New Year's Evil #1 View Preview
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New Year's Evil #1

Writer: Vita Ayala, Gabriel Hardman, Corinna Bechko, Dan Watters, others Artist: Dale Eaglesham, Gabriel Hardman, Sumit Kumar, Elena Casagrande, others Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 4, 2019 Cover Price: $9.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
8.3Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Why hello there, readers! It's your Uncle Joker letting you know that this year's DC winter holiday special is not for the good guys. It's all about the folks on Santa's naughty list! Folks like me, Sinestro, Toyman, Harley Quinn, and even an appearance from that timely rascal the Calendar Man. Come sledding with your favorite villains in 10 fantastic tales created by comics' finest talents. They're not as funny as me, mind you, but it's important that we be charitable this time of year.

  • 10 - Nicole Drum Dec 4, 2019

    Overall, it's a stunning, festive, deeply enjoyable read sure to be a holiday classic for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jay Hill Dec 4, 2019

    This is the perfect DC book for the holidays. It’s sure to have at least one story for everyone, and, for me, it featured more than enough fun tales to get me to recommend this to any comic book fan. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 4, 2019

    And that's a wrap, with all but one story being excellent. That makes this an unqualified win and one of the best recent anthologies DC has put out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Word Of The Nerd - Jordan Claes Dec 4, 2019

    New Year's Evil #1 is about casting off our doubts and redefining our perspectives. To free ourselves from judgment and allow ourselves to see the good hidden in the bad. Who knows, maybe if we, as readers, can suspend our disbelief and preconceived notions when it comes to comic books, it will have a trickle-down effect in our real lives as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Dec 5, 2019

    So, at the end of the day, there are some decent stories in this book. You do have to wade through some of the weaker stories to get to them. But there have been better specials in the past. Still, the good stories are really good and make it worthwhile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Dec 4, 2019

    When all is said and done New Year's Evil #1is a fun compilation of stories. It presents different looks at the holiday season instead of just rehashing the same old tropes most holiday books trot out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 4, 2019

    A small act of holiday kindness from Detective Montoya will send Harley Quinn on a mission to return the favor by bringing the detective some Christmas cheer. A fun story with some sweet sentiment, but not much else. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Dec 9, 2019

    As far as holiday specials go, this is probably one of the best ones I've read from DC in a while. There's a range of tones and themes here " some heartfelt and others heartbreaking " that aren't necessarily what you would expect from a bunch of villains. There are multiple stories that are worth your time, and if you skipped this book on Wednesday " or just haven't given it a chance yet, I strongly encourage that you pick it up and give it a read. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Sequential Planet - Alexander Cole Dec 9, 2019

    This is a hard book to rate given the number of creators working on it but it's a decent book. The art is of good quality in each short and the writing does the job, even if some of the stories are cliched. It's worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Many of these were really great shorts (Sinestro) for the villains, some were not (Poison Ivy).

  • 8.0
    Humble Hero Dec 10, 2019

    Although a majority of the holiday stories were kind of boring. There were a few really good ones. My favorite being the Black Adam one. I would recommend this book for that story alone. It was great.

  • 7.0
    Ryan Dec 7, 2019

    There were some good stories. The opening Joker story was phenomenal as was the closing Harley story, but everything in between was meh. Busiek’s Prankster story was a let down and I don’t like Jim Kreig’s Poison Ivy story. The Calendar Man story was solid but I think this comic would have been better if it was about Christmas, or even at least closer to New Year’s itself.

  • 6.5
    Psycamorean Dec 6, 2019

    This wasn't the worst of these anthologies I've read. I'm not going to go through each and every story, but there was no story that I thought was outright bad. Instead, I'll just make a humorous observation - Eric Esquivel is listed as a writer in the online credits for this comic. I was surprised since, if you didn't know, he's been accused of being a sexual harasser. It got his Vertigo comic, Border Town, cancelled immediately (To everyone's benefit). But it turns out he doesn't have a story in this anthology. While relieved, because he's a bad writer, I wondered why. DC clearly doesn't care that much, they keep Scott Lobdell around, after all. But I think Christos Gage's story has the answer. In it, Calendar Man describes an ancient Azte more

  • 6.0
    Darkseid24 Dec 5, 2019

    Some of these stories are good others feel rather pointless. I liked the one with Ares& his former lover the most. Also the story with Chronos was interesting. Joker’s& Harleys stories were kinda boring. Ivy trying to help some D villains also felt out of place, but at least she was portrayed more like a villain again.

  • 4.5
    Nihilist Dec 5, 2019

    I like holiday specials - there's something... well, special, about them. Something that wants you to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate, wrapped in warm blankets, and just enjoy the read. And then, when you open the comic up, you realize it pretty much sucks, and you'd be better off reading something else. That basically summarizes my experiences reading DC's specials each year.

    A portion of this book is genuinely good and heartwarming. I very much enjoyed Black Adam and Harley's stories. Yeah, you've heard me saying it, I enjoyed a story with Harley Quinn not written by Paul Dini or Sean Murphy. A bloody christmas miracle, ladies and gents! But seriously, her short is funny, sweet, and actually uses the main character's psych more

  • 10
    tonpas1989 Dec 4, 2019

  • 10
    Greg Hound Nov 27, 2019

  • 5.0
    batman_forever Jan 9, 2020

  • 4.0
    Silver Rocket Dec 16, 2019

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