The invisible jet is going down-look out below! On a mission to the heart of super-villain-occupied Zandia, Wonder Woman is stopped dead in her tracks by a turf war that’s turning deadlier by the minute. After a heated consult with the Justice League, Diana finds herself on her own with the supposedly reformed Max Lord to complete her mission-and to make matters worse, each side is using Lord Industries’ stolen tech to turn their forces into mind-warping super-armies! Who shot down Diana’s stealthy ride? The answer will make you dizzy...
The impact of the last couple of pages serves as a stark contrast to the heroic march with which Wonder Woman strides through most of the issue. Prelude is given to that end in the first couple of pages of the issue. Its a really well-balanced chapter in the life of Wonder Woman that stands as one of Tamakis best issues so far. The cliffhanger ending is a nice touch. The next couple of weeks are going to be that much more tense waiting for Wonder Woman 766. Read Full Review
Steve Pugh does an excellent job with the imagery in this issue. The action looks really good and the details throughout the panels make them engaging. Read Full Review
I continue to be highly intrigued by this run, which isn't like any WW run I've read before. Read Full Review
You could almost strip out every written word in this issue and still get a story that was entertaining and very easy to follow. There's so much espression in just the art that everything else is extra. Read Full Review
At once a straightforward tale and an interesting one that expands far beyond what is commonly considered "Wonder Woman" situations. Read Full Review
This is another forgettable issue of Wonder Woman involving Maxwell Lord tech that never materializes or gets explained. That's par for the course here, but the issue looks great, and we end with a cool villain that hasn't been around much lately. I'll take the small victories in what has become a war of attrition for this Wonder Woman fan. Read Full Review
Mariko tamaki’s writing makes this issue a very enjoyable one.
I like the idea of this so much more than I like the execution. I want to like this so much more.
This was fine; not bad.
Steve P.U.