glimmer0415's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comicbook Dispatch Reviews: 47
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Overall, "Star Wars Adventures #6" was a disappointment. If you are currently reading the series (and also currently reading "Star Wars " The High Republic Adventures") I would suggest picking it up to finish the storyline from last month's issue as well as get a short #0 "High Republic" story. New readers" stay away this month.

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Star Wars Adventures #7 is a very different type of Star Wars comic book that may appeal to younger fans. It's light-hearted, and at times funny, but doesn't have much action. If you're a "younger" reader who enjoys these types of stories " go snag a copy. If you're not into the light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek type of Star Wars stories, you can pass on this issue.

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Star Wars Adventures #8 is a book that I would describe as "the good, the bad, and the ugly." Overall, the issue can be enjoyed by younger Star Wars fans who are looking for some simple, fun stories that are cute and may even make you chuckle. The second story in this issue is much better than the first and can be enjoyed by all Star Wars Adventures fans. However, if you are a new reader of this series, I wouldn't recommend starting with this issue. You need to begin with Star Wars Adventures #7 to get part 1 of the first story.

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My favorite part of Captain America #29 is the Alex Ross cover. The interior art and story fail to live up to the quality the cover offers. If you've been reading the current storyline " "All Die Young" " pick up this issue as it's the next to last installment of the run. If you're not currently reading Cap but thinking about starting with this issue " don't.

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My favorite is the dialogue between Malcolm and Maxine. I love the chemistry Larson has developed between Malcolm and Maxine Dragon throughout this series. But unfortunately, there wasnt much of it here. Another aspect of this issue that disappointed me was the battle between North Force, Malcolm, and the Stone Men. There were eight pages of fighting with little or no dialogue. Give me a few pages of fighting – but eight? Ugh. On the plus side, the artwork by Larson is solid and true to type. Its nice to read a comic that is consistently drawn well and doesnt look rushed. Month after month, year after year, Larson continues to draw Savage Dragon true to type.   

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Who is Jessica (She-Spawn)? Who (or what) is Medieval Spawn?  Who is Marc? Why is Cy-Gor being tortured? These are just some of the questions that will leave new readers scratching their heads. For current Spawn readers – in my opinion, this issue was just okay. The story by Todd McFarlane is average at best. It came across as a filler issue to this reviewer with not much meat to keep my interest. Where this issue does shine is in the artwork. Carlo Barberi gives us another visual gem throughout with very nice coloring by Jay David Ramos & Andrew Dalhouse. 

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Overall, Star Wars Adventures #5 is a book that most fans of the series will enjoy. Its not the best issue in the series, but its also not bad. I also think that readers interested in a Star Wars comic in the style of the Batman Adventures will appreciate it. 

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #14 is an issue that shines in its visuals, battle scenes, and flashback storytelling. It does very little to progress the current storyline. This reviewer is getting impatient waiting for these characters to interact with the other characters from the other Star Wars titles in the crossover event. Hopefully, it will happen sooner rather than later. If you are currently reading this series, I would recommend picking up this issue. If you are a new reader, you can pass on it. 

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #15 is an enjoyable issue that fans of the series will enjoy. It's definitely NOT a good place to start for new readers, as the multiple plots and subplots can be very confusing.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #10 concludes the current storyline. Thats what it does. If you are currently reading the title, overall I do not think you will be disappointed. If you are not reading it, this is not a good place to start. As a Star Wars fan, Im looking forward to the upcoming Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event. But to call this issue a prelude is in this reviewer's opinion a publicity stunt. 

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If you've been reading this series " check it out. If you're a new reader, you may be a little confused by the characters. I would suggest starting with some other Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures to familiarise yourself with this period in the Star Wars mythos.

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Star Wars: The High Republic #7 is worth the price of admission for those who are currently reading this series, but it's not for new readers. Although there is a summary page, in the beginning, describing what has come before" in this reviewer's opinion, new readers should first read a few other Star Wars: The High Republic comics. In doing so you will gain a better understanding of the characters and plot for a more enjoyable reading experience.

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STORYStar Wars: The High Republic #8 written by Cavan Scott with art by Ario Anindito is the climactic battle conclusion between the Jedi-Hutt alliance and the Drengir. It all comes down to this. Can the Jedi and Hutts put their differences aside and work together to defeat the Drengir? Can Keeve Trennis & Orla Jareni arrive in time to help the alliance? Whats going on with Marshal Kriss? Will her bonding with the Progenitor be too much for the Hutt Alliance to overcome? These are all questions that are answered in this issue!

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Although Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #7 is specifically written for younger readers, it has an underlying message for us all. It's an enjoyable, fun, straightforward story that most Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures fans will enjoy. New readers should start by reading Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #6 first before picking up this issue.

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This issue is ok. Its not the best Spawn issue but at the same time, it's not terrible. The biggest problem I had with it is that the Chain Gang storyline is starting to drag. Not much happens in this issue, as the Spawns just continue to battle it out. I believe there are some nice hints of things to come, but theres not enough meat on this bone for me. One aspect of this issue that really stands out is the artwork by Carlo Barberi. Its beautiful and really pops off the page.

