sinn's gang. There is really no boundary to this comic book and I applaud Tieri and Palmiotti for their writing with this title; As for the art, amazing! It's lively and colorful and perfectly meshes well with the dark tone of this Harley Sinn-filled issue.

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Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 16, 2016

I am really looking forward to reading this comic book and the story continues in a month! So mark your calendars, because Titans #1 is coming and I am so ready for it. Who's going to be our main villain? I have no idea. We're going to have to go back to our Teen Titans comic books and see who's next on the list. Overall, great start to an already great comic book.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 21, 2016

The creative team really outdid themselves, they calculated every detail possible when it came to the artwork. The colors were dark and mysterious, which gave this comic book a serious feel to it. This isn't girl fighting bad guys, these are superheroes (that happen to be female, which you guys know I completely love) that are going to make a difference!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #29

Jun 24, 2016

Conner and Palmiotti have taken Harley Quinn to another level, that I've been impressed with for a while now. They know how to take a big character like her and really give us every possible scenario. Something crazy like Harley popping some rockets out of her bottoms is totally normal. Totally.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #29

Jun 24, 2016

Conner and Palmiotti have taken Harley Quinn to another level, that I've been impressed with for a while now. They know how to take a big character like her and really give us every possible scenario. Something crazy like Harley popping some rockets out of her bottoms is totally normal. Totally.

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Deathstroke (2014) #16

Mar 24, 2016

This comic book is coming around, slowly, but surely and I have to commend Bonny on it. The artwork was damn good as well, this is more of my style and I enjoyed reading and reviewing this comic book. What I'm expecting to see in the next issue is hopefully making Ravager realize that her dad cares about her (that sounded so cheesy typing that) " And I expect for Red Hood to kick some butt. Now make it happen.

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Titans Hunt #2

Nov 19, 2015

I am excited and eager to see what the upcoming issue is going to be about. Our mystery woman is not so mysterious anymore, but let's see how it all comes together in the end. Dick's detective skills are on point to the storyline and now I'm wondering how it's going to connect to Speedy. You get a series of different stories that either take up a couple of pages or only has one, but I don't feel like the story is rushed and you can tell that the puzzle piece is fitting perfectly to the bigger picture. What are your theories on the upcoming issue?

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Titans Hunt #3

Dec 25, 2015

I am truly enjoying this comic book and I am actually happy to where the story is. Yes, I want to know more about this villain that Lilith keeps having visions about (and now auditory hallucinations too"), but I like the pace. It's at a good spot right now and I can't wait to read the next issue. If you saw the spoiler I posted, I'm excited. How is this duo going to be connected as well?

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Titans Hunt #4

Jan 24, 2016

I am extremely pleased with the way this comic book is heading.

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Titans Hunt #5

Feb 19, 2016

I was expecting a better way to explain the plot issue here; Yes, we got answers, but it was explained so many times that it lost the value of what they were trying to give us. This issue compared to the four before lacked that storyline that I tend to gravitate for, maybe I hyped myself way too much? Either way, now that we have a small reunion, we get to see all of our characters interact with each other to find out Mr. Twister's evil plan.

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Titans Hunt #6

Mar 17, 2016

It's getting there" it's slowly getting there. If you really think about it though, technically it already happened, right? Because Mr. Twister has already done this in the past so, history is repeating itself? Anyway, Abnett is really spicing up the story with some new characters and twists in the comic book, but will our Titans be able to fight off Mr. Twister? They've lost the battle once before (remember, someone died in the past " we still don't know who), so I guess we'll find out if they can win this time around.

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Titans Hunt #7

Apr 23, 2016

The story is slowly coming to an end and I would really like to find out answers about Mr. Twister's plan. I feel like we're in the climax zone of the story, but then the end result is going to fall flat. I hope that doesn't happen, but it could be a possibility. These Titans are written so well in this comic book and when I want these characters to emphasize what they can do, I need to see that when they're in these amazing action scenes (which they have done perfectly), but also give them time to branch out into being in the spotlight. With our Teen Titans so confused on why they're in this situation in the first place (or second place), they will need to explain it to where we can understand it, but even the characters in the book can.

