Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3

Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 11, 2022 Cover Price: $6.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 13
5.7Critic Rating
5.3User Rating

The startling conclusion of this Black Label epic rockets to its surprising, yet inevitable, confrontation between The Joker and the Suicide Squad. With Red Hood wondering who he can trust as he's forced to team up with Harley Quinn and other rogues against the Clown Prince of Crime, one last betrayal changes everything before the final page.

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - C.V.R. The Bard May 11, 2022

    For all the books on the Suicide that have dropped since Dave Ayer first threw them on the big screen, "Get Joker is one of the most craziest Suicide Squad stories to ride the wave of the Suicide Squad craze. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Adam Ray May 12, 2022

    Though the Suicide Squad was the focus, this creative team really Got Joker down to a fine art. The words were so good, that they left the reader feeling chaotic. A great end to a great series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 10, 2022

    The issue has a parade of intriguing cameos that briefly set up some interesting plot threads, but the ambiguous ending doesn't really deliver and it mostly feels like this is exploring things we've seen done better before. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - David Brooke May 10, 2022

    If you're looking for action, Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3 has plenty of it. It also wraps up the story, albeit much too quickly. As it stands, this series ends being feeling like candy: it's got the flavor to make it enjoyable, but not the nutrition to make it matter. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Jamie Remolde May 12, 2022

    The story is okay and the art is okay. Overall, I am left with the question of why this story needed to be told, much less in a prestige format miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Batman-News - Theresa Campagna May 10, 2022

    Suicide Squad: Get Joker winds up being a meaningless, forgettable tie-in to a movie that's over a half a year old. No offense to Brian Azzerello and all he's accomplished as a comic book writer, but this is a book that I can see overlooked and spending the rest of its days at comic shops and convention stands, unable to be sold. Read Full Review

  • 2.0 - Chase Magnett May 11, 2022

    Many readers will have forgotten about Suicide Squad: Get Joker! in the 8-month delay since issue #2 and that may be for the best. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    UxasIs May 31, 2022

    A lot of this felt a bit choppy and rushed, especially some of the dialogue but I thought this was pretty enjoyable overall, it was an interesting way to end the book

  • 8.0
    Toonstrack May 11, 2022

    This finale... and this entire series, reminded me of one of those 80s hard R action flicks that feature a ton of memorable characters but at their center is about one guy. Theres some hint at deeper ideas but jts mostly driven by the main character and what his history is. Things are played fast and loose and yet... theres a sort of novelty to it. A charm. This is kinda like what that was. Even down to the ambiguous ending.

    I liked it. The art is phenomenal Maleev work. The script has a lot going on at the same time. Maybe too much. But ultimately it all comes down to those last couple of pages. Its very grim and gritty, sometimes gratuitously violent, but it has a sort of nonchalant aspect to its depiction which I can appre more

  • 7.0
    Red Hood Jun 7, 2022

    This was quite a disappointing end to a story overall.

    However, there was a specific style that Azzarello was going for here which is quite interesting. The cliffhanger was very good as we don’t know the end of the storyline: killing joker.

    The characters were replaceable and many killed off, which I liked throughout the three issues. I wish they truly would’ve done something different with Harley Quinn.

    Overall, this is truly what Suicide Squad books should be about. A team that is replaceable at any given point, unlike the Rebirth title where there was the same lineup for about two years. Azzarello in the end had a great story but rushed some bits and pieces that felt important.

  • 7.0
    SnakeWilson May 10, 2022

    After what felt like years, this series finally hits its end.

    The art and humor are definitely the selling points here, but the story and characters, at least to me, are lacking in weight. Yeah, it's the Suicide Squad, they' supposed to be replaceable but we should care about them, they should grown and learn as the story progresses, so we feel something when they die. Harley Quinn for example, I find somewhat weird how she's treated here. After all these years, the character has grown out of her "love" for Joker, even having in mind that this is an alternative reality, still kinda jaring seeing how she is written here. Also, I have problems about how Jason Todd is treated, at the end some dialogue feels like a commentary about more

  • 5.0
    Psycamorean Mar 10, 2023

    I would rate this lower, but I don't care enough. This series really felt like Azzarello had a cool idea or two, and then fucked it up with his tropes. And really, the gall of ending this on an interpretative ending, my god.

  • 5.0
    daspidaboy May 10, 2022

    this series is whack. Brian Azzarello doesnt really work for me as a writer, and thats because his writing style doesn't really work. But at least the art looks good

  • 2.0
    WhistleBlower May 23, 2022

    Azzarello understands Jason Todd as a character very well, and he's 100% on his analysis. Unfortunately, he fails to do anything to break the cycle of terribly written Red Hood books.

  • 6.5
    arsenicBR Nov 9, 2022

  • 6.0
    Swanktub May 15, 2022

  • 5.0
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo May 10, 2022

  • 4.5
    SenpaifenixJäger May 10, 2022

  • 3.0
    cumgurglinrhino May 12, 2022

  • 1.0
    Mout May 13, 2022

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