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Spawn #320 is an introduction to a new character called "Soul Crusher." Although we don't learn much about his backstory, we get a glimpse at his fighting skills and powers as he takes on both Cy-Gor and Spawn. This is a good issue for fans who like fight scenes and stunning visuals. It's also a good issue for new readers who are looking for a simple straightforward issue to start reading Spawn. And for $2.99 it's definitely worth the price of admission. However, if you're looking for an in-depth story " it's not here.

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This issue does not answer questions that were raised in the previous issue. Instead, it adds even more questions. Whats going on with Shara Bey, as she hides away in the Imperial Star Destroyer? Where is Boba Fett? How far has Hans condition deteriorated? These are all questions that are not addressed. However, Im sure we will get the answers to these questions in the upcoming War of the Bounty Hunters crossover " just not yet!

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Overall, Star Wars #14 is an enjoyable issue. It can be read independently from the Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event and doesn't require previous readings to understand the overall plot. Soule does a good job explaining the current storyline through character dialogue. That being said, the story in this issue was mediocre. Theres not too much that actually happens. There are no battles or fight scenes, and it has a lot of dialogue. The real gem of this issue is the artwork.

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Although Star Wars #15 doesn't do much to advance the "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event storyline, it is still an enjoyable read that most fans will enjoy. If you like X-Wing action " this one's for you. If you're a reader of this series or the "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event, it's worth picking up. If you're a new reader you could read this as a "stand-alone" issue, but it's not a good place to start if you are interested in the overall crossover event.

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The artwork by Ruairi Coleman is a nice compliment to the story. Yes, the artwork is a bit cartoony, but that is to be expected in a series that is trying to reach younger readers. The one aspect of this series that does confuse me a bit is the name. It is entitled Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon of a Jedi. Yet there is very little in this issue about Jedi weapons other than the lightsaber. Is the weapon referred  to in the title The Force? Maybe, but if so, isnt The Force a weapon used by Sith Lords as well as the Jedi? Maybe issue two will bring more clarity to this.  

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"Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon of a Jedi #2" is a fun book that most readers of the first issue will enjoy. If you haven't read the first installment but are looking for a comic that is a simple, light-hearted, fun take on the Luke Skywalker character " check this out.

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As a Star Wars fan, Im ready for the upcoming War of the Bounty Hunters” crossover event. However, as much as Im looking forward to it, I think this issue is good enough to stand on its own, without the prelude designation. It can definitely be enjoyed by readers who do not plan to read all the crossover issues. So, if youre reading and enjoying Star Wars: Bounty Hunters” but not the other Star Wars titles – you can pick up this issue without worry. Its worth the price of admission on its own.

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #13 is a nice tie-in issue that readers of the current crossover will enjoy. There are no big revelations (not even the last page IMO), nor is there anything vital to the War of the Bounty Hunters overall plot. That being said, this reviewer believes it is an enjoyable issue that has action, and backstory along with multiple characters that take center stage. If you are not currently reading this series, this is not the place to start. If you are currently reading this series – pick it up.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters " 4-Lom & Zuckuss #1 is a fun read that I believe fans of the characters of Zuckuss and 4-Lom will enjoy. Star Wars fans who are not interested in these characters, and are only interested in the Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters main storyline should pass on this issue. New readers will probably be confused by this issue and should read the main Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters storyline first.

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The Swamp Thing #5 is a fun read that most fans of the character will enjoy. Although I wasn't blown away the way I had been with the previous issues, it's definitely worth the price of admission. New readers can start here as it's the beginning of a new storyline, but be aware it can be a bit confusing if you're not familiar with the supporting cast of Swamp Thing characters.

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If you're interested in this comic, series, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

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The detail in the artwork and various layouts of the pages also need to be commended, as they really add to the overall enjoyment of the story. The covers by Jon Davis-Hunt, Tyler Kirkham, Erica Henderson & Robbi Rodriguez are all very well done. 

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Spawn #319 is worth the price of admission (still only $2.99). Although its main purpose is to continue the storyline that has been running through the series for the past few months, in this reviewer's opinion it is a good starting point for new readers. There's enough here for new readers to understand what is going on and jump aboard for the ride!

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #13 is another solid tie-in issue in the "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event. Readers who are currently reading the entire storyline will not be disappointed. Readers who are just reading this series will also be happy that it can be read as a stand-alone issue. Finally, new readers can also jump aboard here and not be confused by what has come before. In this reviewer's opinion, it's an issue to be enjoyed by all Star Wars fans.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #14 is another enjoyable issue by Pak & Ienco, and worth the price of admission. Most Star Wars fans will be satisfied with the overall story and artwork. If you are currently reading this series or reading the tie-in issues of the "War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover, this is a must-have.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #11 is a fun read, but has little connection to the "War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event. In my opinion, this issue is more of a "prelude" issue than "Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #10" was. Alyssa Wong does a nice job of giving us a story that basically could be read as a stand-alone story.