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Titans Hunt #8

May 20, 2016

Did you get closure? The Titans were able to defeat Mr. Twister, but this isn't completely over. Lilith in the final scenes discusses with the team that they need to take "measures to protect themselves." Which, I can see why. If he came back for a second time, what makes you think that he won't come back for a third? There isn't much to talk about now that Mr. Twister is gone and we were able to find out what his plan was, but I don't think we're done with him just yet. The Titans better be prepared for the next time that he comes around.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #6

Nov 11, 2015

The way that Drake put himself together as a learning Batman truly intrigued me; I never minded the way he kept on referring back to Batman " McGinnis had himself together. I think we've all come to realize that when you get handed to be the next Batman, it's gonna take more than a day to get your stuff together. With that being said, I'm excited to see what Jurgens is going to give us next, what are your thoughts on it?

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Batman Beyond (2015) #7

Dec 5, 2015

I would still recommend this book to anyone, because I'm in it for the long haul. As much as the writing is taking a while for us readers, this story has potential. The last couple of issues were extremely action-packed, but lacked dialogue. Now there is dialogue, but the pacing is slow. It'll find it's balance I'm sure, but for now. We shall wait and see. Matt, what are you trying to look for?

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Batman Beyond (2015) #8

Jan 8, 2016

I keep repeating to myself that this story has potential, but right now it's not doing so well. Jurgens is trying to find the balance between the dialogue and finding a voice, but I'm sure it will get there. Right now, Batman is going to have to find out how to save these people, but I am honestly really curious what the story behind Matt is and Green Lantern's ring.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #9

Feb 4, 2016

I really want to applaud everyone who worked on this issue; The colors were beautiful (in a dark/mysterious sense) and the art complemented Jurgen's writing. The fact that they were able to tie in Batman Beyond animated TV series to the comic book series is awesome, I always love it when DC Comics does this. It's like saluting to their work just one more time. So, let's see where this is gonna go.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #10

Mar 5, 2016

I was extremely pleased with this issue. It's not perfect, but the colors are amazing, the artwork is amazing, and the writing is getting much better than where it was before. It felt like a story that didn't really have a plot of where it was going, but now I can see that I was wrong. There's a hidden agenda and the fact that the Justice League is back into this, will they help solve our limited resources? What's going to happen with Gotham?

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Batman Beyond (2015) #11

Apr 8, 2016

We're finally going to get down to business and see the rebuilding of Neo-Gotham, which should be fun. I'm still holding onto that Post-apocalyptic thing we've got going on and in the end, Matt helped out a whole bunch and maybe we should have him train Tim Drake on how to be Batman?

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Batman Beyond (2015) #12

May 6, 2016

We're getting ourselves a little treat with this comic book and I'm all about it. Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis, and Tim Drake all in one issue " give me more, please! I'm more concerned with who's trying to utilize Rewire's abilities to take down the Batman. The writing was amazing and the art did not lack anything; even seeing the way that Barbara Gordon was portrayed in her young self and older self, they really took the time to give us this. I hope they don't get me all hyped up about this next story, because I'm looking forward for part two.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #13

Jun 3, 2016

Can we already read part three and part four? I still can't get over what I just read and my mind is still blown away by this comic book!

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Batman Beyond (2015) #14

Jul 7, 2016

Still in awe of how awesome of a comic book this is. It's so funny, because truthfully, this comic book was one that I was “Awe man, gotta read it and see what's going on now” – We are waaaay past that though. I think other readers had even mentioned this in the past, but I am so glad that I continued to be invested in this comic book. With Brother Eye in the beginning, we kept asking for something more. There was obviously other issues that happened after Brother Eye, but I am completely content with what we are getting from this comic book now. Rewire came into the picture and I was unsure of how they were going to use this character, but then they totally dropped that bomb onto us that it's Terry. Imagine that. Then, they continue to place these past memories in the perfect frames, to give us a hint at what's to come. If you're not reading this, you need to.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #1

Jan 22, 2016

I really recommend anyone to read this book! I know some individuals were skeptical, because we have yet another villain who's trying to be 'good', but I like Poison Ivy as a character. She's a little bit like Catwoman (good and evil).

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #2

Feb 18, 2016

READ THIS COMIC BOOK! I know many people were curious about this comic book, because we thought, 'Really, DC? Another villain you're going to make good?' But it's not like that at all. It still has gory scenes, when needed, and it's perfect in introducing interesting plot twists. I'm telling you, if you enjoy science fiction horror films it's like this. But with characters that we love.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #3

Mar 17, 2016

I was pleased with this issue and not only, because a special guest that I truly love so much came out in it, but because it's flowing nicely. Sometimes, comic books can be all over the place when you read them, but Chu is doing a great job with this one. Like I keep mentioning with this comic book, I don't like it when our villains are trying to be good, it's funny and I enjoy it, but I enjoy it more when we can read their thoughts on how they're struggling with it. Sounds familiar? I feel like we do this all the time, but we don't cross that line (mostly, because we don't want to get in trouble with the law" or be in jail.)

