With the fate of Earth on the line, desperate times call for desperate measures...and the team-up of Batman and Lex Luthor is the definition of desperate! With the world hanging in the balance, can this bizarre dynamic duo locate the Fortress of Solitude before the alien invaders do?
Robertson crafts some beautifully detailed panels and I loved the look of the Circle. Bruce Wayne is given some expressive emotions in the art and I love the scale of the visuals. Read Full Review
BATMAN: FORTRESS #4 is fun and will certainly keep fans on their toes. Nevertheless, we are four issues in with very few answers and even more questions. Sure, the conversations and cameos help fortify the story well. However, if we don't get any answers soon, I feel readers may take their money elsewhere. Issue five needs to have a huge story beat answered to keep the mojo trucking along or else I could see the series start to implode. All that said, BATMAN: FORTRESS #4 was extremely entertaining and reminiscent of the BATMAN Ive long missed for quite some time. I highly recommend giving this series a shot. Read Full Review
This out-of-continuity sci-fi thriller has been a little too on-the-nose with its politics at times, but its slightly edgier take on the DCU is surprisingly engaging. Read Full Review
Fortress has been a wild ride with a variety of unexpected turns and twists. Hopefully the back end of the mini-series retains this same level of quality. Read Full Review
Another fun issue in a worthwhile mini-series. Read Full Review
Look, I focused on the positives. I've got four more issues to complain if need be. I do still think this is a fairly weak story that didn't need to be told and even if it does continue to improve it'll be tough to get past those first three issues. For the moment, though, I'm just happy to say I see significant growth and I can imagine this ending up an enjoyable tale by the end. Read Full Review
The mystery continues, and whatever you may think about Detective Chimp's remarks, the reality is that Gary Whitta writes The Batman as The Batman.
This is also context. In terms of new stories, this is probably one of the most pro-Batman stories out this week.
(At least you are not wasting your money the latest version of what Detective Comics has become, with Ram V's helpless Batman and Spurrier's ageist rant against Gordon. If you like that sort of thing, you should petition DC to get Mariko Tamaki back on Detective Comics and save their budget.)
At least that dumbfuck Myconius stopped wasting their time.
This comic kills brain cells, as well as sperm count.