Joshua Raynor's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 35
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Bane: Conquest #1

May 3, 2017

Overall, I think this was a great start to this new maxiseries. It reintroduced us to some great characters and gave us a version of Bane we haven't seen in a long time, all thanks to the power team that brought us this character, Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan. So, no matter if you're a long time Bane fan, or just getting into him now, this is definitely a series to check out.

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Bane: Conquest #2

Jun 8, 2017

This was a fantastic issue and I just hope it continues to be as fantastic for the next ten issues. This is a series that everyone should be reading, especially if you're a Bane fan.

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Bane: Conquest #3

Jul 7, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. These three issues so far have been great! I'm able to fly through them with ease, and they always leave me wanting more. If you haven't started this series, do yourself a favor and pick it up now. It's a great read and truly brings one of Batman's greatest foes back to where he needs to be.

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Bane: Conquest #4

Aug 3, 2017

I'm really enjoying this series, and this is just another great chapter in this amazing Bane story. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Bane: Conquest #5

Sep 8, 2017

Overall, this was a pretty good issue, which is obviously leading to something bigger. Dionysus will hopefully be dealt with next issue, allowing Bane to move on to taking over Gotham for his own.

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Bane: Conquest #6

Oct 4, 2017

This was a great issue and I can't wait so see what happens next. I've been loving this series and I would highly recommend picking it up.

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Bane: Conquest #7

Feb 13, 2018

Overall, even with the couple of flaws, this was a fantastic issue. I can't wait to see where this story goes.

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Bane: Conquest #8

Feb 21, 2018

This was a great issue and it makes me excited to see what's next. There are only four more issues in this maxiseries, and I just can't wait to see this war fully take shape.

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Bane: Conquest #9

Feb 22, 2018

Overall, this was my least favorite issue of the entire series so far. I didn't hate it, but it just didn't live up to the previous 8 issues. It was a bit disappointing. But, hopefully next issue will ramp back up and lead us into the all out war we've all been waiting for!

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Bane: Conquest #10

Mar 11, 2018

Overall, it was a decent issue, definitely not one of the best, though. Hopefully, the last two issues will ramp things up as this maxi-series heads toward the finish line.

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Bane: Conquest #11

Jun 3, 2018

Overall, this is a great lead up to the finale, which will hopefully be a wild ride. I can't wait to see how Bane handles Kobra, Dionysus, AND Batman. Will his desire for conquest see fruition? We'll find out in the finale!

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Bane: Conquest #12

Jun 30, 2018

Overall, this was a great ending to this maxi-series. Kobra is essentially done, the Naja-Naja was sent to an orphanage and will hopefully stay hidden. So will Valentina rebuild Kobra, or will she start something new? This feels like it's setting up for a new series, as it ends a bit more abruptly than I was expecting. Hopefully we'll get to see more of Bane, preferably with Dixon and Nolan at the helm.

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Gotham City Garage #1

Aug 16, 2017

Overall, I'm very excited for this series, and I can't wait for chapter 2 to come out so I can see what happens next! Be sure to check this one out!

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Gotham City Garage #2

Oct 25, 2017

This was such a solid issue in what seems like will be a fantastic series. I am super excited for what is to come next, and you should be as well.

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Gotham City Garage #3

Jan 9, 2018

This is another great issue for this series, and has continued to keep me hooked for the next chapter. Who is trying to frame Kara for the death of Jim? Is it Batman? Is it Lex? Or is there someone else? I guess well just have to wait to find out.

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Gotham City Garage #4

Jan 9, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed this issue, but there were definitely a few things that couldve been changed or fleshed out to make it better for me. But still, a solid entry in this fantastic story that everyone should be reading.

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Gotham City Garage #5

Feb 4, 2018

Gotham City Garage is a series that everyone should be reading. So head out to your local shop and pick up these issues now!

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Gotham City Garage #6

Feb 4, 2018

Overall, this was solid entry in this ongoing tale, and opened up a lot of doors for the future of the series. Now that Kara has embraced her powers and Wonder Woman has joined, I can't wait to see what happens next! BRING ON LEX'S LEAGUE!

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Gotham City Garage #7

Feb 4, 2018

Overall, this was a fine issue. I didn't dislike it by any means, but after the last two powerhouse issues, this one just seemed a bit like a throw away story.