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #4

Apr 21, 2016

My rating for this issue wasn't too bad, but because we saw a different side of humanity. When do we question where experimenting is 'okay'? Technically this sporeling is part-human; Which is understanding on Poison Ivy's part on why she would be overreacting (mainly, because this is a part of her too). Now that we've found out who the murderer is, what do we have to look forward to though?

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #5

May 19, 2016

We're going to find the real answer to our questions in the first issue, so I'm just waiting to see why they murdered Luisa and Victor to begin with. Not only this, but how long are the sporelings going to live? They are developing pretty quickly and have aged so fast, that it's similarly connected to a plant's life expectancy. I am already expecting to see Poison Ivy go into a deep depression when her sporelings are no longer with us (just saying.)

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #6

Jun 16, 2016

My score is reflected on this comic book issue (the conclusion), but overall, I had fun reading this comic book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys seeing Poison Ivy and want to see her tap into her human-side a bit more (even though she was focusing on her plant-side mainly, because her sporelings were created.)

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Earth 2: Society #6

Nov 19, 2015

Definitely a good read when it comes to the way that the art was portrayed and honestly I love reading the different character backgrounds that we have been introduced to. I am curious to see where the storyline goes, but I would like to see a change of pace. I still can't get over the way that the colors are set in Earth 2: Society! Love it.

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Earth 2: Society #7

Dec 11, 2015

I don't have any major complaints about Earth 2: Society and the art is just too good for me to even let go. We get to see the different personalities of characters that haven't been able to share the spotlight with our major players, but in this issue you can appreciate the way that Wilson wrote them in the story. The conflict that has been built up since the beginning has now come to an end and now we can get to see where the storyline will be taken to and I'm curious to see what we have in store.

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Earth 2: Society #8

Jan 16, 2016

Abnett isn't afraid to use multiple storylines within one issue and we've come to see that he's been doing this a lot since Earth 2: Society started. The pacing of the comic book is exactly where I want it to be; I'm not really going to complain on anything with this issue, because I truly enjoyed it. I'm going to share this picture of Fury, because it was my favorite art scene in the entire issue " great work guys!

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Earth 2: Society #9

Feb 11, 2016

The rhythm is exactly where it needs to be at this time; we haven't seen any wars happening yet (although there have been two unannounced ones already. Abnett continues to impress me with Fury and she's probably my favorite character as of now Not only is she feisty, but this girl is on fire.

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Earth 2: Society #10

Mar 10, 2016

With the many different issues at stake at this time, I'm curious to find out where we're going to head on the storyline once these issues are taken care of (or not). The main problem is that humans basically died in the previous Earth and they were reincarnated in this new one" and they know that. So, let's see where Abnett takes us.

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Earth 2: Society #11

Apr 16, 2016

The comic book itself has been good and continues to get better; I would honestly recommend this comic book to anyone who enjoys reading about our superheroes, in a nontraditional sense. We continue to get more backstory to the reasons why we had to locate to a New Earth and we get to see the rebuilding of this new one, but nobody said it was going to be easy. On to the next!

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Earth 2: Society #12

May 13, 2016

What is there not to like about this issue? We got our solution to our natural resources problem and we don't need to wait to find out who was the mastermind behind all of this (if you saw the spoiler). I am curious to find out how he's going to take advantage now that Alan has given up his ring and powers for that matter to our new Earth. I'm hoping that Queen Marella and Fury step in when stuff hits the fan again " can't wait to see that!

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Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 13, 2016

For such a good comic book, I have no idea why this particular issue felt short.

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Justice League 3001 #5

Nov 27, 2015

I definitely will recommend this comic book as DeMatteis and Giffen continue to pick up the momentum as these issues keep coming along. The art is really well; I was upset at some points, because their faces look lazy and does not match their other body, but it also goes along with the way that the story is being told. I am enjoying the girl power attitude that you get from reading the comic book, so I can't complain there!

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Justice League 3001 #6

Nov 27, 2015

This comic book is slowly progressing into one that I am enjoying to read. It's new. The creative team and writing team are working hard to give us these characters that are not the typical ones we usually know. Batman is not serious, Superman is basically a jerk, and we still have a nice balance between female-male ratios. I know I mentioned in last month's issue review that there is a high feminine dialogue throughout the beginning issues of Justice League 3001, but I don't feel like it dominates the story in any way. The ending is going to give me a headache if I don't find out soon what happened, but I'm waiting just like you guys.

