Red Hood And The Outlaws #28

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Stephen Segovia Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 19, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 3
7.4Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

The Outlaws head off for a well-earned rest as Jason tries to rekindle his romance with Isabelle - but they are soon fighting for their lives against a new cartel!

  • 10
    Herotaku - Jamal Melancon Feb 19, 2014

    Tynion says farewell to Red Hood and The Outlaws by writing a highly enjoyable story that gives a great "final word" on his interpretation of Jason Todd. With a great art team of Stephen Segovia and Nei Ruffino to back him up, Tynion shows that he can easily write a smooth tale from start to finish for Jason and company, especially when Jason's in his right mind. All the great things that James Tynion IV has given to this title are on full display in this issue, at perfection. This one will be holding me over for a while, long after we read the title from the new creative team next month. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Sean Buckley Jun 22, 2014

    Ever since that amnesia arc has ended, Red Hood and the Outlaws has been on a consistent incline. I was inclined to put an 8.5 but this one-shot was such a breath of fresh air it felt better than it probably was. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Feb 23, 2014

    Reading this issue gave me such a weight off the shoulders feeling.  We're back to what made this series so great, and so fun.  Outlaws out there kicking ass and taking names.  Not only do we get our favorite anti-hero back in action and back to being himself, but we get to clear up some unanswered questions that have been left hanging since Death Of The Family.  If the series continues the arrogant, comedic, and sexy portrayals that got me to love this series in the first place, then I'll be a happy fanboy for the rest of the run.  Go get this and realize what you've been missing in your life. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon Feb 22, 2014

    This comic might not be for everyone as some people have shared their dislike about this series. This comic doesn't seem like a must read to begin with. But I gave it a chance and it was surprisingly one of better comics I've read. It does leave plenty of room for the new writer to start fresh with a new story coming next month which should get new readers interested and old readers a chance to give the series another shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Feb 19, 2014

    James Tynion IV leaves the title with an odd note, that's for sure. While most of Tynion's run was full of unbefitting melodrama and child of destiny tropes, this final issue sees the book return to form in just telling a fun story about the Outlaws being Outlaws and fighting bad guys. There are good personal interactions, strong moments here and there, and it's just an entertaining read. That said, the problem with this issue lays in the fact that it was Tynion's last issue, and doesn't present anything that seems to matter to the title going forward. So while this issue was generally a fun read, and a general improvement in comparison to recent issues, at the end of the day, it doesn't amount to much. But fun is fun, and I did have a good time seeing the Outlaws interact the way I used to know and love. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - jsarrow Feb 19, 2014

    This issue truly is a brilliant exposition to another arc in an amazing series but the pace that the book moves at is a bit too slow and the confusion brought on by the antagonist may be enough to put some people off but to others they may greet the issue with open arms which is just as fair. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 21, 2014

    Issue 28 of Red Hood was very much a 'Back to Basics' story. After so many months of build up to Jason's showdown, with the Demon's Head himself, Ra's al Ghul. It was nice to bring the team back to their roots and bring back a love interest for Jason. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Alexander Cerola Feb 24, 2014

    It's simply an okay issue, taking us through the motions leading up to a whole new arc and adventure with The Outlaws. Segovia's art suffered a bit but it's probably just a minor hiccup, comic artists and writers are busy folks taking on multiple contracts so I wouldn't think too much of it. Segovia is generally an awesome artist. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 23, 2014

    Far less convoluted than several issues of the series, the straightforward storytelling works well and provides plenty of action while introducing a new enemy in Midas and the Army of the Golden Hand. Stephen Segovia steps in to do an okay job with the art this month although his Starfire is a little off and some of the wideshots are less detailed than I'd like (a common complaint about much of the New 52). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Feb 24, 2014

    James Tyinon IV leaves Red Hood and the Outlaws neatly packaged for Will Pfeifer, even if the end result is a bit rushed. The strength of the comic is in the teamwork of its characters, and Tynion clearly understands this. But he's trying to do a lot of house cleaning and therefore his final entry isn't as solid as it could be, especially given his work on other titles. Read Full Review

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