An unknown warrior assembles Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and various heroes to form a new JLO as guardians of the Ghost Sector. Vastly outnumbered against Darkseid's savage para-angel strikeforce, they're going to have to fight their way through Darkseid's new multi-planet realm of Apokolips to take control of Sepulkore or die trying. What choice do they have? The entire universe is depending on them...
JLO has been trending up, but these new additions really set the title up for some fun storylines assuming Abnett keeps them around for the long-term. Read Full Review
Both artists bring something new and unique to the visuals in this issue. Everything looks amazing and the action is amazing. Read Full Review
This is easily the best the series has been. Read Full Review
Justice League Odyssey #14 again ended up being another mixed bag. The direction of the story is beginning to get better, though at the same time working over this hurdle where steering the story is involving too much need for shock value. That's not what we initially invested in this book for. That would be the exploration, discovery, and danger from both of those things. Not from troubles they get themselves into long the way. Read Full Review
Because of Jessica's development and the revelations in the story, it moved along without being boring. The visuals, however, were not consistent and so didn't support the developments with her character as they should have. I appreciated the revelations that make the coming confrontation with Darkseid even bigger, but I'm ready to get to it. Read Full Review
Justice League Odyssey #14 is a pleasant quick read which continues the story well. Dan Abnett has almost reset the series, and the latest chapter has changed the motivation, from protection and redemption, to a story fuelled by revenge and desperation. I have absolute confidence that this series will continue to grow and the spark will reignite for me. That confidence boost was quickly established on the final page, with a reveal which should make the next steps in the story very interesting indeed. Read Full Review
Not a lot happens this issue due to the story moving pieces in place, but it still remains a ton of fun and I'm always appreciative of more Dex-Starr goodness. Read Full Review
Justice League Odyssey really stumbles as it loses its artist and scrambles to make do, with the problems being more apparent than the immersion of the story itself. Read Full Review
I really hate to say bad things about art, but the art is really not that good. Especially when there were seven people involved in it. And with the exception of Jess kicking ass and taking charge in the very beginning, and the surprise return of a big character at the end, the writing in between is not good either. Read Full Review
I really enjoy the perspective shift to this new team in the last two issues, and the set up for them being the new JL Odyssey is great as well.
Omega Jessica is hella thicc.
The Orion twist was cool, and I hope it'll be explained soon, since he and the rest of the New Gods disappeared following the destruction of the Source Wall.
Justice League Odyssey has been interesting but also constantly shifting in quality. Let's see how that goes for this issue.
The Good:
The reveal was good although predictable.
It's a character driven issue and I feel like it did a good enough job.
The Bad:
Off the bat, the art is shocking. Sorry to say that but it is.
Jessica is way too forceful for how she should be. I'm wondering if that's due to the Omega Force but for now, it'll be in this section.
Oh look, a big bad monster as the cliffhanger! Such innovation.
It's a bit of a subpar issue. Yes, some parts were good but art, Jessica and the cliffhanger do force this below a 7.5 score to more
The art really hurts this issue, also not sure I like Jessica's new bitchy confidence.
Okay issue, the art on Jessica’s face at times was kinda meh. Wish these issues had a “previously on” section. Dialogue is strange to Jessica, but she did just come back to life. Might read better in trade! Enjoying more and more of Blackfire.
Abnett drove the Titans in the ground and he's doing the same with Odyssey ... :(
Let down massively by the art