Immortal British Redcoat Simon Pure has been alive over 100 years... and he's still a lousy shot. Enter Annie Oakley, the most famous sharpshooter of the Wild West! She always hits the bullseye... especially the one in Simon's heart. Is it love or death at first sight? With Simon, we always bet on death first.
Redcoat #10 continues to keep Simon's adventures fun and exciting and the audience on the edge of their seats. His journey through time has us ready to see whom he crosses paths with next; all the while, there is a larger story being told ending with a bit of a cliff-hanger. Redcoat continues to be one of my favorite comics out at the moment! Read Full Review
Redcoat 10 introduces a new ally for Simon along with one final teaser for Simon's encounter with The Northerner. This has been one of the easiest series to get into in years. The creative team truly gets all the potential and isn't lacking for the number of ways to tap into Simon Pure's very fallible though endearing nature. Read Full Review
After ruminating on the role chance plays in his life, an accident helps Simon Pure meet Annie Oakley. Redcoat #10 reminds us how Simon's childhood shaped him and helps us better understand why, two years later, he will try so hard to keep his distance from thirteen-year-old Albert Einstein. Read Full Review
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