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Gotham City Garage #8

Feb 21, 2018

Overall, I dug what they were going for here, paralleling Wonder Woman's back story with Supergirl's, but I wish it had just a little bit more meat to it. Still, it's a great piece to the story and, when read together in the trade, will probably flow better along with the rest of the story being told.

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Gotham City Garage #9

Feb 21, 2018

Another incredibly solid issue of Gotham City Garage. Now, let's get to this fight!!!

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Gotham City Garage #10

Mar 4, 2018

Overall, this was a fantastic issue. This series is building toward something special, and I just can't wait for the war to begin!

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Gotham City Garage #11

Mar 19, 2018

Overall, outside of the poor art in this second half of this book, this was one of the best issues of this entire series. I am so excited to see how they wrap this story up in the final issue. Bring it on Lex, the Gotham City Garage is waiting.

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Gotham City Garage #12

Apr 3, 2018

Overall, this was a fantastic ending to one of the best out-of-continuity stories I have ever read. The message of female empowerment was much needed in this very male dominated realm of storytelling, and the Mad Max-style universe that was built gave these writers a chance to take characters we all know and love, and turn their backstories on their heads. This is a definite must read for all DC fans.

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Lucifer (2018) #1

Dec 18, 2018

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the next issue. I hope this allows Dan Watters the opportunity to branch out farther within DC, as I'd love to see his talents brought over to DC proper, maybe to take on some of DC's darker characters that don't get much love.

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Mera: Tidebreaker #1

Apr 24, 2019

This is a great story for young and old readers, and will hopefully be the start of a new, necessary era of books for a younger audience through the DC Ink and DC Zoom imprint lines. I am excited to see what Danielle Paige does next, and I hope it's something within the superhero genre. She went underwater here, maybe go to space next? We'll have to wait and see. But in the meantime, check out Mera: Tidebreaker, share it with your friends, your children, your young nieces and nephews, because everyone should be checking this one out!

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Nuclear Power #1

Nov 11, 2021

No matter what, everyone should check this one out as soon as possible. You won't regret it!

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Primos #1

Feb 10, 2022

Primos #1 is such an extraordinary book and a perfect start to what will hopefully be an amazing miniseries with more stories to tell in the future. Do yourself a favor and go pick this book up now!

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Space Pirate: Captain Harlock #1

Jun 16, 2021

Space Pirate Captain Harlock #1 did a fantastic job of setting up this world and these characters in such a way that has me locked in to what comes next. A swashbuckling space epic is just what I needed in my life, and I can't recommend it enough!

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Superman: Lost (2023) #1

Mar 17, 2023

Overall, Superman: Lost #1 is a wonderful start to what very well may be a great sci-fi mystery story, and I for one am extremely excited to find out more!

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Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

Jun 1, 2017

Overall, this was a great read. It was awesome seeing a Speedster Deathstroke, and this "Lazarus Contract" storyline was actually easy to jump into as someone who hadn't read any of the issues in these three titles previously. So, if you're looking for something different and interesting to read, especially if you're a Flash or Deathstroke fan, I suggest reading these issues (Teen Titans #11, Titans #8, Deathstroke #19, and Teen Titans Annual #1). You won't regret it.

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Teen Titans Go! #22

Jun 22, 2017

If you have any interest in Teen Titans Go!, especially if you enjoy the TV series like I do, I would definitely recommend checking out this issue.

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Teen Titans Go! #25

Dec 20, 2017

Every time I get the chance to review one of these issues, I always get excited. I just wish it came out monthly, instead of every other month. I am one of the rare adults that actually likes the Teen Titans Go! TV series, and this comic series is just as fun to read. So, if you are a fan of the show, I would definitely recommend picking up this series.

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Teen Titans Go! #26

Feb 22, 2018

Overall, this was a fun issue to read. I always look forward to when these come out, and I wasn't disappointed with this one. So if you're a fan of the show, you definitely should be reading this series.

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Teen Titans Go! #28

Jun 30, 2018

Overall, this was a great issue. Sometimes, with books like this with more than one story, you run the risk of having a disappointing portion of the book. This is made even worse when that portion is at the end, as it leaves a kind of bitter taste in your mouth. But that didn't happen here. So, if you're a fan of TTG, do yourself a favor and check this one out now.

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