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Justice League 3001 #7

Dec 25, 2015

There was just so many things happening in this issue that I didn't know where to start. We're getting our new Justice League team and they have to figure out a way to fight off the Scullions and the Lord of all beings and things. I'm a little nervous to see how this all plays out. Right now, it's very female-oriented and I don't mind it. I actually like it. This is something that I've been wanting in a comic book, but I hope that it can be done right. So, I guess we'll see if our ladies can save the world.

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Justice League 3001 #8

Jan 29, 2016

I can't complain. I have been asking for more female-centric comic books in this industry and they're bringing it. Is it done perfectly? Not quite, but I like it. I'm getting used to it. We really haven't seen any comic books that are dominantly females as our heroes/villains and I love it. Lady Styx is a nice touch to our female Superheroes who are part of this new Justice League team. I think DC Comics gets it with this comic book; If you genuinely want to laugh and enjoy yourself reading a comic book, this is truly the one. I'm just glad I was able to read a good comic book on my birthday yesterday, haha! Definitely kept that momentum going. I'm curious to see what you all think. Do you like our new Justice League?

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Justice League 3001 #9

Feb 29, 2016

It took me a while to finish this review, mostly because I was putting it off. I have to admit that it was pretty hard trying to review this, for the most obvious reason. Things like this really upset me, when you have the chance to keep on writing strong female characters with their personalities and they go the exact opposite. I'm an avid comic book reader, like you all, so we're going to have our good and bad days when it comes to comic book issues.

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Justice League 3001 #10

Mar 24, 2016

I am working on trying to enjoy this, especially since it's an all-female Justice League and this is all I've been waiting for in my entire life (not really), but I want to see more female characters dominating these comic books. Right now, it's not working so well.

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Justice League 3001 #11

Apr 29, 2016

As I mentioned in my review, the potential of this female Justice League was there, but they didn't do much with it. I feel as if at times Wonder Woman and even Guy Gardner had to compensate to be a 'guy', in order to make sure we felt that there was still masculinity in the Justice League. TRUST ME. We don't need that. Women can be just as strong as men can and seeing that in this comic book, would've brought the realization of how much we lack female superheroes and villains in the comic book world. Still a good comic book, just not my cup of tea right now. (Rant over.)

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Red Hood / Arsenal #6

Nov 11, 2015

I had fun reading this issue and I actually am excited to see what Joker's Daughter will bring to the table, let's see what #7 has in store for us now. What do I expect? More bromance and more jokes. Hopefully funny ones this time.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #7

Dec 11, 2015

I'm content, but I really do have high hopes for Red Hood / Arsenal. I just think about their personalities and they have the potential to flow better within the storylines that they have been through in the past six issues, but I guess I'll take what I can get. I really don't mind the bromance, but all these moments that they have gets tiring. I want actual story rather than emotions when it comes to this. The artwork helps at some points throughout the comic book, but really, it's the colors that make it and not break it.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #8

Jan 18, 2016

Overall, I still want to see where the comic book is going to take us. Red Hood and Arsenal are good characters and they're just struggling to find the balance between the storyline. It'll get there, I'm hoping.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #9

Feb 12, 2016

Lobdell needs to step it up on his writing. There are times that I enjoy reading this comic book, but most I'm trying to figure out what is happening. We had Charon for the past two issues and he didn't do anything other than complain about J.D. and then try to sink Gotham back to the underground (or the other way around"not sure what it would be considered). At the same time, we need to respect the character personalities that we have known these characters to have for the longest time. Jason is not a cheesy guy and although I usually enjoy seeing different sides to a character, that's not him.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #10

Mar 11, 2016

I'm just glad we're done with the Nethers and I hope to see new characters soon. I did enjoy the fact that we got to see Regal, all in his natural beauty.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #11

Apr 16, 2016

With the Iron Rule coming in the next issue, we're definitely going to see some action! JD has been fired and I'm wondering if she'll be back. . or stay down for good.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #12

May 13, 2016

My scoring reflects on the overall review of this comic book issue for Red Hood / Arsenal. I hate having to be really strict with it, but I will give credit towards a good beginning. If only Lobdell could continue doing that for the remainder of the issue and not forget to end the comic book with a big bang. I can't stand Joker's Daughter anymore" I want to see Red Hood and Arsenal! Can we just do away with her already?

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