Meet Jenny Tetsuo, the hard drinkin', hard partyin' daughter of beloved superhero, Mega Commander Zero. After washing out as the military's top kaiju killer, "Jenny Zero" now lives the celebutante life with her hotel heiress and publicist best friend, Dana Sheraton. But when the massive creatures return, Jenny must decide if she can sober up and save the world!
From Dave Dwonch (Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab, Mind Palace), Brock McKinney (MAD Magazine, Full Moon Deadly Ten films) and superstar in the making, Magenta King comes a new hero for a new decade!
Ever wonder what Ultraman would be like from the perspective of a substance abuser? Jenny Zero #1 can give you an idea. Read Full Review
Jenny Zero #1 is jumping into the the pond filled with other Kaiju fighting comics. It turns out, that in all the ways of magic, that pond can just keep expanding to fit in all the monsters and those other giants who fight the monsters. While this story does not have the loveable main character like Big Girls and does not have the incredibly bloody splash pages like Ultramega, this book, has a complicated protagonist and a meta-commentary worth thinking about for days, weeks and months to come. Bring on the monsters! Read Full Review
King delivers great style to the art in this issue. I loved the gritty look and feel of the world and the characters. Read Full Review
As far as comic heroes go, Jenny Zero is as unconventional as it gets. Depraved and unhinged, Jenny can be best described as Paris Hilton meets Commando " and I, for one, am here for all of it. Read Full Review
"Jenny Zero" #1 combines fantastic visuals with an intriguing story for a promising debut issue. Read Full Review
Jenny Zero is off to an interesting start with what we get here and I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes. There's an easy familiarity coming from my background and I really like the visual design of it which is going to make it quite enjoyable even if the story doesn't hold up. But there's a lot of potential here so far and plenty of craziness that can be drawn on for more going by what we see here. Some of the dialogue makes me cringe a bit but there are some fun things in the mix as well. Not a bad start at all and certainly plenty to bring people back to see more of it. Read Full Review
Jenny Zero feels like Snotgirl and Pacific Rim had a brutally honest baby"and the end result is a delight to read. Read Full Review
Jenny Zero #1 is a fun adventure that captures the chaotic glee of slaying monsters, partying hard, and teenage recklessness. Following Jenny's shaken and imperfect attempt to become a hero, this is pure over-the-top kaiju action. Read Full Review
When all is said and done, Jenny Zero #1 delivers a tale that, while told well, doesnt do enough to make it stand out. But if you are looking for a solid sci-fi tale about a hard-living hero who has to fight giant monsters, this will certainly scratch that itch. Read Full Review
If you’re looking to try out a new kaiju series, absolutely give Jenny Zero a shot. I feel it’s a series that needs a moment to stretch its legs before stomping its way into your pull list. It’s an intriguing tale for sure and I’ll be happily checking out the next issue to see what direction the creative team will take. Read Full Review
It is an entertaining good read, but there are several considerations. Read Full Review
Im not big on Jenny Zero #1. I really wanted to like it because whats not to like about some bad-ass gal and her bad-ass gun just gunning down big critters? Sadly, I think the first issue (possibly) doesnt do the main character much justice and just traps her as another edgy loose cannon with a chip on her shoulder the size of the world. That said, theres definitely a character secret that reveals itself at the end thats got me interested in what's to come. Read Full Review