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Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5 is a very good concluding issue to the series first story arc. If youve read and enjoyed the previous issues, I would recommend picking up this issue also. You wont be disappointed. If you havent been reading the series, I wouldnt start here. Get all five issues or start picking up the book beginning with the next issue. Thus far Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures has been an enjoyable read in this reviewer's opinion with solid characters, writing, and artwork. I am looking forward to the next story arc.

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Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures " The Monster of Temple Peak #1 is a great start to this four-issue mini-series. It's easy to follow and has a main character that is unique and intriguing. It's the perfect starting place for new readers with an interest in the Star Wars: High Republic era, but are not familiar with that particular time period within the Star Wars timeline. Of course, fans and current readers of the High Republic stories will enjoy this as well. Although IDW has made it clear that these comics are focused on reaching a "younger reader" audience, in this reviewer's opinion, this is a story that can be enjoyed by Star Wars fans of all ages.

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Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. Although I had many reservations about this new series, my concerns have diminished, and I feel confident that Ram V. & Mike Perkins will continue to give us a quality Swamp Thing story over the remainder of the series. If you have never read Swamp Thing in the past, but have an interest in the character, I would recommend trying this series and coming along for the ride with Swamp Thing " Levi Kamei.

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John Walker has been in the spotlight lately with the recent release of the Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as well as this mini-series by Marvel. Those of you who have been along for the ride for the first four issues of the series, will not be disappointed with this concluding chapter. I really liked it. The writing by Priest is very well done and the artwork by Jeanty gives the story visuals that are pleasing and complimentary. The issue is filled with battles but dont forget to develop those supporting characters we have been following throughout the series.

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If youre interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.STORYShadowman #4 written by Cullen Bunn with art by Jon Davis-Hunt features Shadowman (Jack Boniface) as he continues to deal with creatures seeping into his world from the Deadside, as the barrier between the two worlds continues to crumble. In this issue, Shadowman comes face to face with a being who kills people through spontaneous drug overdoses. In the end, Jack learns from his Shadow Loa that he needs to take a different approach in dealing with this situation, which has escalated into a war of worlds.

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Spawn's Universe #1 has been advertised as a pivotal piece in the future of Spawn comics, and after reading the issue " I would agree. In this reader's opinion, this issue is as important to "Spawn" as issues 100, 200, 300 and various others were. It clearly sets the direction for the future of the new titles as well as for the current Spawn monthly title. Anyone interested in reading Spawn comics in the near future needs to pick this up.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #12 is a fun, enjoyable tie-in to the Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event. Its an issue that every reader of this Doctor Aphra series needs to pick up. It is also a good issue for readers who are following the Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters mini-series. If you enjoyed Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2 this is a must-read! 

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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel Adaptation is a fun read that fans of Star Wars movies and cartoons will enjoy. Although there's nothing new here, and the story is commonly known, it's a nice re-telling in a different type of style. Star Wars fans should add this to their collection!

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3 is an excellent issue that progresses the overall storyline of the crossover to a pivotal point. There's plenty of action, character development, and intrigue that should satisfy any Star Wars fan. If you've been following this series, this issue is a "must-have." New readers will need to pick up issues 1 & 2 of Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters before reading this installment. That being said, in this reviewer's opinion, a new reader does NOT need to pick up all the "tie-ins" to follow and enjoy the main 5-part mini-series.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters " Jabba The Hutt is not a must-read for those currently reading the "War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event " but it is a fun one that is well worth the price of admission!

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Star Wars #16 is the issue I've been waiting for. In my opinion, this is the real start to the "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover that will send this story into hyperspeed! Again, it must be stated that it needs to be read with its companion " "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3 for maximum appreciation. Obviously, it's not a starting point for new readers. I'm excited to see where this storyline goes in the remaining issues, as we draw closer to the time of Star Wars: Episode VI "Return of the Jedi." This is a "must-have" for Star Wars fans.

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In my opinion, Shadowman is thus far the best series Valiant has published in a long time. Shadowman #2 is a great follow-up issue to a successful first issue. If you havent been reading  Shadowman but are thinking about trying it out, I would highly recommend you do! Even if you cant get your hands on issue #1, Shadowman #2 gives new readers plenty of backstory to jump aboard. Its well worth the price of admission.

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Readers who read and enjoyed the prelude issues will not be disappointed with this first installment.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2 is just as good as Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1. The story, artwork, and cover all make this issue well worth the price of admission. If you are currently reading this series you must pick this up and continue – you wont be disappointed. If you are a new reader, you can easily read this series without getting all the tie-in issues from the other Star Wars monthly titles. My recommendation – go pick up issues #1 & #2 and enjoy the ride! 

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The Swamp Thing #4 is an all-around great comic book. The story, artwork, and coloring are all top-notch. If you've been reading this series, don't hesitate to pick up this issue. You will not be disappointed. If you are a new reader, don't just pick up this installment " go get all FOUR! This has been a fun ride thus far, and I can't wait for more!

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The Swamp Thing #6 is another gem by Ram V. and Mike Perkins that all Swamp Things fans will enjoy. If you're currently reading this series, don't hesitate " get a copy of this issue. If you haven't been reading The Swamp Thing " check it out! It's well worth the price of admission.

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