The biggest comic book launch of the decade continues! The race is on! Both Cobra and the Joes are in a deadly contest to retrieve Cybertronian tech first. Meanwhile, a Joe learns Cobra Commander's secrets...the hard way!
G.I. Joe #4 is a ridiculously fun installment of one of the best comics available. Its got mystery, intrigue, great character development and wild action. Read Full Review
Firefights in National Parks and the nation's capital leave Duke's team defeated. Like Captain Kirk after Vger swallows the USS Enterprise, Duke insists they're down but not out. But the Cobra Commander is gathering all the components to complete his plans. Once, he worked to make Cobra-La a world power. If the Cobra Commander's plan is successful, all will bow at his feet in G I Joe #4. Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #4 further solidifies this series as one of the best comic books on the market right now. Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire really knock it out of the park with another tension filled comic book as the JOEs battle against Cobra grows more desperate. It cannot be said enough that this is a comic book that is must-read. Read Full Review
G.I Joe #4 is a nonstop action set piece that showcases the best of Tom Reilly and Joshua Williamsons work as the action and story/dialogue marry one another expertly. Read Full Review
G.I. Joe #4 shows no signs of slowing down, as it sows dissension in Cobra's ranks and puts the Joes in a precarious position. Williamson and Reilly are continuing to fire on every cylinder imaginable, which means that next issue is bound to be one that readers can't miss. Read Full Review
KEN: 8.5. Its a heavy dose of big action within the Energon Universes premier team. Willaimson pens an intense chapter with the writing. Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton hit a bullseye with explosive panels. Judging by the last page, the story hasnt even begun to cap off. Read Full Review
Folded as it is in with the rest of the titles in the Energon Universe, G.I. Joe does a good job of landing old, familiar characters in a decidedly new world with more contemporary concerns than those that caused the franchise to come together back in the early 1980s. Its nice to see what Reilly and company put together as the series progresses into what will doubtlessly be a slowly growing complexity in the dynamic between the heroes and the villains. A firm foundation has been laid over the course of the first few issues. Read Full Review
G.I. JOE #4 is a fairly solid entry in the series, cobbling together an engaging mix of gritty action, plenty of plot movement, and the reveal of Cobra Commander's master plan. Joshua Williamson's script largely hits all the right notes for a Joe series that gets closer to its superior counterpart, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, while throwing in a few Transformers tidbits to give the story a unique twist. Sadly, the biggest failing of this issue is, again, the art. Read Full Review
Joshua Williamson is slowly growing to be one of my favorite comic book writers, and this is why
This continues to be a good book. I like that Cobra is actually organized and winning. I also like that Duke surrendered rather than put the bystanders at risk. I really abhor the coloring in the is book, but the writing is good. I continue to look forared to this book every month.
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