Tevin Murphy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity Reviews: 17
9.5Avg. Review Rating

Overall, I love that this issue kept to the idea of the Unknown Worlds part of the books name and it delivered two stories centred on alien lifeforms from other worlds. Marvel is doing something really special by bringing this book back and allowing us to revel in that old school comic nostalgia with stories that felt plucked from the heyday of science fiction and aliens.

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Overall,Shazam! #2 continues Johns current run on the character and conintues to focus on the families sense of wonder and amazement at the sheer awesomeness of being freaking superheroes. Johns captures the beauty and the appeal of the characters and honestly with the film fastly approaching I think this would be a good starting point for those interested in learning a little bit about the character before it drops.

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Overall, the team continues to deliver a stellar series and I am extremely excited to see where he continues to take Matt on this journey of pain, fear, and discovery.

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Overall, Bitter Root #3 is a fantastic read and continues the fun from the previous two issues. Walker, Brown, and Greene are a dream team whose crafts seem to seamlessly and flawlessly elevate each other. The three of them have crafted an amazing story that I grow more and more excited to reach with each issue.

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Hex Wives is a really fun series with a lot to saw and honestly, Im here for every single word of it and Im along for the ride. I can't wait to see what the spark is that triggers the girl's memory and in turn sets in motion whatever plan theyre going to hatch to get their husbands outta here.

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Overall,Man Without Fear #1 does a really good job of grabbing your attention and making you pay attention to the internal struggle of Matt Murdock while helping you understand just how hed mad it as the Devil of Hells Kitchen all these years. MacKays writing coupled with Beyruths art is a beautiful sight to behold and Im honestly excited for future issues.

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Overall Bitter Root#2 continues the trend of the first issue and inspires both interest and mystery. Issue #2 does a fantastic job of feeding you little bits of information and exposition that help to further flesh out and pump life into the world of the Sangerye and Jinoo. With its colorful cast of characters and settings I'm certain Bitter Rootis going to be one of the series to watch out for in 2019 as its trio of creators continues to spin out the books fascinating concept and delve deeper into the Sangerye family and the world of the Purifiers.

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Overall,The Magic Order#5 is a riveting tale of betrayal, deception, lies, and subverted expectations. Millar delivers a stunning plot twist that proves any magician whose worth his magic always has a trick up his sleeve. The Magic Order#5 is a thrilling read with a jaw-dropping turn that will leave you slumped in your chair and a conclusion that will have you frantically waiting for issue #6 to drop. The thing that I loved most about this issue is that it puts Millars ability to leave a reader at the edge of their seat in full effect and I cannot wait for the next issue to drop. The Magic Ordercontinues to be one of the best comic series of 2018 and an absolute pleasure to read.

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Doomsday Clock #8 might just be some of Johns and Frank's greatest work. The issue delivers a really interesting story and conflict and draws you in as the ready and makes you want to keep reading, it ends on a huge cliffhanger that I'm ecstatic to see the outcome of.

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Overall Prodigy #1 is a fantastically entertaining read with beautiful art and a story thats sure to get your interest. Mark Millar may have just created his best character in Edison Crane and dare I say it might even be some of his best writing. Its not easy crafting an original comic, but as Millar has proven before he is more than up to the task and does a damn good job at it each time he steps up to bat. By the end of the issue we are left with a pretty good understanding of Edison Crane and the type of man that he is. The issue ends just as it began, not with a whimper, but with a BANG, as it is certainly getting right to the point and setting us up for the goods. Im beyond excited about this comic and seeing where Millar takes this character and if Im being honest after one issue Im already interested in seeing the character make the jump to the big screen.

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There is a surprise at the end of the issue that I wont spoil for you, but I will say Im very interested in seeing where Johns takes it what he does with it.

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Overall Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1 is a fantastic finale to an already fantastic event. The issue has masterfully crafted dramatic tension and does a fantastic job of juggling its large cast of characters and giving each of them their own moment to shine. The issue ends with quite a few plates in the air and Im interested in seeing Snyder handle each of them sooner rather than later.

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Overall Hex Wives #2 is an interesting and entertaining look at the witches lives within their current reincarnation cycle. I maintain that Hex Wives has all of right ingredients to be one of Vertigos best titles. The book's second issue isn't as rambunctious as the first but it still packs quite the punch and it still gives us a helluva surprise ending that just reminds me why I'm so interested in this series. Blacker is laying all the right seeds for an extremely interesting series. The moment of our witches awakening into the realization of who they truly are seems to be coming sooner rather than later and I'm absolutely ready for it.

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I foresee the team delivering a story that doesn't shy away from addressing both the blatant and poorly concealed racism and bigotry that plagues America currently. American Carnage #1 feels like a perfect fit for a Trump era America where hate and bigotry are marketed as real values and opinions rather than the filth that they perpetuate.

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Creators David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Greene have crafted somethingextremely special and I am interested in seeing the direction that they take the series and what mysteries unfold for the Sangerye family. Overall the series has immense potential and is off to a fantastic start. It grips you from the very first page to the final scene which adds yet another mystery to the ever growing list of inquiries about the series.

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Overall Hex Wives is shaping up to be one of Vertigos new must-read series. The series has so much dramatic and comedic potential that I'm interested in seeing which direction they go and where we find our witches next. The board is set and all of the pieces are present, so what Blacker, Andolfo and the team do next will definitely determine just how far the series will go. I foresee some very interesting scenes in the future of the ladies discovering their true identities and to be quite honest I'm excited to go along for the ride.

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The Terrifics Annual does a great job at not only furthering the series but also going back and adding to what we have already seen from previous issues. The writers do an awesome job at revisiting things we thought wed already seen and experienced just to give us a little more context and information to full flesh out those past scenes.

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