When a dangerous virus accidentally hitchhikes on Green Lanterns Baz and Cruz to the League's Watchtower satellite, the entire team-minus The Flash and Aquaman-along with some civilians, are quarantined until they figure out how to dispatch their tiny and rapidly multiplying foe. Only one of them has the key...but will they find out in time to save the innocents on board?
As I said, definitely would recommend this issue if you're just starting off with Justice League. It's witty and lovable, perfectly befitting the joyful side of the characters. It's a low-key issue and isn't one to cause too much stress. With the revolutionary new Wonder Womanmaking great success, it's wonderful to see more women work in the DC-comic industry, and give the female superheroes narratives that stand-out. Both Jess and Wonder Woman's personalities were vibrant. In addition, to remind us that Ms. Lane is a journalist. A fun addition to your collection! Read Full Review
This issue is a solid story, with beautiful art, lots of humor and a good moral at the end about believing in yourself and your teammates. It's the type of story that used to be a staple in superhero comic books. Now, when it's this recognizable, it's something to be treasured. Read Full Review
Shea Fontana and Philippe Briones come aboard the series for a simple one-shot story, and manage to fit a slightly chunkier story into one issue. The smaller moments are the ones that shine and the artwork was consistent throughout. Read Full Review
Although the League treated the threat with all due seriousness, this issue exemplifies the element of fun that has been making a comeback in the Rebirth line. This was an important piece of the pre-Flashpoint DC Universe's greatness, and it is a joy to see it being reclaimed in Rebirth. Read Full Review
An excellent break from the norm, Justice League #22 provided plenty of fun and action, with lots of nice character moments gluing it all together. Fontana makes a good case for her new assignment on Wonder Woman, and Briones and Eltaeb are elevated by the context. Show the team some love and go buy this book. Read Full Review
Shea Fontana knows how to write Wonder Woman and Jessica Cruz. She also knows how to handle a team book better than the current ongoing writer for the Justice League. It's enough to make me wish she was permanently writing Justice League. If you've been waiting for Justice League to get a little better, this is definitely a book you'll want to pick up. Read Full Review
Overall: Justice League #22 is an absolute blast to read from start to finish. Fontana succeeds in tapping into that old classic JLA feel with this issue. This is a tightly plotted and paced issue that puts an emphasis on fun. The reader gets treated with an issue that has great artwork and a classic super hero story. Justice League #22 is certainly worth the price of admission. Read Full Review
Criticisms aside for the idea of the story told, there was quality to it that more than made up for it. Justice League #22 I'd hope is a start for this book to once again hit us with some superhero values that are easily missed when the story/plot gets too big for its characters to grow. Read Full Review
This isn't what I want from Justice League on a regular basis, but as a one-off, it's fine. Read Full Review
These shorter stories may not be groundbreaking epic arcs, but they're finally establishing a solid team dynamic. And they're definitely helping to make Justice League a more enjoyable title. Read Full Review
Overall it was good, but not great. It may just have been a filler issue to calm the characters down until the next big crisis. Read Full Review
Justice League #22 might be light on tension and drama, but it's an entertaining, breezy read held together by some fun character interactions. Read Full Review
Shea Fontana jumps onto the Justice League book, but with generic characterizations, cartoony dialogue and a forgettable story, I can't really recommend it. Still, the art was great and I still liked it more than what we've gotten from most of this series since Rebirth. Read Full Review
The story is serviceable, but not memorable. The artwork is effective but there isn't much in the story itself to visually impress. Read Full Review
A significantly better issue that usual for Justice League, but it still had some slight problems to it. I am not sure why, but everyone person who writes Justice League always has problems getting one character right and for me it was Wonder Woman in this issue. Overall, it was an enjoyable read and a break from the past few Blockbuster level stories in this series.
Seriously weak story. Space ants. Seriously.