i can't believe they are still publishing this.
Will Damage earn his spot as the world's strongest hero-or will he be branded a villain forever? It's Damage versus the Justice League, and it'll take more than brute strength to win the day. Even with an unstoppable alter ego, Ethan's gotta use both brains and brawn to have a hope against the League, because they've got a knock-'em-dead trick up their sleeve as a nuclear option. The first year of Damage's story comes to an end-and a new chapter begins! And how does Deadman fit into the picture?
The first year of Damage's story wraps up nicely, with an excellent transition into something new for this duo. Damage #12 gave us a satisfying brawl between these two powerhouses, pulled no punches, and brought it to a close in a way that was believable for the Justice League. Not every situation is going to be one where you can punch your way out of it, and that was true for both sides. Read Full Review
I'm in for the long haul. The JLA now has a member that is more powerful than Doomsday and arguably an equal to Superman. How Ethan/Damage chooses to use his powers is an open slate that I think DC readers should enjoy for issues to come! Read Full Review
I enjoyed this book immensely. Damage contains elements of many recognizable figures from the comics but combines them into something new. The added element of the Justice League and many iconic DC figures makes this book an even better read. The story is fairly straightforward but the concept is inventive and I hope that they continue Damage's story going forward. I want to know more. The artwork is classic and executed well, the inking and color executed professionally. All in all this is a very attractive book with a good story. I don't know that any of the parts are ‘excellent' but as a whole they come together to form a very good book, one I would definitely read again. Read Full Review
Damage gets close to being a complete book this month, exploring some interesting concepts, but in the end is still too action heavy, and reliant on guest stars, to really hone in on telling a compelling story. Read Full Review
It's a year in, and I still feel like we know about as much about Ethan and Damage as we did in the first issue. Oh, well, at least the fight scenes look pretty thanks to Aaron Lopresti's art. Read Full Review
This is boring action at its best, though the ending is a bit better than expected. Read Full Review
Now I can't prove it and DC Comics will never admit it but I totally believe DC editorial messed up the sequence of covers for Damage #11 and #12.
Damage #11 Features the character going up against the Justice League. This issue features the fight with Superman promised last month. One of my complaints on that issue was that the cover was misleading. If the covers got mixed up, it makes sense.
Damage #12 is simple yet completely satisfying. The book still featured a $2.99 cover price and dollar for dollar was possibly the best value at DC the month it was released.
One of the longest-running debates in comic fandom is who would win in a fight between Hulk and Superman. We don't get a definitive answer in this issue but the outcome is pretty much what I'd expect if the crossover actually happens one day.
The issue is a lot of fun and seeing the Back and Forth between the characters is simply a joy. Right now DC comics are in a dower spot with most of the major storylines focusing on villains and villainy. The characters her all feel like the best versions of themselves. Aaron and HI-FI work well together and the tone of the issue feels brighter than I remember for the series. This change is fitting since it pits Damage against DC's symbol of hope.
The ending of the comic is rather predictable if you've been following the series but its nice to see the character continue to scale up to DC's biggest powerhouses. I have no doubt that if the general health of the comic industry had been a bit better than Damage would have not been canceled.
Aside from DC fatally goofing up the cover of the last two issues I don't have any complaints. If you want to see a Superman Vs. Hulk fight pick up these two issues, you can't go wrong. more
Can't say, Damage definitely grew on me, which back when #1 dropped out, I thought it was very, very unlikely. Glad I didn't abandon the ship, and kept reading new comics with the big guy. They may not be outstanding, but surely offer some tense action scenes involving already established, popular characters. It would be easy to keep criticizing him for piggybacking them to get some spotlight, but I think I don't mind it anymore.
It's a decent issue, if you're a series fan. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing bad either. Just decent, and sometimes it's just enough to keep the momentum going.
Run of the mile comic, i've read all the damage comics and this one seems pretty average in the series. 70%fighting and 30% dialogue which is usually the case. I wish it was better but hey it's still my favorite out of the bunch.
Cover-2/2 Pretty good
Dialogue-1/2 not so much
Characters-2/2 No introduction needed for most characters
Story-0/2 Meh
Art-1/2 Pretty standard
Ugh. I don't feel like going into why this issue was bad. It's pretty obvious, if you read it. There's just way too much reliance on action each and every issue. If this is DC's answer to the Hulk, they misunderstand why the Hulk has ever been popular.
