Swamp Thing #33

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Javier Pina Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 2, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 13
7.2Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Swamp Thing has more enemies than he ever knew and one of them is someone he called a friend! But once said friend has put a magical hit on you, and a squadron of occult assassins show up on your doorstep, it gets difficult to smooth things over

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jul 3, 2014

    Swamp Thing #33 is another fantastic issue of the series, delivering a fantastic story, great characters, and beautiful artwork. There's very little if anything wrong with this comic and it just continues to prove why it's one of the best comics from DC out there. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Jul 7, 2014

    At the end of the issue, after one of the greatest single pages of Charles Soule's run on this book (seriously, it made my spine tingle), we get to see Lady Weeds beginning to come into her own. Up until this point, she has really just been a pawn for the Wolf, which is unfortunate. At this point, after seeing the Wolf's failures, she seems to be taking things into her own hands, and this gives her the bets character development she's ever had. She's been a great character for a while now, but she really hasn't been a character that acts on her own, and so seeing the seeds of that being planted in this issue is great to watch unfold. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jul 8, 2014

    Soule blasts through the plot a bit too breezily, but there's some wonderful character work that comes through. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 3, 2014

    Charles Soule seems to use this issue to set up the latest attempt by a villain to destroy Alec Holland and take over the Green, but there's a welcome twist late in the game that throws the usual formula for a loop. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Todd Frazier Jul 3, 2014

    Soule takes a chance letting the Wolf and Lady Weeds narrate the majority of the issue. Its a chance thatallows readers to get more familiar with the supporting cast. The narrative set against Pina and Wilsons gorgeous battle scenes is a nice touch to what could have been a standard montage. This issue does require a close read to get the slight nuances in Soules script but the reward makes it worthwhile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Jul 14, 2014

    You'd usually associate longer story arcs with six plus instalments as being the big, important storylines in a series. This two part story looks set to buck that trend as we have important revelations and character developments galore, as well as an extremely badass piece of storytelling for the titular character. I know I'm waiting for next issue with baited breath, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 3, 2014

    Swamp Thing #33 is a transition issue between the last arc and something even bigger and darker.  Because of this, it's heavy on dialogue and exposition and Javier Pina's art is good, but not great.  If you want to jump into the awesomeness of Swamp Thing, this is as good a time as any, just know this isn't the best issue Soule has given us. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 7, 2014

    "Swamp Thing" #33 was another fun, solid, entertaining issue. In many ways it's just a setup for what's still to come, but you know what? I wish all setup was this entertaining. An above average issue just in terms of quality, and notable in addition for how well it handles the, "Here's what's going on" backstory. As an added bonus, if you're a new reader, this is as good a place as any to jump on board. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Daren Taveras Jul 5, 2014

    "The Wolf and Lady Weeds" arc starts off strong. The comic ends in an exciting twist that will have readers counting the days to the next release. Although Swamp Thing #33 does not reach the same level of excitement that the series is known for, it does set things up for a promising continuation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Gil Smith Jul 2, 2014

    Not the strongest issue of the New 52SWAMP THING, but a testament to how consistently good the series is even between its bigger moments. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 7, 2014

    There's something very unorthodox about Charles Soule's approach to Swamp Thing #33, almost as though he's trying to cram an entire arc into one issue - but instead of the tension being brought about by thrills, spills and near-misses, this issue winds up looking more like a Swamp Thing trailer than an actual narrative. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Outright Geekery - Adam Jul 4, 2014

    As I said before, this is the issue where the bad guy reveals his master plan. As such, The Wolf is a little over written this month. None of the dialogue was bad, there was just way too much of it. At parts I thought I was reading a novel instead of a comic. There was also not enough Swamp Thing- Demon action. Show me the cool stuff. Don't tell me about it. These are minor flaws in an otherwise great book and I can't wait for next week. Read Full Review

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