"THE END OF THE UNIVERSE," Part One: A new, and possibly final (?!), storyline begins. As robots rise up all over the universe, overthrowing their human and alien persecutors, Telsa is faced with the ultimate decision: save Tim-21 or hand him over to her father and the United Galactic Council, which would end the war and uprising, but it would also be the end of Tim-21.
Issue #29 of Descender provides action that propels the story forward. If you've been reading the series in real time, this is the issue that responds to that cliffhanger from a few months ago. It seems from here on out, the narrative is gonna get a little bit tighter as characters that were separate, are now getting closer together. Read Full Review
Descender continues to do some great stuff here for me as there's a lot at stake for just about everyone. Read Full Review
Descender #29 is a fantastically well done issue that sparks the initial interest I had in the series. Jeff Lemire ditches his usual trappings of convoluted mythos and side plots and instead options for more a straightforward approach as we gear towards the endgame and Nguyen's art is can't miss. Simply put if you have been keeping up Descender, Descender #29 gives you no reason to stop. Read Full Review
There is an incredible sense of momentum surrounding this series, and Descender #29 manages to carry that between all of its many divided plots and characters. Read Full Review
"Descender" #29 is a fast-paced, action-packed issue. It also propels the final story of this series along, showing the kind of momentum the series has lacked in the past. We do get a strong sense of character here, in these moments of action, perhaps attributable to the previous arcs which featured character development over story. Whatever inconsistencies, this has been a really good series and I am excited to see how this wraps up in the upcoming months.