I heard it'll be cancelled sometime in 2019. This whole New Age of Heroes imprint has been really bad, imo. And I should be the one they're hooking, I think, being more of a Marvel fan. But no, every time they try to mimic Marvel it just makes me hate the line more. Funnily enough, there's a series called Weapon H at Marvel right now, it's ending with issue 12, but it's basically a combination of Wolverine and Hulk. It's the most creatively bankrupt idea I've heard in a while.
Anyway, it started off with this Weapon H experiment running from the government, much like Damage did. And it actually works better than Damage does, somehow. It's not even because the writer is great. That writer has done some very bad series. But despite everything against it, it still beats Damage somehow.
sounds more like 'The New Age of Pathetic Cash Grabs'. what was it Tyler Durden said? "sticking feathers up your a** does not make you a chicken." oh well. they'll never learn will they?
"Weapon H"??? ..now THERE sounds like a complete waste of paper. ...read my comment on ohhaimark's review of this comic. i guess Marvel are doing their best for the environment as well? ..."Some men just want to watch the world burn."
I don't think they'll learn. They're still trying to be the MCU, as much as they claim they're going in a different direction. They want the Netflix Marvel success by making shows so dark and gritty because they think that's why Daredevil worked. The comics are the only place where I feel like they don't attempt to ape the competition quite so much. Aside from the New Age of Heroes, that is.
It's a very dumb idea, but it actually entertains me. The second half of it not so much... But when it first started, it was crazy how much better it did Damage than Damage. After it ends though, there'll be a three-issue miniseries called "Hulkverines" where Weapon H will fight the newly resurrected Wolverine and the Immortal Hulk.
i can't believe how simple minded the folks running DC/WB are. they cannot see their most popular and best selling properties to this day are still the OG Christopher Reeves movie and Batman the Animated Series. those were probably some of the best representations of their comics, yet they still try to imitate someone else. and they wonder why they continue to fail. their JL movie was like the poor man's Avengers.
Yeah, Justice League was such a bore. I think Zack Snyder completing it would've been better than Joss Whedon coming in and trying to make it Avengers. I didn't like Man of Steel or Batman V Superman, but at least they had some sort of identity.
No, Hulk has recently been fully resurrected following his death in Civil War II. The idea behind the Immortal Hulk is that he can't die and is more powerful than ever. He's also extremely intelligent. The current Immortal Hulk series is one of the best series from the big 2 at the moment. It's macabre and horrific and was inspired by the original Hulk run which was more of a horror/monster comic, or at least tried to be.
true! as much as i tried to enjoy MoS and BvS they just weren't very good. but they were at least their own thing. JL was a HOT mess!! ...i'm really iffy about seeing Aquaman or Shazam.
I'm not seeing either of those in theaters. I'll watch them digitally if they're well received.
Agreed, the DCEU just plain sucks IMO! YourGreenMuse summarized my thoughts with MoS and BvS, as yes, they at least had an identity and some form of direction. Justice League ruined all that. Wonder Woman was pretty good though. I'm on the fence with Aquaman. James Wan can be a good director, but the trailer has me seriously doubting the film. Shazam looks good in my opinion. I wish they would stop trying to imitate the MCU, which I believe is clearly superior.
i grew tied of the MCU after seeing 3 or 4 films and feeling like i'd essentially watched variations of the same movie. to me they are by-the-numbers formula. but i definitely think i'm going to skip Aquaman. i've already wasted enough time and money on the failure that is the DCEU. they need to scrap and reboot it. i will be seeing Matt Reeves 'The Batman'. ...simply because- 'BATMAN'!!!
I am a huge MCU nerd, probably too big… Anyways, I don't blame you, some of their origin stories hit a lot of the same notes. Some of their Phase 3 films have been pretty unique and like nothing else, such as Infinity War and Ragnarok. Their earlier films were not as good, however.
i think they are entertaining, but they try to cram so much in, they get too convoluted for me. some people say that they are able to balance out all the characters they cram ino the movies, but i find it a bit muddy. i liked the OG Iron-man and Cap' movies, but i have a hard time wanting to re-watch them. i think i gave up after Civil War. i really didn't like the ending. oh well. it's still better than JL.
