Stephen Gustafson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: 411Mania Reviews: 37
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Hellblazer (2016) #22

May 24, 2018

Easy pass and I feel more than a little sad to see a book called Hellblazer in such disarray.

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Stranger Things #1

Oct 4, 2018

This is a pass from me but I will say that it made me look forward to Season 3.

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Fantastic Four (2018): Wedding Special #1

Dec 27, 2018

This one gets a pass from me, as there's nothing here that feels special or essential to even the most hardcore of FF fans.

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Spider-Geddon #1

Oct 18, 2018

This issue felt less of a #1 and more like a continuation. No real new ground was broken and it feels safe, almost like they are trying to draw out the success of the last series. The only thing is the luster is lost.

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The Walking Dead #176

Feb 22, 2018

With The Walking Dead you know what you're getting. This new direction is filled with potential and add much needed energy as it plays out.

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The Walking Dead #180

Jun 28, 2018

A solid issue but left too much meat on the bone. I'm hoping things pick up in the next arc.

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The Walking Dead #182

Aug 2, 2018

This issue is a miss and I hope it's just a bump in the road to get back to a focused, fast paced adventure.

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The Walking Dead #186

Dec 13, 2018

With the show forking off from the source material and finding its stride, it's nice to see the book is still finding ways to surprise and pull the reader in.

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Betrothed #1

Feb 22, 2018

I'll admit I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan but this book had a great mix of action, intrigue, and a host of engaging characters.

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Murder #1

May 10, 2018

Issue #1 of Murder is expected to be released early-Summer 2018 so keep your eyes peeled. Even if you're not the biggest animal lover, it's message resonates long after you put it down.

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Under: Scourge of the Sewer #1

Dec 14, 2017

Universe building can be complex but writer Christopher Bec and artist Stefano Raffaelo give us a great blend of landscapes and characters that avoid the usual cliches. While I might have a good idea of where things are going, I'm sure Bec is going to throw a few swings out way and keep things moving.

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Vengeance, Nevada #1

Apr 12, 2018

Vengeance, Nevada encompasses many of the things I love about indie comics. New characters ripe for exploring, art that's raw yet easy to follow, and a story that feels fresh because it's told in a world free from the constraints writing for the Big Two present.

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Venom (2018) Annual #1

Oct 25, 2018

At the end of the day, I would say pick up Venom Annual #1 for an old fashion reminder that comic books don't need to be multi-issue epics to be fun and engaging.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 8, 2018

A rock solid issue that opens the door to some amazing developments. Stay spoiler-free and grab this issue"if you can find it!

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Animosity: Evolution #3

Jan 4, 2018

Animosity:Evolution may be the best book you're not reading. Rectify that post haste.

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Dark Ark #3

Nov 23, 2017

Dark Ark lives and breathes on its stellar concept and I'm along for the ride till the end!

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Dark Nights: Metal #2

Oct 26, 2017

It would easy for this story to get bogged down or become a complete mess but Snyder knows his stuff and walks the line between entertaining chaos and hopeless junk. Capullo brings it again with the artwork and I enjoy his take in action sequences and the quieter moments that need a softer touch.

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Robotech (2017) #4

Nov 2, 2017

A solid book for fans of Robotech or robots/mechs storylines in general. Although the franchise has a long history, you're never overwhelmed by the story.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #1

Feb 22, 2019

I'll say this, if you're a fan of the Super Friends, then you'll like this. It's funny and is a worthy homage to the cartoon characters we remember o well.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Jan 31, 2019

Let's hope they can keep this going.

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Black Panther (2018) #1

May 24, 2018

Easy thumbs up. Grab this and tell a friend.

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Brilliant Trash #3

Jan 18, 2018

Writer Tim Seeley and artist Priscilla Petraites put team up to deliver one of the most dazzling stories on the comics shelf. Brilliant Trash is a book I can reach for when someone is complaining about the lack of originality in comic books.

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Cold War (2018) #1

Nov 22, 2017

A solid first issue and one that has great potential as a series.

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Conan The Barbarian (2019) #1

Jan 10, 2019

Conan the Barbarian #1 isn't just a bunch of sword swinging and yelling. The story is well thought out and will surprise you with its wit and smarts. If you're looking for something new to read, Conan might be the answer.

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Daredevil (2019) #1

Feb 14, 2019

The creative team knows what works and what to focus on, giving us a classic Matt Murdock in some familiar, and not so familiar, territory. Not only that, we get a healthy dose of subplots, setting up some interesting future possibilities. An easy one to recommend and add to your pull list.

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Doctor Radar #1

Nov 23, 2017

Bezian's artwork captures all the nuances of the story and along with a colorful, fleshed out cast, just add to the fun. I'm looking forward to more Doctor Radar and seeing how Simsolo fleshes this world out.

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Doctor Radar #2

Dec 21, 2017

While this is the final issue, I have my fingers-crossed for more adventures from these two.

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Doomsday Clock #2

Jan 4, 2018

Safe to say that the second issue stands just as tall as the first and is shaping up to do the characters from Watchmen justice. Will it be a classic in the same vein? No. But the high risk they took in telling this story has easily paid off.

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Heroes In Crisis #4

Jan 3, 2019

The art is sensational, the story is thrilling, and you get versions of Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Batgirl, and Harley Quinn that feel both familiar yet fresh. I truly love the series and believe you will as well.

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Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 28, 2019

Heroes in Crisis should be talked about more often. It's handling issues and topics that have gone unexplored by the Big Two and doing it just about perfectly. It's the kind of book that you want to collect individually so you have time to digest what your reading before moving on to the next chapter.

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Unholy Grail #5

Dec 14, 2017

Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Mirko Colak present a Lovecraftian take on the Arthurian legend that pulls you in with riveting art work and story twists.

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Doppelganger #1

Nov 23, 2017

Doppelganger is a great, limited slice to the types of stories Alterna Comics puts out and should be on anyone's pull list.

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Farlaine the Goblin: The Winglands #6

May 10, 2018

Grab this on Amazon and tell your friends, Farlaine the Goblin truly deserves a larger audience. And cross your fingers that Mr. Grumble continues to write and draw for many years!

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G.I. Joe: Sierra Muerte #1

Feb 7, 2019

This book encompasses many things that I love about comic books. Grab it and see for yourself.

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Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1

Nov 22, 2018

Titan Comics has quickly become one of my favorite publishers because they embrace new and exciting concepts. On top of that, they find gifted artists who have visionary talents that come through on the page. Cynthia Von Buhler's artistic talent expands into the comic book world and we are all better for it.

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Relay #1

Dec 7, 2017

The art by Andy Clarke is absolutely incredible. I may be judged harshly for invoking the name of Moebius but his spirit is there and Clarke breathes grand life onto the page.

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West Coast Avengers (2018) #1

Aug 30, 2018

Summer might be coming to a close but West Coast Avengers looks to be heating things up. Can't recommend enough.

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