I really liked the ending to Civil War. Infinity War is something to behold though. It's like a comic book event in movie form.
i was expecting to see all the Super Soldiers activated and the heroes having the fight of their life. then they show up and they were all conveniently killed off. what a total let down.
YourGreenMuse- I could not agree more! I love Infinity War too much for my own good!
I have loved like 99% of the MCU though, so I have a pretty ginormous bias when it comes to talking about these films, however.
That's not the point of Civil War, comic or film, and I'd rather the heroes have an emotional fight against one another, where the stakes matter because we've gotten to know these characters so well, than fight some nameless super soldiers.
No, I'm right there with you, ohhaimark. I've seen Infinity War too many times. I'm even going to see Captain Marvel next year, and I hate her comic book counterpart. They just have me too deep.
it still was a big plot point for them to build upon to just dismiss like it was nothing. for me it made re-watching it tedious since i knew that was just a red herring. plus the convenient camera filming Tony Stark's parents death took me out of the story. there were fun scenes in the movie, but way too many conveniences of plot for me to get into.
Yes! Anything they put out, I will be there to see, opening weekend. Infinity War is a true marvel of superhero filmmaking, pun intended.
The camera thing is something that's always brought up. But all Tony saw was the one angle from the security camera. The rest was for the benefit of the audience.
And Zemo's plan was just to draw the heroes in. And again, a much more emotional fight driven by characters we've come to know is way more satisfying in my opinion.
I didn't see Ant-Man and the Wasp in theaters because I was going through some stuff. It honestly would've improved my mood a ton if I had seen it.
YourGreenMuse - i'm really sorry to hear you were going through some stuff. (i'm sure everyone's personal stuff is different) but i've been dealing with quite a bit of calamity in my life as well. i am dealing, but it definitely takes it's toll. ...as you can probably tell, the toll it takes does tend to make me a bit cranky. :-P
Yeah lol. I made the best of it by creating a story for a fanfic I've been thinking up. It's nowhere near fully written, but the story itself is plotted out. And... Well, you could probably tell that I was going through stuff. I did my best Tom King impression, but hopefully better. My outlet for bad times is creativity. You might benefit from something similar.
that's good you have an outlet. i actually have been developing something myself as well. it's been coming along pretty nice. though there have been some real-life distractions. though i do what i can, when i can, and am seeing progress.
Super, super sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck in dealing with whatever it is.
On another note, I just saw Aquaman, and it was actually pretty good. If nothing else, I'd recommend it for the visuals alone, which were spectacular. A lot of it felt like a comic book, and a good one at that. It was still very heavily flawed, I wouldn't blame anyone for hating it, but it was way, way more entertaining than the other DCEU movies. A pretty good popcorn flick IMO.
yeah, i think i'll try to catch Aquaman in a matinee showing. i've seen all the other movies so far, so i think i have an idea what to expect. i am very curious to see Patrick Wilson as King Orm.
I really liked his performance, the villain himself was okay. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II did a great job as Black Manta, but the villain was wasted, his only purpose in the film was to set up a sequel.
that's pretty funny that they'd put so much stock storywise into a sequel when they're not ever 100% on how this movie will perform.
Very true. It seems to have become obligatory that in every superhero movie, somehow there will be a sequel set up, usually via a post-credit scene. I usually prefer it when the film tries to build itself up as a single film first, rather than spend time providing some kind platform for a sequel.
agreed. it's nice that movies build off one another, but i much prefer a movie that can really stand on it's own.
-Ethan has some pretty good character moments in this issue.
-The art was just bad. Bad by cartoon standards, which is what I would mostly compare it to. For a comic consistently relying so heavily on visuals they are consistently very bad.
-Apparently DC cares so little about this series, they don't even give it that fancy paper all the other series have. I seriously don't blame them.
-So is Venditti even writing this one? I somewhat doubt that the same man who wrote both last week's Hawkman and this week's Freedom Fighters wrote this pile of garbage.
-It might be moderately entertaining for a five year old….
-The action scenes are just bad. A comic shouldn't rely on this much action to make its page count, and it especially shouldn't look so goofy.
-The end doesn't excite me. I actually wish they would cancel this series, as most of the endings don't interest me. more
i can't believe this went on for even six issues, let alone twelve. - i guess DC felt the earth's environment wasn't dying fast enough, so they decided to needlessly kill off a few more trees.